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What does a rhino come with? (one question more)

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I just received a rhino in the mail and I have my codex on the way but it hasn't arrived yet, so I'm not sure how to build it, it has some smoke launchers, a small radar, and a search light, I was wondering if these are things it comes with automatically or do I have to purchase them as upgrades, and if so, should I? I'd like to know if I made a mistake before I glue it all down.


I hope it's alright I ask this since I'm not asking for point costs or rules.

For Codex Space Marines and Codex Dark Angels, an auspex is an upgrade (Special Issue Wargear) that can be bought as an option by the non-unique HQ characters (i.e. Chapter Master, Captain, Techmarine, etc.)


Sergeants don't have access to Special Issue Wargear, so none of the plastic kits that include one can actually use it in the game. You could still glue it to a model, of course.


The Blood Angels and Space Wolves codexes don't include the option at all.

Huh, well that's weird. I'll not glue it on then, thank you for answering.


You can use it as decoration, really.  I don't think anyone would call you on it.  Especially if it's not even an option for the unit.  With WYSIWYG* you can get away with having more, but not less.  I.e. you can't say the Captain you're fielding has a Lightning Claw and Storm Shield when the model is clearly holding nothing but a Bolter, but you can have a Tactical Marine with a knife and a Bolter, even though they can't actually take both.


*What You See Is What You Get

Huh, well that's weird. I'll not glue it on then, thank you for answering.

It’s probably included because in third edition at least, perhaps fourth too (I don’t recall and don’t feel like getting books to check) auspexes were available to just about everyone who could take wargear, and they had some use in the game.

Granted, most of the time that use was making your 1500-point army actually cost 1500 points instead of the 1498 you almost invariably ended up at. The thing had an in-game effect too: detecting enemy scouts or somesuch in certain types of mission, but I don’t think I ever even played one of those missions, and if I did, I suspect that must have been at one of those rare times when I had managed to make a list without two points I couldn’t spend on something better than an auspex msn-wink.gif


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