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Does joining Abaddon mean joining the Black Legion?

Lord Kallozar

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Hi all, it is referenced plenty of times that renegade Chapters and parts of traitor Legions have joined Abaddon, but what does that exactly mean? For example if a force of Emperors Children had joined Abaddon, does it mean that they now become Black Legion or would they still remain an independent force of Emperors Children that have just teamed up with Abaddon for whatever purpose?



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A lot will depend on the time frame. I think back in the earlier days of the Black Legion, if you wanted to be pals with Abaddon et al, then that meant charring the armour and breaking out the bronze paint. They'd need to establish themselves so you know the whole "bow or die" thing would be in full flood. In later millennia with the Black Legion universally accepted as the premier villains within the Eye, Abaddon is more likely to be willing to be flexible with getting what he wants

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I would say, by M41, you join the Black Legion willingly, because you believe in them and in Abaddon.

If you want to keep your old colours, you can still be a vassal to Abaddon, like Davroth, Zhufor, the Crimson Slaughter and many other are. They aren't Black Legionnaires (yet ?) but they act on Abaddon's orders.

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working alongside the Black Legion does not equate to joining the black legion. There are numerous stories about the Black Legion working with other groups and those groups are still identified as not being the Black Legion. The first one that pops to mind is Pandorax. Huron's Red Corsairs worked alongside Abaddon and the Black Legion. Huron and Abaddon are described as being very adversarial and I recall no reason to think their respective would be any different.
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Always keep in mind the association with a feudal society. Abaddon is a warlord and has a massive army. He issues a call to army and your warband answers. They answer based upon different goals, plunder, rituals, slaves, riches, vengeance... but they fight for Abaddon and treat him as the warlord who directs the war. So far your warband are soilders fighting for an allied warlord in turn for profit or other things. If you impress the Warmaster you have gained a powerful patron, if you displeased him you most certainly end a slave of the Black Legion. Yet you are not tied to him in any other way than with your word, which in true Chaos fashion you can break whenever you wish, if you are able to survive the consequences of your action.


Yet if you decide to join the Black Legion, your colours are no more, your allegiance is to Abaddon and only to him. You are now "his" warrior, you are his direct inferior and your warband fights for the Black Legion because it is Black Legion. Abaddon and his boys in black being the top dogs in the Eye it is very convenient for a chaos space marine to side with the Black Legion, for this increases your chances of survival.


Consider the patronage of Abaddon as the patronage of Horus during the Great Crusade era. His word unlocked doors to you, secured you an allegiance with some forge worlds, made things run smoother, allowed you to dock on several shipyards and so much more. So not only the Luna Wolves/Sons of Horus vied for his patronage but many commanders from the other legions too. It was a ticket to promotion, to influence and to prestige. In the case of Abaddon it is also a ticket to have the access to some much needed supplies in the Eye and beyond. Also from runt you become top dog as soon as you don the black, for few dare to mess with the Black Legion. It is not that the Chosen of Abaddon care any in particular for the fate of your warband, but a strike against the Black Legion is a slight answered in blood and subjugation. 


All in all, siding with Abaddon does not imply Black Legion yet you come second in the picking order since the Black Legion gets the goodies first. It is a simple feudal logic, you side with one who can provide you with his patronage, you are loyal to him all the while you are still entitled to your House and to your coat of arms. 

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I don't know about "Few dare to mess with the Black Legion".


Both the Blood Gorgons and the Night Lords are on record as messing with the Warmaster's own in a most daring fashion.


And I doubt they're the only ones, becoming the big dogs in the Eye is one thing. Staying on top, when everyone and everything wants to pull you down and take the spot for themselves is quite another.

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I don't know about "Few dare to mess with the Black Legion".


Both the Blood Gorgons and the Night Lords are on record as messing with the Warmaster's own in a most daring fashion.


And I doubt they're the only ones, becoming the big dogs in the Eye is one thing. Staying on top, when everyone and everything wants to pull you down and take the spot for themselves is quite another.

And don't forget Honsou. He killed the entire warband that came to collect its tithe of the gene-seed from Hydra Cordatus.
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Or because no one wants to write about them.


There are a variety of Warbands, fighting alongside with, under, or as the Black Legion.


Not just servitude, bartered alliances, deals, and oathes. Abbadon had to perform serious tasks to garner support from the Demon Primarchs, as well as Greater Demons and princes en liege or enthralled to his servitude.

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Or because no one wants to write about them.


There are a variety of Warbands, fighting alongside with, under, or as the Black Legion.


Not just servitude, bartered alliances, deals, and oathes. Abbadon had to perform serious tasks to garner support from the Demon Primarchs, as well as Greater Demons and princes en liege or enthralled to his servitude.


They are all over codex: Black Legion and all. And it says they're either dead, or in the Black Legion now.

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I think there is a lot of distinctive in the Black Legion, diversity of cults in its ranks a very important distinction from the other traitor legions, as well as this theme, this tragedy of the best and brightest brought low and now risen again like a phoenix. In the end I am slowly finding characters from other legions now wearing the black much more interesting than the remnants of the Sons of Horus themselves. In Pandorax we had Ultramarines, Consecrators and who knows how many different gene lines represented in the ranks of the Black Legion. This makes them the exact opposite, the antithesis of an Ultramarine. This means that the Black Legion has in its ranks the minds of all the astartes lines and it is incredibly diverse when comes to unit composition and tactics. The Ultramarines have a rulebook to follow, in the case of the Black Legion every commander has his own way to run a warband, not only that, he also has the preference for certain types of warfare or tactics which may or may not mimic the ones employed by his chapter or legion of origin. Add to this mix the inevitable corruption of Chaos, the favour of the Dark Gods and so on, and if there is a defining trait of the Black Legion it is certainly diversity.


On a side note, as I have said, it is not that the Black Legion or our specific warband is intimidating but when you cross the Black Legion you better have the means to fight it out. Minor slights would be forgotten but an affront cannot be tolerated. The Black Legion cares not for the fate of one of its warbands but the shame of one is the shame of all, so some punitive action would be indeed forthcoming. 

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