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My experiences with the new GK codex so far...


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I played 3 games today, all 1500 points.

I took an divination inquisitor warlord & henchmen in a valkyrie (including a psyker and 3 skulls).

5 Pallies (apothecary, brotherhood banner, 2 psycannons, 4 hammers)
5 Strikes (psycannon)

2 x 5 Strikes (hammer & incinerator)


Stern & draigo join the pallies - stern buffs them with sanctuary.
Bit of a ballsy list - no ravens or dreadknights, but I've loved fielding knight deathstars since 2nd edition. smile.png

Anywa, first game was against new wolves.

We drew the maelstrom mission where you have 3 cards per turn. He had:


WGBL (thunderwolf, hammer, runic armour, shield)

15 bloodclaws (with various power weapons)

5 bloodclaws

5 thunderwolves (with a power fist and a couple of shields)

1 of each of the new flyers

5 Longfangs with lascannons

I went first, so I deepstruck the pallies right in front of the longfangs (skulls helped for accuracy) and the strikes right on an objective that i drew. 1 of the interceptors shunted onto another objective, the other squad shunted to within range of the longfangs. Pallies & interceptors wiped out the fangs, giving me 2 objectives and first blood.

Basically the SW flyers both failed to come on until turn 3, by which point I had amassed enough of a objective lead that the game was out of his reach. he ended up killing 2 pallies, my valkyrie and all 3 squads of my power armour with his thunderwolves and flyers. i killed everything except one of the flyers. the SW flyers are brutally good, but draigo is such a tank with his 2++ (thanks to stern).

GK win 11-5.

Second game was against a bizarre unbound CSM list;
Warpsmith in rhino
Bloodthirster (grimoire)

Lord of skulls

Turns out I was a brutal match up for him. Pallies teleported down, with the strikes and incinerators. Together they took down the thirster in one shooting phase.

LoS charged the pallies - draigo took off 3 hullpoints, then tanked 4/5 wounds thanks to his 2++. The pallies with hammerhand & force weapon rerolls to pen destroyed the LoS in one phase and the game was all but done.

GK win via wipout.

Game three was against Tau.. The mission was the maelstrom one where you start with 6 objectives that go down 1 each turn. I cant remember the exact list, but it had farsight and 3 riptides.

Farsight & his unit killed 3 pallies and wounded draigo on their deepstrike after my whole army shooting a riptide did 1 wound. sad.png

The pallies killed farsight & his unit on the following assault, and my interceptor justicar took down a riptide with his thunderhammer.

My second squad held up the 2nd riptide for most of the game without killing it, and I got the 3rd down to 1 wound with the pallies and strikes shooting it.

This game was really close - i had 1 unit of 5 interceptors left, my inq & henchies and their valk, draigo, stern and 1 pally still alive.
He had 1 riptide on 1 wound and 1 on 3 and a unit of kroot, but won 7pts to 6. sad.png

Draigo tanked a lot of wounds, but the pallies just couldnt quite get the riptides in combat. The interceptors where excellent at controlling the riptides movement, and they destroyed both units of pathfinders on the first turn with their shunt, which was crucial. Sure, they aren't as good as dreadknights, but they are much cheaper and together with draigo using gate of infinity, they allowed me to herd the riptides in such a way to minimise how much damage they could do.

I was worried by this matchup more than any other, but the Gk did really well.

My Inq unit complimented the GK well, the servo skulls helped me deepstrike without too much worry, the valk picked up a lot of cheap objectives, and they inq & henchmen added 2 dice to the warp charge pool. Don't think its a super competitive list by any means, but I do think that draigo, stern & pallies is legitimate deathstar, especially with gate and careful placement of servo skulls.

'Gate' really makes new Draigo an amazing asset. Can't wait for the bandwagon of Marine players Allying us to Gate their Centurions up the field ;) plus all our characters can take teleport homers, so you can guide the Gate really easily. 

Not with Centurions.


Our Homers only work with units in TDA or with PTs.






This is why I hate you GW. This is why. It's the little things. 

meh, centurions are for the weak. ;)


I'm playing this same dreadknightless pallystar list against (what I think) is a pretty brutal ultram/white scar ally list tomorrow.

He usually fields khan/shield eternal bike chapter master and tigurus & 5 centurions. 

