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beating imperial knights with chaos (both flavours)

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Kevin has just posted this interesting article on his blog about beating imperial knights with CSM or chaos demons, it's a good read (as usual) and I thought I'd share in case anyone struggles with them.



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Would a mayhem pack with thunder hammers be useful?

Moves much slower than the knight, might struggle to catch it.

For 630pts you could get two Mayhem Packs with Multi Meltas and Thunder Hammers to surround a Knight (not easy or maybe not viable to do with 6 DSing Helbrutes), pelt it with Meltas, and force it to charge one of them, then the others move after it to continue pelting or charge it (if not dead) or move on to other targets.


But an idea I got was a BL Tzeentch DP with ML3 (Telepathy) and The Hand of Darkness. He could single handedly take one out with 6 S10 AP1 2d6 armor pen at Initiative 8. That's roughly 325pts, then just take another HQ so he won't be your warlord.

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Would a mayhem pack with thunder hammers be useful?

Moves much slower than the knight, might struggle to catch it.
For 630pts you could get two Mayhem Packs with Multi Meltas and Thunder Hammers to surround a Knight (not easy or maybe not viable to do with 6 DSing Helbrutes), pelt it with Meltas, and force it to charge one of them, then the others move after it to continue pelting or charge it (if not dead) or move on to other targets.


But an idea I got was a BL Tzeentch DP with ML3 (Telepathy) and The Hand of Darkness. He could single handedly take one out with 6 S10 AP1 2d6 armor pen at Initiative 8. That's roughly 325pts, then just take another HQ so he won't be your warlord.

Thought the hand of darkness was one attack only...

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^ yup, pretty sure it is that.


Problem with penning in one unit with 630 points of yours is the knight costs half that nearly, and the rest of their army will be pounding yours, or just blow a hole for the knight. Much as I want to like dreads I never see them pay for themselves, especially since maulerfiends are similar price and so so so much better.

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Would a mayhem pack with thunder hammers be useful?

Moves much slower than the knight, might struggle to catch it.
For 630pts you could get two Mayhem Packs with Multi Meltas and Thunder Hammers to surround a Knight (not easy or maybe not viable to do with 6 DSing Helbrutes), pelt it with Meltas, and force it to charge one of them, then the others move after it to continue pelting or charge it (if not dead) or move on to other targets.


But an idea I got was a BL Tzeentch DP with ML3 (Telepathy) and The Hand of Darkness. He could single handedly take one out with 6 S10 AP1 2d6 armor pen at Initiative 8. That's roughly 325pts, then just take another HQ so he won't be your warlord.

Thought the hand of darkness was one attack only...

Yeah, I guess I missed that last time I used it =P

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Would a mayhem pack with thunder hammers be useful?

Moves much slower than the knight, might struggle to catch it.
For 630pts you could get two Mayhem Packs with Multi Meltas and Thunder Hammers to surround a Knight (not easy or maybe not viable to do with 6 DSing Helbrutes), pelt it with Meltas, and force it to charge one of them, then the others move after it to continue pelting or charge it (if not dead) or move on to other targets.

But an idea I got was a BL Tzeentch DP with ML3 (Telepathy) and The Hand of Darkness. He could single handedly take one out with 6 S10 AP1 2d6 armor pen at Initiative 8. That's roughly 325pts, then just take another HQ so he won't be your warlord.

Thought the hand of darkness was one attack only...

Yeah, I guess I missed that last time I used it =P

Unfortunate for your opponent. laugh.png

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One thing you could try is charging in with a Terminator squad w/ chain fists and two nurgle lords w/ blight grenades to ensure it fails an initiative test and Sorcerer ML3 with Telepathy. You still have the Stomp problem (if they can stomp when they're charged, don't know), but if they don't get D'd they might survive long enough to tear it up. Possibly get killed in the process, but at least you eliminated a knight.
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