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Duality of Chaos

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Everyone trying to attribute some form of martial nobility to Khorne can look at one of the more popular mantras regarding his legion: Khorne cares not from whence the blood flows, only that it does. I don't think he has any issue with the harming of anyone in particular msn-wink.gif

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The Chaos Gods may be "rooted" in less negative emotions, but since they single-mindedly crave power, they always push their followers towards the most extreme and self-destructive ones. That's why their most powerful mortal servants end up shedding most of their humanity until they reach daemonhood.

Op and Vesper interpretations are the ones that made me want to be a Khorne follower bakc in 2nd Ed with the RoC books.
Yogi interpretation is the bland and stupid itteration of Khorne since 4th Ed, the itteration that in the end made me loose interest in 40k in the long term.

As bland as it is, the 4th edition fluff is in line with the RoC and 2nd edition fluff.
There have been a few instances where he's been portrayed as honorable (most notably in the Liber Chaotica books) but most of it comes from Fantasy and even there his portrayal has been pretty consistent since RoC.

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This topic is under the watchful gaze of the moderators. I will have no insults, no bickering and no taunts, for every frater is entitled to his view. If things become heated I will enact quarantine protocols. 



Now onto the topic. First thing first, the chaos gods are not just dual in their aspect, but they have myriads of aspects, forms of religions, cults, indoctrinations, codes and mores about them. Khorne can easily be the god of a blood soaked berserker as he can be the patron deity of a honour bound and disciplined martial society. In one aspect he can be both a god of war as he can be the god of butchery and bloodshed.


I think it is wrong to assume that a Chaos god is simply a polarized and focused deity. In fact if you read FFG books, Black Crusade, in the Tome of Blood there are at least seven different societies presented who worship Khorne in different ways, each is unique and each is right in their belief. 


Also take always Chaos with a grain of salt and as an opportunity for a healthy debate for it is effectively chaotic, hence every single interpretation is very well right on its own. 

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I've always thought it interesting that the same duality could be representative of the eight points of the star - polar opposites but always coalescing on one central point; all united as part of one whole.


Or just me?

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I've always thought it interesting that the same duality could be representative of the eight points of the star - polar opposites but always coalescing on one central point; all united as part of one whole.


Or just me?

And all the myriad possibilities found on the "bar" portions of the arrows in between the extremes of the duality as well. It's a fantastic symbol on multiple levels.

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I've always thought it interesting that the same duality could be representative of the eight points of the star - polar opposites but always coalescing on one central point; all united as part of one whole.


Or just me?

And all the myriad possibilities found on the "bar" portions of the arrows in between the extremes of the duality as well. It's a fantastic symbol on multiple levels.



Definitely - the different portrayals of it and how "warped" it can be is entirely useful. Better than the whole "there were more gods but we cut them out line". 


And if people want to include Malal then he can just be the centre...

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