One more game last knight - my Inq/GK (same list as above) vs Ultras/GK allies. 

He had:


2 tac squads in pods (melta, combi-melta)


5 centurions (4 grav cannons, 1 lascannon, plus some wargear thing that gives split fire)


GK libby

5 GK termies (1 psycannon, 4 swords)


Mission was the maelstrom one where you can get each others objectives. I had first turn, he didn't seize.

His draigo and GK librarian deployed with the centurions and tigurius, everything else was in reserve. 


I deployed draigo, stern and my inq with the pallies, and the interceptors & henchmen behind cover in my deployment zone. strikes and valk in reserve.

He tried to sieze, didnt work.

My turn 1; the strikes land on an objective card he drew, near my deployment zone. Both interceptors shunted towards the centurions. The pallies gate of infinity'd right in front of them. 2 incinerators, 2 psycannons and 13 stormbolters killed 2 centurions. 3 psyk out grenades put 2 wounds on his draigo, however tigurius rolled a 6 on the perils chart and went all uber. Stern got off sanctuary, however prescience was blocked. 

His turn 1; his GK termies failed to show up. His pod scatters behind my pallies, killing 1 with a melta gun. tigurus casts invisibility on his unit, and his GK libby casts prescience. his centurions did 14 wounds to my pallies, however 2++ draigo tanks 12 of them.

My turn 2: Valkyrie doesnt show. Stern fails to get sanctuary off, but prescience & hammerhand both work. Pallies & 1 interceptor squad shoot the centurions again - they do 1 wound to a centurion and 1 wound to his draigo (with a psyk out). My other interceptor squad shoots his pod tac squad, killing 3 of them. Pallies charge the centurions - draigo's challenge each other (lol), but i cant hit him and I save both of the wounds he does. i do 1 wound to a centurion with stern, killing it, all of my pallies whiff, even with rerolls to hit. a pally takes a wound. My interceptor squad finishes off his tac squad, giving me first blood. 

His turn 2: his other pod and stormtalon show up, as do his gk termies. he casts prescience, but i save all my dice to try block invisibility, which i do! his gk termies land on an objective in near my deployment zone and shoot my strikes, killing 2. his and 2nd pod tac squad talon shoot my interceptor squad, wiping them out. in combat, my draigo kills his, whilst my pallies, stern and 2nd unit of interceptors wipe out his last 2 centurions, tigurius & his GK libby.  

My turn 3: My valk hovers onto an objective, whilst draigo & friends gate to another. My valk and pallies shoot down the talon, whilst my interceptors kill 2 of his tac squad in assault for 1 loss. 

His turn 4: his GK termies shoot the pallies, killing 1 more (3 left). In their combat, my interceptors kill another tac marine for no loss, but they hold. 

At this point we call it - i've lost 2 pallies, a unit of interceptors, 2 strikes and draigo is on 2 wounds. He has only got 2 pods and 5 gk termies left on the board, and I'm up 6-2 on victory points. Biggest thing this game was having enough dice to stop invisibility - that power is ridiculous! 

I'm still tempted to pick up a couple of DK, but this list seems to be working ok, so i might leave it for now.


I took an divination inquisitor warlord & henchmen in a valkyrie (including a psyker and 3 skulls).



5 Pallies (apothecary, brotherhood banner, 2 psycannons, 4 hammers)

5 Strikes (psycannon)

2 x 5 Strikes (hammer & incinerator)



Nice reading :D


Som questions for your list.

1. Which Hencmen do you use?

2. are the 2 x 5 Strikes with hammer & Incinerator your interceports?

Sorry about that, I put the wrong list up.


The full list is:

Inquisitorial Detachment:

HQ1: Ordo Malleus Inquisitor (warlord, psyker, force sword, Grimoire of True Names, 3 servo skulls): 69pts

EL1: 1 acolyte (boltgun), deathcult assassin, priest (bolt pistol), psyker, valkyrie: 181pts


Grey Knights Nemesis Strike Force:
HQ1: Brother-Captain Stern: 185pts

EL1: 5 Paladins (apocothary, brotherhood banner, 2 psycannons, 4 hammers): 400pts

TR1: 5 Strike Knights (staff, psycannon): 130pts

FA1: 5 Interceptors (hammer, incinerator): 145pts

FA2: 5 Interceptors (hammer, incinerator): 145pts

LoW: Draigo: 245pts
Total - 1500 points
28 models, 10 warp charges.

