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Sgt upgrades


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Hi guys, i was wondering if others think that its worth paying the points for our sgts to have power weapons and such, i personally like the idea but fear that it'll die and be a waste on a single wound model.


My main opponents are greyknights and gunline tau if that helps :), thanks dudes :D

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Champions, not sergeants ;)


Depends on the squads role really. If they are expected to see close combat then a power weapon of some kind could help. I wouldn't bother on a cheap, throw away unit that you'll be sacrificing though.

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I guess it depends on which unit it is leading really (eg a power fist on a biker sgt leading melts bikers could be worth it or on a dedicated cc squad but not at all on a havoc champion as it's long range), but I would personally say yes as a general rule; as like you, I like the idea and as a more fluffy player i am not bothered if it gets to use it.


These are just my thoughts though so I'm sure a more experienced player could give you better tips.

However, I would expect a lot of people to say no for the following reasons:

They are expensive for one wound models that are forced into challenges they are unlikely to survive.

If you're using them on standard, unmarked CSM it could be argued it's pointless as they are better shooting thus a combi weapon is a better investment.


As for your opponents, could be good against tau as it removes armour saves and if you actually manage to get past the shooting and into combat it'll tear them up more so than you would normally.


However, against grey knights (bearing in mind I have not seen the new codex) could be hit or miss. With vets you might get some good kills with power weapons but equally, they all have them and are better with them so probably won't save you although a combi plasma champ could be good to get 6 plasma shots one turn that will ignore even their terminators armour.


I guess it's an awkward decision as your opponents are so different - I would say load up on power weapons against tau to really exploit their weakness but avoid against grey knights as they can do it better and you'll do better picking them off with shooting.

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Thanks for the advice guys, would you advise p mauls for tau? As its ap4 and will Instant kill any fire blades or ethereals? I was considering the lightning claw with VOLW as now wounds spill over i could possibly get my points back from all the re roles (that is if he's sticking with pa spam or take the terminator route now)


And i was considering combi plasma on my plague marine champions, but I've already been accused of tailoring my list with 8 plasma guns in which i take to kill either a single riptide, or duel dredknight so you think it'll be justified? :p

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I actually give all my Champions Power Axes nowadays.


Ever since one time 5 Terminators killed 20 of my Marines in close combat. I keep the Champion in the back - let the others take the hits, even at I1, he will kill some things.


Power Mauls are better against high Tough / low Armor MCs.

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I actually give all my Champions Power Axes nowadays.


Ever since one time 5 Terminators killed 20 of my Marines in close combat. I keep the Champion in the back - let the others take the hits, even at I1, he will kill some things.


Power Mauls are better against high Tough / low Armor MCs.

P axes are good, but i think in comparison of 10 points you may aswell get a p fist and guarantee wounds. I havent used mauls against MC's, as the only ones i face have the 2+ save :/
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In my opinion, Mauls would be the best for beating Tau as the bonus strength will help against most of their battle suits while AP4 will still ignore most of their armour. Maybe mixed with a few Power Axes to get that AP2 if needed (not sure how much of this Tau have)?


A great unit I have started using recently is a 5 man Chaos Terminator squad. All are equipped with combi-plasma and there are 3 power axes and 2 power mauls so this could be a good investment as their 2+/5++ will give good protection while having the CC ability to tear them up and a back up in the form of a potential 10 plasma shots one turn.


Definitely! Load up on plasma, you shouldn't need to justify it if you want them - it's not 'tailoring', yes they are very good at taking down his suits but to be fair, it is not like that is the only reason you should take them. I would always take double plasma guns on a PM squad as they are the most effective gun that can deal with anything. Flamers are only Anti Infantry and Meltas are only Anti Armour whereas Plasma can do both and thus the most tactically flexible - for a standard list to take on all opponents that would be my recommendation.

As for the extra combi plasma, it won't make much of a difference, it's only one shot the plasma part so might not even do anything but for a unit you don't want in combat I would definitely recommend the extra combi weapon as a rule (regardless of it beating his units).

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And i was considering combi plasma on my plague marine champions, but I've already been accused of tailoring my list with 8 plasma guns in which i take to kill either a single riptide, or duel dredknight so you think it'll be justified? tongue.png

I always find combi-weapons a waste - but some swear by them. I'd rather sink the points into something else personally - but I'm a Plasma-addict, and you can never have enough...

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Drones 4+

Fire Warriors 4+

Crisis Battle Suits 3+

Stealth Suit 3+

Broadside 2+

Riptide 2+


Grey Knights:


GKT 2+


Because of the above I would still prefer Axe or Fist myself.


You can use Melta Bomb against the Riptide only but not the Broadside nor the others as they are Infantry.


Edit - Oh also - Heldrake!

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My champs normally get swords or claws for challenges, with axes used by other squad members to break init steps(I use at least one squad of Chosen for my troops). As an aside, I recently had one Chosen Khornate Legionnaire rampage through a squadron of Leman Russ' which was hilarious.
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I would just give the squad the same two special weapons, and the champion get a combi of the same type with a rhino.  Being force to challenge is a major issue, so leaving the champ with combi or melta bomb is the best load out in my opinion. 

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