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Where to go From Here

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'Afternoon, brothers.


You guys may or may not have noticed that I haven't posted around here for over a year. I was focusing on getting my Imperial Guard army ready for a tournament (yes, it took me a whole year, I don't have much free time) but I would like to get back into my Blood Angels who I've only used a little. I think part of my problem is that my army lacks direction and I'm seeking your help for suggestions on where I should take it from here.


What I have so far is:


Nicodemus Dolorosus, Chapter Master of the Angels Sorrowful (counts-as Dante; see my avatar)

Honour Guard w/ Sanguinary novitiate, banner, chapter champion, 2x guys with storm shield and meltagun [uNPAINTED]

1x Sanguinary Priest w/ jump pack

5x Sanguinary Guard (2 axes, 2 swords, 1 power fist, 1 inferno pistol)

4x Death Company w/ jump packs (1 power sword, 1 power fist)



So ... where should I take my collection from here?


I had initially planned on doing "Dantewing" because I just love the Sanguinary Guard models so much. I will get a second Sanguinary Guard box no matter what and build a second squad with a Chapter Banner and an additional inferno pistol or two so I can at least mix-and-match if not bring both to some games. But I get the sinking feeling that "Dantewing" is not the best idea since I would like to win the occasional game (as great as it was bringing a fluffy DKoK list to the aforementioned recent tournament, winning at least ONE game during the tourney would have been nice especially since it is really the only tournament I attend each year). I love how the Honour Guard look but think they're too many eggs in one basket especially since I play 1500 pts 90%+ of the time.


But I am at a bit of a loss. I know "Descent of Angels" isn't so much of a much anymore, but I would like to do a vehicle-free army if at all possible. I want to max-out on awesome BA models, do something different (I've got lots of tanks and tansports with my IG/Inquisition stuff), and it will be a lot easier to transport this way. Although I am open to vehicles if you guys think this is simply untenable in 7th edition.


I would like to include my Chapter Master (could be a regular captain w/ jump pack, interno pistol, and power axe now that SG as troops isn't such a big deal), at least 1x SG and 1x DC in every list, but what should I build around this "core"? I like a highly aggressive, "in your face" style, taking the fight to the enemy.


So what say you? Some assault squads? Tacticals? Devastators? Bikes?


Thanks! I think that if I have a direction to build towards I can regain the inspiration that originally got me into BA. The Sanguinary Guard, Nicodemus Dolorosus and the Death Company were all a pure joy to assemble and paint but I need to get serious and build some stuff that's more efficient to go along with the cool toys.

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Honestly, if you can afford to hold off, I would. Since the BA are one of the last remaining 5th Edition 'Dexes, they will likely be redone soon, and with the prevailing trend of removing FOC shifting abilities from Unique characters and have their forces instead represented by specialized Detachments, it would be a shame for you to spend a lot of time making a specific FOC shifted force just to find out it was wasted money and effort because the new detachment has a requirement or specifies forces you didn't build or what ulyou built exceeds the new allowances.
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Well I definitely can afford to wait. Although I am thinking of building a more conventional force anyway, just one that includes SG and DC. Although it could be that there will be a snazzy new SG formation that is a lot better so maybe I'd best not abandon the idea of "Dantewing" just yet.


Maybe I'll just build that 2nd SG squad for now since I'm going to do that no matter what and just wait and see (and keep trucking with my Scions) in the mean time.

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Definitely worth holding on for a little while, as what you have there is very close to what I started with when I came back to the game about 18 months ago - an awesome list for fun but too elite and pricey too be competitive.


If there was a poll on here on the first thing that should be changed in the next dex, the price of death company jump packs would be right up there. So annoying when they are such a blast to play with.


Not sure if you play maelstrom missions, I haven't so can't help you there but I think maybe with lots of deep-striking assault units you may do better than in eternal war missions. Either way, keep your cash in your wallet for now and your fingers crossed for a good new codex!

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I started in much the same way as you about a year ago. I second the idea of some assault marines, a classic BA unit that is unlikely to go out of use. And can easily BA-bling them up with bitz from the Death Company and Sanguinary Guard. I also strongly recommend magnetizing their jump packs- gives option of removing them and magnetizing up some standard packs should you deicde to in the future with much less stress.