Its a fluffy list - the Grimoire & force sword (and priest buffs) means the Inq is a legitimate threat to most Daemon Princes and Great Daemons, and his retinue is really just there for the valk and the extra warp charge. The priest keeps them fearless and makes the lone deathcultist fairly decent. For 55pts I never expect a lot out of them, but they have won a lot of games for me before, the priest especially. 


On that last game, the psyk out grenades were awesome!

Its great to see a small elite army of grey knights doing well!   I do fear that these deathstars with guaranteed access to GoI are going to turn into chasing each other around the board while everything outside the deathstar is pretty irrelevant.  Certainly seems that way from your game. 

  IMO the centurions should of GoI away from charge distance and still been able to shoot you leaving you to either chase,  GoI again or find another target.   They could of at least GoI to the other side of your unit so that Draigo couldn't tank everything. 

Probably badly. :P

I would try to get the interceptors within charge range and use their hammers against ground av13/14 targets.


I'm playing one my mates either Thursday night or on the weekend who usually fields a blindaxe juggerlord with spawn, Khârn & zerks in a raider, another squad of zerks in a raider and 2 chickens. I literally have no idea how I am going to fight that. :) 

Probably badly. tongue.png

I would try to get the interceptors within charge range and use their hammers against ground av13/14 targets.

I'm playing one my mates either Thursday night or on the weekend who usually fields a blindaxe juggerlord with spawn, Khârn & zerks in a raider, another squad of zerks in a raider and 2 chickens. I literally have no idea how I am going to fight that. smile.png

hah... Can't wait for that Battle rep. tongue.png

One game tonight, vs Slaanesh CSM (Emperor's Children).

He had:

Lord with murder sword, 4++ invul.

Daemon Prince (slaanesh, lvl3 psyker, black mace, wings, armour).

2 x 5 noise marines (blastmaster, doom siren, power sword, rhino).



10 daemonettes

Mission was the maelstrom one where you get cards for controlling objectives. He got first turn, i couldn't sieze.

He deployed everything on the board, on or behind cover. I deployed one of my incinerators out of sight, and my other incinerators in cover.

His turn 1;

He gets off a power that makes his prince have +3 toughness, belakor also makes the prince invisible (grrr). Both noise marines shoot the interceptors in cover, killing , 2 but they pass their pinning test.

My turn 1:

Pallies fail to come on, strikes deepstrike onto an objective, and kill 6 daemonettes with their stormbolters.

His turn 2:

Belakor lands in cover - Invisible and +3 toughness on the prince work again, noise marines kill 1 more interceptor, chicken comes on and kills all 5 strikes at once. First blood to him.

My turn 2: Pallies come on (as does my valk). Valk hovers to take an objective and imbolises a rhino. Pallies land next to the prince, and both interceptor squads shunt next to belakor. He stops sanctuary from working, but i get off hammerhand and force. The pallies cant hit the prince, but the interceptors both wound belakor with psyk outs (I'm loving these things).

His turn 3. His chicken vectors the valk, taking off 2 hull points. Invisible and +3 toughness on the prince work again. sad.png
Both noise marine squads shoot the valk, wrecking it. The chicken then kills 5 interceptors and the noise marines kill my last 3 interceptors. Belakor charges my warlord & priest (the other 3 henchies died in the crash), and his prince charges the pallies. His prince rolls a 6 for its attacks, and kills driago(!). The pallies kill the prince in return, though 2 die to the black mace. My inquisitor's grimoire reduces belakors initiative from 8 to 3, and my 60pt inquisitor kills him!!! Rerolls to hit from the priest really helped here.

My turn 3. The pallies hop onto an objective and make the chicken jink with their psycannons (taking off 1 hull point). sanctuary fails to work again, but i get off force.

His turn 4. I'm up 5-2 on objectives so far (though his daemonettes are hiding in my backline giving his first blood), so his noise marines all shoot my pallies with everything looking for a wipe out. The chicken vectors my inquisitors unit, but the priest saves it with his rosarius. i lose 2 pallies to shooting, leaving me with my inq & priest, stern and 1 pally. He has his warlord, chicken & 2 x 5 noise marines.

