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best helbrute loadout for a close combat army?

Lord Kallozar

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Hi all, pretty much what the title suggests - whats the best loadout for a helbrute in a close combat force? Would it be best to have him shooty and sit back to cover the army as it charges in? or is it best to have it equipped with close combat weapons too and just join in the rush? or would it be best to take tank popping weaponry as close combat armies usually lack anti-tank?


SIDE NOTE - yes I do understand and realise that helbrutes are not that competitive etc etc but I love the model an want to include one :)



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Because of the unique nature of the Helbrute's Crazed rules, it's best to go with the mixed Shooting weapon, CCW so that you aren't every just standing there without something to do if the wrong one comes up.

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Depends on what your close combat units are.


I've seen melee lists where they're used to pop transports etc, Autocannon & Missile Launcher goes well there.


My preferred load out in a Mayhem pack, which is the only way I use them, is Autocannon & Power Scourge or Multi-Melta & Powerfist w/flamer.

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I would simply run it as is. The helbrute is cheap - 100 points for a dreadnought with a melta. It's purpose is - in my opinion - counter assault and elite-deterrent. Running it with fearless cultists is what keeps anti-infantry squads away from my mob. 

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In my current list, I'm running the Helbrute as is, Multi-Melta & Powerfist. It's main purposes to give my 40 cultists fearless, but it also poses a threat to vehicles and anything else once it gets close.


Helbrute dataslate makes your preference for a Helbrute a lot more competitive than simply fielding one on it's own...


EDIT: If you have points to burn though, putting a Heavy Flamer on the fist would give it some extra anti-infantry kick.

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I find the MM/Power Fist, Heavy Flamer as the best setup for a Helbrute. It benefits from all results on the Frenzied table, it is dangerous to all units and is is very handy as support for my assault or as part of the Mayhem Pack. My other two Helbrutes have; Plasma Cannon/Flail and Autocannon/Thunder Hammer so they are not expensive and provide me with a great range of weapons. So far they have always made their points back and are versatile be it in the shooting as well as in the assault phase. 

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CC army? 


Fist and scourge?


Depends on how much anti tank you have. A brute is good in that it can provide anti tank at range, as well as fight in combat.


Lascannons, MM, or autocannons, dependent on your armies ranged weakness.

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I love taking the Mayhem Pack with 2 Mulit-Melta Helbrutes and 1 Plasma Cannon, all with Heavy Flamers. For the Helcult I love taking Twin-Linked Lascannon and Missile Launcher, keeping the Cultists in front of him to prevent him from charging into a unit or moving too far ahead if he gets Blood Rage, also if you make them Plague Zombies, they can take their FnP save after the cover save is made.

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Keep it cheap is my advice, no or minimal upgrades, run multiples of them, or alongside other walkers/tanks. Their best use is to bulk out an armour spam list, simply to provide more targets. Obviously they are not great, but they are certainly usable and if your opponent ignores them they can take out high value targets. I generally take them with melta/fist or autocannon/fist - but the melta/fist is definitely better in almost any list I can think of.

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