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Two Test Figs: Crimson Vs. Black


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Thanks for the feedback guys.


 I do realize though that in looking at these figs in front of me, they look significantly different than the photo and I think that's a result of the poor lighting.


Actually I had thought the red was going to be the favorite. That being said one model is obviously a character and the other is a line trooper, but aside from the obvious bling differences in the models, I'd say the time spent is incredibly similar! Truly. The pace of blending reds is easier, and quick compared to slow, steady trim work with higher contrast lines.


With the Black Legion guy I am basically using my old Black Templar treatment updated with the new paints. The golds are sooo much better now, and the shade (Agrax Earthshade) is so much better to work with as well compared to GW's old stuff.


The Black Legion dude grew one me even though I envision an army of it kind of blending in, where the Crimson Slaughter would 'pop' a bit more. 




Army wise:


Crimson Slaughter: I've played a lot more. The codex/Supplement just seems a LOT easier to have fun with. Divination is 'fun' and working in Daemonology is seamless with CS. Draznicht and the relics that are essentially Kranon (but potentially on a bike, or on foot, or with possessed) are honestly quite usable. Maybe the least impressive is getting those Possessed to come through for you. But overall I find the supplement useful, and fun to explore. The background is something I really enjoy as well and might be the only 'young' Chaos chapter that I have had any interest in since Huron and the funky bunch.


Black Legion: Probably one of 2 Chaos Legions I never put ANY time into. Without trying to start debate I think this was for 2 reasons: 1 ) Black is incredibly easy to put on an army, but incredibly hard to make stand out, and really catch attention. 2 ) Abaddon. Until now I personally feel he has been portrayed horribly. To me, the early years of this game the two most undesirable factions of this game were Ultras, and Black Legion. There was no real flavour for either of them for years until the last couple of editions. Just my personal take on it, I don't expect anyone to agree.


But now with the Horus Heresy series it gives Abe some personality, and further ADB is going to blow us away with some Black Legion spun tales of Abe's adventures.  


Codex wise unlike the Crimson Slaughter I have a really tough time making a valid list that doesn't feel like it's something else, with Black Legion troops. Abaddon is something I truly want to field in 1850 but I can only make it work on paper with a deep striking Terminator escort.  I can't help but think he absolutely screams for a non-deviation (warp assisted) teleport ability. It would help a bit, and is completely reasonable.


But before getting off topic, every Black Legion list I make has a squad of mixed functionality Chosen. Meltas + CC ability. The HQ is really tough without going to something that isn't specifically Black Legion feeling. My initial aim was Abaddon, but it didn't work, so then it became a sorc (termie or otherrwise) with Last Memory of Yuranthos. I never fielded it. The relics seem hard to fit in on a 'vanilla' lord to me. 


Anyway I think the Black Legion are definitely harder to work with. 


Both the figs were a lot of fun to dive into. 

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Black. Red is horrible to get looking good and even worse to look interesting. The shading alone takes hours to do, on a single model.

Black is nice and simple and can be done without actualy using black paint[unless am doing it. Then its black spray paint or smoke in all the way baby].

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You're not forced to play with the BL supplement. Playing Black Legion with vanilla or CS supplement is absolutly alright, you know.


And yes, AD-B will make the Black Legion awesome. If you get in the bus before I receive my copy of the Talon of Horus, you'll get to say you were in before AD-B made them cool :).

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No you're right, technically I'm not forced to play anything. 


I realize there will be a lot of bandwagon jumping once Talon of Horus comes out. As mentioned, I've flirted with BL for ages, but the hobbiest side of me is completely motivated by cool fiction, and artwork.... For instance, I have pounded out 2 massive Necron armies. They win, but look maybe a 6-10 for painting. I thoroughly uninspired to paint them.


The Talon of Horus I'm sure will see a lot of 'warbands' firing up across the galaxy. :) That being said I too am awaiting my copy but it will probably take a long time to reach me....


Every Chaos army I've done has been well inspired by background, movies, or whatever... but preferably the fiction. So right now I think that's why I'm drawn to either the CS or BL. I really enjoyed reading both codexes. 


It would be very cool to field Abaddon. He reminds me of Calgar in the sense that both are supposed to be these amazing characters, yet neither really translate on the table top. 


Model wise it took me many, many attempts over the past months to make a 'red recipe' that I really enjoyed for CS. As a down side I have a high number of figs that are based in this red. (I know the pictures are dull, and a bit too dark drowning out some of the contrast.) But to do a repaint on all those figs would be.... wow... quite an undertaking! (I don't think some would take it to be honest).


I appreciate the honest opinions and not just people kind of voting for their favorite legion. ;)

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Oh, I like red armies too - I have one myself after all! I think you just have to decide what you prefer painting en masse. Both would look excellent on the table top painted to them standards, the line troopers through to the HQ's and war machines. I am a person who has to truly love an army to collect and paint them; I need to love not just the colour scheme, but also all aspects of their background, but have enough scope for me to create my own back ground as well. Which is why for me the BL is where it is at for my CSM, although I do actually like the CS fluff too.


Also Khorne heavy for me, as I love me a bit of wet work.

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I am very "philosophical" when comes to Chaos Space Marines and my fault is that I LOVE all the traitor legions, and I hate the "renegade" upstarts. So I would say that when you struggle to find a scheme for the CSM then it is time to roll with Black Legion. They are nondescript and completely open to make your fluff around them. There is no need for any "geneline traits" since all is viable, yet you can still claim to be part of a "traitor legion".


Modelwise, I think the line trooper, the Black Legionnaire is great. I love reds too but I find them to be a hit or miss more often than not. Red looks awesome on some miniatures but too garish when comes to an army. That is also the reason why despite I love the Word Bearers I struggle to commit to them. Also reds do not look too nice with the many flesh tones we need in our army (Helbrute, Maulerfiend, Spawn) since they are both carnal colours and sometimes IMO (IMO... really) the flesh tones are lost.


On the other hand both models are nice. Yet for a long term project I would go with the Black Legion. They look cool, they are cool and they will soon get some love from BL. Also they have a supplement already out so no surprises or last minute retcons. A wise choice indeed for the long term.

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Okay, that's good enough for me. I'll crank up the warp fires and start churning out the Black Legion. I'm glad it turned out most people I showed this to actually liked the BL. Always a fear of the model disappearing into the masses, but I'll do my best not to let that happen. :)



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I always thought the red Chaos armies didn't look as good as I don't like the colour palette (especially mixing red and gold - at least blood angels try and keep them separate). However, black armies tend to look quite dull on the battlefield, particularly their vehicles. Plus Black Legion are kind of boring, borderline Aurora Chapter boring. On the flip side they will always have lots of fluff, and my most feared opponent on the tabletop - Abaddon with a bodyguard of 5 beefed up terminators.


How much longer doe the red take to paint compared to the black? If it's less than 30 minutes a model it is worth it. If not stick with Black legion, unless you have the time to spend.

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Okay, that's good enough for me. I'll crank up the warp fires and start churning out the Black Legion. I'm glad it turned out most people I showed this to actually liked the BL. Always a fear of the model disappearing into the masses, but I'll do my best not to let that happen. smile.png


Welcome, brother !

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