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What to do what I have and how to progress/change?


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Im very new to the game I have the 6th edition book but I need to go out and get the 7th edition and CSM Codex.

I did make the mistake of buying two boxes first :X so this is what I have:

All of the csm in the Dark Vengeance set.

All of the CSM Attack Force set.

All of the Space Wolf Battleforce (dont ask)

30 CSM (I'm converting 20grey hunters into csm)

1 rhino

1 droppod

5 terminators

5 raptors or warp talons

1 XXXFiend

1 Chaos Lord

1 Helbrute

20 cultists

6 chosen

1 Chaos Lord or Sorc




Do I need to buy more?

Is this army fairly decent?

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