Also- welcome back! :) 

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Thanks for your thoughts brothers. I guess I will hold onto my $$ for now and save them for when the new codex drops. If anything I may do a RAS since I think you guys are right and they'll always be useful.


I'm not much up on the rumour-mill ... Are there any indications on when we might expect the new codex?


Just remembered that I had collected bitz to make a terminator armour version of Nicodemus Dolorosus also so maybe now is a good time to build that for future use (although he'll need an assault termie squad to escort him ... I guess those won't change much either).

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There are only a handful of codexes that have not been updated since 5E: Dark Eldar, Necrons, and Blood Angels.  The rumors are saying that these three will be updated next, with the likely order being DE, BA, Necrons. The rumors I have seen are forecasting a BA update before the end of '14 (February next year at the latest).

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Well, at least February would give me plenty of time to save $$ for a big splurge when the codex drops, plus allow me to finish my Scions. It won't allow me to bring my Angels Sorrowful to the next Astronomi-con though sad.png

I did some search-fu on google to see what kind of rumours are out there. Saw one involving some sort of new Sanguinary-type terminator unit. I'm taking that with a hefty dose of salt, but if there's even the most infinitesimal chance of that being true I'm going to hold off on those assault terminators I said might be a safe buy to go with the TDA version of Nicodemus Dolorosus. The rumours do seem very thin on the ground, though, so I'm betting the codex arrives later rather than sooner (hence my assumption of February).

An assault squad still seems safest if I really want to build something between now and February (and I do, so I'll probably buy 1x assault squad box and 1x DC box and combine them).

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That combination of assault squad and death company is a lot of fun to build and paint.


I echo knife and fork though, storm ravens are going to be a solid investment and go along with the descent of angels theme without being too vehicle heavy. That way you can maybe fit in a dreadnought of your choice or a unit without jump packs if it doesn't make point sense for now, like death company. Magnetize the backpacks and you're golden.

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Yes I can see how a storm raven could fit and I guess the chances of it changing are pretty much nil since I believe the GK storm raven remained the same. Well I'll build the RAS for now and can think about a raven after.


From reading batreps around here it seems like it would be hard to go wrong with attack bikes too and those are unlikely to change also.

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Honestly, if you can afford to hold off, I would. Since the BA are one of the last remaining 5th Edition 'Dexes, they will likely be redone soon, and with the prevailing trend of removing FOC shifting abilities from Unique characters and have their forces instead represented by specialized Detachments, it would be a shame for you to spend a lot of time making a specific FOC shifted force just to find out it was wasted money and effort because the new detachment has a requirement or specifies forces you didn't build or what ulyou built exceeds the new allowances.

Even better, one of the few good things GW has done with SW's detachments is offer discounts on some things, like the Arjac/termy/LR bundle, so while they probably won't offer you "all the cool new things at this discount" (they didn't with SW), they may offer most/all of some particular grouping you were wanting anyway at a solid price.

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Honestly, if you can afford to hold off, I would. Since the BA are one of the last remaining 5th Edition 'Dexes, they will likely be redone soon, and with the prevailing trend of removing FOC shifting abilities from Unique characters and have their forces instead represented by specialized Detachments, it would be a shame for you to spend a lot of time making a specific FOC shifted force just to find out it was wasted money and effort because the new detachment has a requirement or specifies forces you didn't build or what ulyou built exceeds the new allowances.

Even better, one of the few good things GW has done with SW's detachments is offer discounts on some things, like the Arjac/termy/LR bundle, so while they probably won't offer you "all the cool new things at this discount" (they didn't with SW), they may offer most/all of some particular grouping you were wanting anyway at a solid price.



Now that's a good point that I completely failed to consider. Not just Space Wolves, but with other new releases they have offered some half-decent deals. The Scions I'm working on, for example, are the MT Storm Scion box set which is $345 worth of models for $245 (in Canada anyway) so with that in mind I should definitely keep my wallet closed for now and wait to see what comes available. Although I won't be able to wait all the way until February so I'll probably build something ...

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  • 3 months later...

Now that the rumour thread has revealed a fair amount of detail about the Blood Angels going forward, I thought it was a good time to resurrect this thread.


Clearly, I'm going to need some tactical marines so this will be my starting point.


