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Exorcists WIP thread


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Thanks Flint and candles. smile.png I'm going to try and get the arms finished by tomorrow. I want to get cracking on the chapter icon and hexagrams since there's a lot of big panels on this guy I can work on.

Thanks Deathspectre. Yeah I can't wait to paint the librarian. I remember when the librarian was first released some people said they didn't like the Cherub that came with him. I on the other hand am a big fan of that kind of stuff in the artwork and miniature form.

Hi all, showing my Dreadnaught that is pretty much finished. Was a lot of fun painting it and was my try at drawing hexagrams and other drawings. I used the forgeworld Exorcist images from 40kwiki to get ideas. I also have two other arms(lascannon and plasma gun) that i'll paint up over time during other projects. Anyways here he is...


Marqol: I didn't realize it until I read your post. I like putting together the models so much I tend to forget about the painting process. lol



I agree with Deathspecter, it is looking good! A nice red you have there and the freehand on the dread is awesome. 

Only reason I bought up the attack bike is I did the exact same thing with mine ^^ silly excitement about gluing plastic together haha. 


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