My turn 4. Stern and the last pally charge the noise marine general with his lord. risky, because the lord has the murdersword on stern, which i totally forgot about! sanctuary and force work, and i kill 3 noise marines with my shooting, though unfortunately i roll snake eyes to save 2 overwatch hits from the doom siren and lose the last pally. His murdersword does 3 wounds to stern and i save 2. I use stern's reroll and he stays alive. stern then kills his lord (even rerolling the lords save thanks to my stern reroll) and both his remaining noise marines.

His turn 5. The chicken vectors stern, who saves, though he loses 1 wound to the last noise marine units shooting. Their rhino cruises onto an objective, whilst the chicken hovers onto another near the noise marines. I'm still up 7-5, and we both have linebreaker (me with stern, him with the daemonettes). Stern takes another wound from the noise marine shooting, but i reroll it and he makes it on the reroll.

My turn 5. Stern shoots then charges the noise marines, killing 3. My inquisitor & priest charge his daemonettes, killing all 3, thanks to old school psyk out grenades.

His turn 6. The chicken vectors and shoots my inq, but the priest makes all 3 rosarius saves! Stern finishes off the noise marines.

My turn 6. Nothing really happened.

The game finishes there, with me up 8-5. He has a chicken & 2 rhinos left (1 is immobilised). I have Stern, my inquisitor and the priest.

Interesting game draigo and my pallies had horrific rolls to save (and the black mace), but i can't complain after my priest made 4 rosarius saves and my inquisitor took out belakor. Stern was the man of the match for me, he killed a chaos lord & 8 noise marines.

I really like this list, but I think that this game shows that a couple of bad rolls on the pally unit means i will struggle even against fluffy armies like this one (except for belakor - he is awesome).

I might try out dreadknights soon. Is this list any good?

Same inquisitor & henchmen (i love these guys).



5 termies

2 x 5 interceptors

2 dreadknights.


I'm really liking Stern, i think that this version is the best the character has ever been.

How much have you been able to take advantage of the the Paladins' two Wounds during these games?  If they're getting one-shotted via ID wounding hits every time, then I'd say it's definitely time to transition to regular GKT and save points for other things.


I'm looking forward to your results after integrating the two NDKs.

Unlike a lot of posters here, I dont think the pallies vs termies issue is cut and dry. At least in my experience. In all my games, I believe I've lost 1 pally to ID vs a SW multi melta, 2 to tau (against 3 riptides too), and 1 to a space marine melta gun. And the 3 to the black mace in the last game, though that is a bit different, since its a toughness test with no save allowed.


It is true that I could get 10 termies for the pally squad I am running, but I would have lost at least 5 or 6 to the SW (my FNP rolls were really good that game), Farsight's drop would have wiped out 7 (his unit was mostly rocking dual plasma), and I still would have lost the entire unit against the NM (since my saves were so bad). Against the daemon prince and the lord of skulls, I would have been hitting on 5s too, which hurts. As well as that, I find large units of termies cumbersome to move and dangerous to deep strike - we tend to play on heavily terrained boards, like this one; 

10637812 10152340933573753 904641879 N


I'm not sure about other groups, but I've found that people like to kill things with their shooting/assault. Pallies seem to present a psychological hurdle for people in that between their 2+/4++/FNP and 2 wounds, the unit shooting at them often wont kill a single one. This encourages people to target other units with their basic troops and trusting the big guns to pally hunt. With normal termies, a unit of tac marines might get lucky and kill 2 or 3, especially with my rolls. I've been able to use this to my advantage a few times now, by controlling my opponents movement around pallies (who are now awesomely mobile with draigo). 


Having said that, pallies arent the clear choice - I find the cost of the unit compells me to protect it (ie draigo tank), and dropping them to termies and leaving draigo at home gives me enough points for 2 dreadknights, which I'm guessing is a huge boon against land raiders and riptides. The other excellent point for termies is that they take up your troop slot, so you can leave the strikes at home (who I have found to be almost useless in an already low model count army). So I think that there is a solid arguement for regular termies, but personally I'm not sure its as simple as doubling up over pallies. 


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