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40K All Day Video Battle Reports

steve shields

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Hello everyone, so to make things easier and since I am going to keep making these videos I figures I would make one thread and then update it every time i post a new video. So without further ado, my plug for my third battle report.....

I just uploaded my third battle report. For this one we did a larger game 4K chaos demons VS tau. I think this one is much better, and the sound issues are gone! Let me know what everyone thinks, and what you would like to see next. Don't forget to subscribe on YouTube! Please check out 40K All Day on facebook and give it a like. Thanks!
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I've watched the three BR, and it's great stuff. You've really improved the overall quality with each video, and the third is really neat.

Keep'em coming !


Edit : Oh, and painted armies on both sides got me hooked.

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Vesper thanks for the kind words. I will never feature an army that is not fully painted in a battle report. Why would anyone watch that? I would rather weaken my list than have an unpainted stronger unit haha. If you would give it a subscribe if you havn't already. I promise many more videos to come.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey everyone, after the long weekend I got two videos done. One is a normal battle report of chaos vs chaos amd the other one is a review of the new(ish) planet strike rules.  Let me know What everyone thinks. Hope everyone else in the states had a great holiday weekend. Please subscribe my channel!


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Yeah he came close both times. If we had played eternal war for the first mission I'm sure he would have gotten it. But he hadn't played maelstrom yet so we went to the cards haha. What did you think of doing a video for the planet strike rules?

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Hey everyone just finished editing and uploading the latest report! I found a new shop around me, the games workshop at red top plaza if your from the area. Great terrain and a good atmosphere, I'll definitely be going back. It was a great game and was actually the rematch requested by some of you against the tyranid player. As I announced the other day I will be giving away a squad of 5 Chaos Marines painted however the winner wants once my facebook page reaches 150 likes. I will also be giving out a 40K prize when my YouTube Channel reaches 100 subscribers, and I will be announcing what that prize is in next weeks video. 



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Hey everyone just finished editing and uploading the latest report! I found a new shop around me, the games workshop at red top plaza if your from the area. Great terrain and a good atmosphere, I'll definitely be going back. It was a great game and was actually the rematch requested by some of you against the tyranid player. As I announced the other day I will be giving away a squad of 5 Chaos Marines painted however the winner wants once my facebook page reaches 150 likes. I will also be giving out a 40K prize when my YouTube Channel reaches 100 subscribers, and I will be announcing what that prize is in next weeks video. 






Subscribed! Generally I like the longer style of batreps (partly because I use that as a reason to give myself time to paint my models, lol), but I enjoy your short and to the point batreps, and it's nice to see fully painted armies and beautiful terrain. Keep it up! =]

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Contagion thanks for the subscribe. I wanted to do something different by doing this mid length battle reports. Figure I have to do something to make my channel different haha.

straz thanks, I wanted to feature it a few times now but I feel like I should pace the introduction of cool toys :P

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Hey guys just uploaded my army showcase video. If you want to see what 40,000 points of painted models look like check it out! If you like showcase videos there will be more to follow, so let me know. Also don;t forget that once the 40k all day Facebook page reaches 150 likes I will be doing a giveaway of a 5 man CSM squad painted according to the winners specifications. Also once my the 40K all day youtube channel reaches 100 subscribers there will be another mystery gift that will be revealed this weekened. So give the page a like and a subscribe!




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Hello everyone, I've got the 6th battle report up on my channel. Its a space hulk battle report using the new rules that come out next weekend. It was an absolute blast to play, and I'll definitely be getting my own set when it comes out. There were many hilarious moments during this game, and I feel the space hulk rules really allow things like that to happen. As promised I revealed the 100 subscription give away prize at the end of this video so watch it to see what it is! I'm still giving away the 5 Chaos Space Marines once my facebook page reaches 150 likes, so if you have not already please go visit the page and give it a like. Thanks, hope everyone had a great weekend!




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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello everyone new video is up and ready to be seen! Unfortunately my opponent had to cancel this weekend so instead I bring to you a showcase of 7500 points and an update on my terrain painting! Not as exciting as good old fashioned dice rolling but I do love showcases. This is my first video with the new camera, and the picture is much sharper. However, it does detect hand movement more than my phone did so I will have to work on that.

The giveaways are still a go as well! As I type this I have 96 subscribers and 140 likes. That means there is just enough time to like and subscribe to get in on the prizes! So if you haven't already please hit the like and subscribe buttons for great videos and some cool prizes!



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