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ToF 7th Ed. Statistics


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I actually enjoyed the PDF dex, bizarrely - even had an undefeated list. Even if it did have some outrageous RAW things that nobody I faced was :cuss enough to try and pull (Rhinos without access points, anyone?) and borderline auto-takes (Lemartes with an extra wound and other things for only 5 points more than a regular jump-chaplain? Where do I sign?). Only thing I didn't like about it was the pseudo-mandatory Death Company where you didn't -have- to take them, but the rest of your units were costed to reflect having them so you were effectively points down if you didn't.

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I actually enjoyed the PDF dex, bizarrely - even had an undefeated list. Even if it did have some outrageous RAW things that nobody I faced was censored.gif enough to try and pull (Rhinos without access points, anyone?) and borderline auto-takes (Lemartes with an extra wound and other things for only 5 points more than a regular jump-chaplain? Where do I sign?). Only thing I didn't like about it was the pseudo-mandatory Death Company where you didn't -have- to take them, but the rest of your units were costed to reflect having them so you were effectively points down if you didn't.

Except for the few units where you got them for free, like terminators ;)

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Just wanted to share this here for those who haven't read it. Seems like 7 of the top 10 lists were eldar, not sure what percentage this is but it highlights a few points and opens up a whole can of worms in debate. Intriguing comments on the baron soon to be unavailable as ally to eldar, assume this will be because they'll make him LoW? Ah well, them pointy ears will just have to choose one of their other filthy rotten lists :D



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Maybe they'll make one for 7th? Hope they don't, but it's a shame that such a silly, silly thing as eldar and DE being 'battle brothers' is nerfed by technicality rather than principle. Oh hang on yeah, this is GW. Silly me.


@knifeandfork gawd yeah I know what you mean. Yet you get some dudes who use those lists and think they're napoleon cos they win games with it. Those filth lists remind me of the feeling when I got excited with the prospect of land raider spam, then wrote a list and realised it would be the most boring list BA could possibly choose. May as well stand at the gaming table in a white lab coat holding a clipboard and nudging my glasses and saying "hmm...most elementary" every time my oppo moves a unit.

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I play Dark Eldar and use the Baron from time to time, but always in a unit of Hellions. He's only vicious if you put him in a beastpack, and even THEN it relies on Eldar with their psychic shenanigans to be truly disgusting. I'll be glad to see the back of it. Worst case scenario for me is that my Baron model gets reduced to the status of kick-ass helliarch.

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