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Which assassin for Khorne?


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Here's a thought experiment for you all, inspired by the rumblings about putting an Assassin with a chaos army due to the new dataslate - which would be most appropriate for a bunch of Khornate loonies?


Although the obvious choice perhaps is Eversor I'm not so sure - we already have enough close combat kill power thanks to Bezerkers, tooled-up Lords and so forth. I was thinking, actually, that any of the other three would be better.


Culexus solely because psykers are open season and a pain in the arse for us.

Vindicaire because a little accurate shooting before the mayhem is useful to weed out powerfists and the like. Callidus because of disruption purposes and who said men were the only followers of Khorne anyway?



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Death Cult most likely. The biggest thing is finding those with the Pariah gene, while everyone else is to training and equipment.


You have to remember Khorne has a lot in martial prowess, assassination and subtlety are lower key for him then the other gods.

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Culexus is situational. Great against Psykers but so so if your opponent has no Psykers.


Vindicare they can choose to ignore since he only hits singles.


But Callidus - when she shows up either 1" away or Outflanks - your opponent will be forced to choose - shoot the Callidus (which is only Snapshot when she first shows up) or shoot your incoming Daemons. Either one has the potential to kill whole groups.

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Culexus. Full on psyker destroyer.


This - hands down, each and every time.


Who doesn't take psychic powers now?!


And, given the age old "Khorne is against them" (whether you believe this or not) - it seems appropriate.

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I don't doubt Khorne's happiness about dead psykers. I'm rather questioning the use of Pariah in Chaos Armies. You can't get more anti-warp than them. Everything about them is wrong. They are soulless abominations few, if any Chaos Lords would ever ally with. 


Don't want to ruin anyones fun. Maybe I'm just getting old.

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Vindicare-Blood Pact. Specifically the novel where Cuu gets killed. I think it's the last one in the Saint arc.


Callidus and Eversor-Gene-enhanced/highly skilled Death Cultists.


Culexes-Nemesis. Daemonically possessed Pariah trained for the sole purpose of killing high value enemy psykers.

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I don't doubt Khorne's happiness about dead psykers. I'm rather questioning the use of Pariah in Chaos Armies. You can't get more anti-warp than them. Everything about them is wrong. They are soulless abominations few, if any Chaos Lords would ever ally with. 


Don't want to ruin anyones fun. Maybe I'm just getting old.

Oh the Chaos gods are fine with pariahs. They were fine with the Grey Sensei, so that's cool.

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