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Having trouble with army theme.

Trevak Dal

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Okay, so I got a couple of armies.  Grey Knights (traditional silver, blue eyes etc.), my Tau, which are Brown and Grey, and then my chaos.


I had Red Corsairs...I liked them, but also didn't, and had trouble transferring the colorscheme I was working over to Terminators and Raptors in particularly (the darn details on the legs).


I kinda want to do a Black Army...but also Kinda want to do a straight grey/green army-but I also really liked the elements I'd made up about the Red Corsairs...problem is my largest painted army are straight Beserker horde done up in STC (Chaos) World Eater paints, which makes them-largely Red, and I don't really want another Red Army.


The thing that's itched at the back of my mind since I got a hold of my Chaos miniatures were the Nightblades...basically Not Alpha Legion and Not Red Corsairs, sneaky and professional to a point, but  don't go around getting cosmetic surgery to look a like, but still say snarky, Deadpoolish stuff while jacking people all over the universe.

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It seems you have three choice imho


Go with the Nightblade concept and keep messing around with it till it clicks.  OR use the black/green and do son of horus/black legion theme army with world eaters allies.  I would suggest the purge(green, black, and gold witch ties in everything), but you hate everything nurgle so that a no go.  Finally you could do old school Red corsairs.  This is basically every marine kept there original chapter/warband colors but replace one pad with the corsair symbol and red x for any pre alliance.  This gives you painting flexibility but you keep your fluff. 



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I kinda want to do a Black Army...but also Kinda want to do a straight grey/green army

If only I could think of an army that started out a green-grey colour, then went Black.


In all seriousness, a BL splinter. Lots of opportunity for a squad or two in the SoH colours, some painting their armour black.

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