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first actual game, new codex


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2000 points.   Grey knights, officio assassinorum and cypher



libby, ml3, liber, falchion, stormbolter (gate, sanct, purge, vortex)

libby, ml 3, curiass, stormbolter, warlord (first to the fray, precog, misfortune, perf time)


Purifier x10, 4 psycannon, 2 hammer, 4 hally


terminator x5, falchion x2, hammer, hally x2, psycannon


dreadknight, teleporter, sword, cinny, psycannon

dreadnought, TLLC, TLAC









Im a few points under, the dread was filler, this was an 1850 list.   My opponent was something like




4 riptide, shield, stim

crisis team, shields, fusion, stim

3x6 fire warrior

10 kroot


stealth team


We play maelstrom mission 1


I put cypher with the purfiers to outflank, the culexis outflanks, the vindicare and callidus infiltrate, the dread is on an objective in a ruid, and the dreadknight is hiding.  both libbys and the terminators in deepstrike, with first to the fray set up



turn 1... he rolls 9 6's with his misslesides and punks out the callidus.   then fusions the eversoar for an instagib, I bring in my termies, kill his kroot, the dreadknight shunts, kills his stealth team with vortex help.  the dread kills a missleside.


turn 2, he brings on 2 fire warrior teams, bounces his riptides around, kills a terminator, i get everything in, on the side i want it.. put 4 wounds on a riptide with shooting.  total psycannon shot from purifiers, 8


turn 3, his suits come on, miss the dread, he kills another termy, and kills the riptide i dinged down with gets hot.  I get the assault on another riptide, force weaponing it out. the dread charges the buffmander and crisis team, kills a suit, and gets an arm punched off by the onager.  libby/termies fail to make charge into buffmander  culexis charges, and sweeps a fire warrior team.


turn 4.  onager stuns dreadnought, he puts 2 wounds on my culexis, and pours half a table of shooting into the dreadknight to kill it.  Culexis sweeps a second fire warrior team after instadeathing the fireblade, the falchion libby perils, rolled a 1, failed leadership, and killed another termy, and wounded the warlord.  warlord fails charge to crisis suit again.


turn 5.  night falls.  misslesides cant see anything.  riptides bounce around, cants get good shots and hit objectives.  culexis starts to run for misslesides.  purifiers move toweards center, hugging cover.  still only shot 8 psycannon shots.  libby perils on misfortune, gets the mighty 6, becomes UBERLIBBY, makes charge, challenges, and punks out the buffmander, crisis team gets away, bounces to be next to vindiuseless on the top of the tower at midfield. 


turn 6.  riptides open up on purifiers, killing half in ruins with stealth.  misslesides snapshot the culexis off the table.  crisis regroup, fusion vindicare, he dont vindicare.   dread gets fusioned by other riptide. Libby shuffles for cover, purifiers finally get a target in range for psycannons.. and fail to kill the riptide.  Vindicare fails to wound the crisis, assaults them, no wounds traded.  


turn 7.  purifiers die.  libby dies.  vindicare kills the crisis team in hand to hand.  final score, 8-14 tau.



So, power armor psycannon... You are dead to me.   MVP, culexis.  the only guy who got his points back.  LVP, would that be the guy who killed himself, or one of the 2 assassins who got punked?



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