But how do you guys think they should be equipped? I would like, if at all possible, to at least start with a vehicle-free list since I want to be able to travel with this army (on airplanes as carry-on luggage), and if they're vehicle free I can fit them into a small carrying case. Hence my original all-jumper list.


So I figure my core will continue to be:





Sanguinary Guard (x10)

Death Company (x10)

Assault Squad (10-20)


When considering two tacitcal squads to be my troop choices, I'm not sure what to do with them. If I'm going all dismounted I'm thinking 2x 10-man squads with plasma and flakk missile launchers to sit and hold objectives?

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I've been underwhelmed by flakk missiles every time that I've used them or seen them used.  Instead, I'd go with the lascannon for a deckchair unit.  The other option is going with a pair of 5 man bp/ccw scout squads.  Hold them in Reserve and then walk them onto the board to Go to Ground on an objective in your backfield, hidden out of line of sight.  I suggest CC scouts because they're much more effective that sniper scouts once someone has gotten a unit close enough to get around the terrain they're hiding behind to try to kill them.

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I'm leaning towards Tacticals mostly for aesthetics -- I just don't like scout models all that much, plus it just feels "fluffier" to feature tacticals.


Lascannon/plasma combo sounds doable although my luck with lascannons has been horrific. They'd look cool and draw fire though.


Another consideration is the tournaments I attend are comped, so I need to spend at least 300 points on troops to avoid getting dinged. Assuming Codex: Space Marines type prices, two 10-man tacticals w/ plasma and lascannon would get that job done, or maybe bring Raphen's Death Company squad to beef the numbers/points up a bit?


For my meta, I'm not sold on plasma cannons ... I've never had access to them with the other armies I play and never missed them. I much prefer stomping enemy heavy infantry in hand-to-hand and my Tactical Marines would therefore be more focused on anti-tank and (token) anti-air, while the horde and heavy infantry are for the Sanguinary Guard and Death Company, and the Assault Marines help with anti-tank (meltas) and anti-infantry (depending on points probably run two 10-man ASM, one with 2x melta, one with 2x flamer).


EDITED TO ADD: Hmmm ... given my horrific luck with lascannons (last tournament, in 5 games, my landraider's 2x TL lascannons killed exactly ... nothing), I might go with missile launchers per James' suggestion instead of lascannons. Lascannons really aren't so much of a much versus heavier armour anyway, whereas the missiles give me more flexibility if I encounter a really infantry-heavy army.

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Two ten man Tactical squads with lascannons, gravguns, and combi-flamers for the sergeants should put you well over 300 points and gives you four units to hunker down on objectives while the bulk of your army pushes forward.  I suggest the gravgun over the plasma rifle because it won't kill your own guy and it gives you 3 shots at 18" when you don't move.  Shove the lascannon and the gravgun in one combat squad and the sergeant in with four guys with bolters in the other.  Keep them close to support each other and you can tackle anything that squirts free of the main body of your army by hitting it with two flamers, 6 bolt pistols and 2 thrown frag (or krak) grenades before assaulting with 8 legionnaires and two sergeants.

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So here's what I'm thinking as something to build towards, then branch out from there ...



Librarian w/ jump pack

Sanguinary Priest w/ jump pack


8x Sang Guard - Fistx1, Infernus Pistol x2

8x DC  - Fist, JP


10x Tactical Marines - combi plasma, plasma, lascannon

10x Tactical Marines - combi flamer, grav, lascannon


10x ASM - 2 meltaguns, Sgt w/ power first, combat shield
10x ASM - 2 flamers, Sgt. w/ lightening claw


Depending on points, could sprinkle some goodies like artificer armour here-and-there (still hoping I might be able to give some of the sergeants artificer).


I think I will build a thunder-hammer and an infernus pistol DC so that I could alternatively use Raphen's Death Company from Death Storm to prevent myself getting too horribly shredded on composition (over 300 pts elite you start getting dinged every 150 over 300).

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You will be better served with tripple Melta CS rather than SG. You have your ASM as beatsticks. I have not seen anything in the codex preventing you from taking multiple CS in the Elite section. Stack up on those. 155 for FnP and 3 Meltas on JP dudes is a good price. You have Dante to deliver them where ever needed.

If it is the SG looks that you like, then use those models to make the CS. It would fit them.

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So here's what I'm thinking as something to build towards, then branch out from there ...



Librarian w/ jump pack

Sanguinary Priest w/ jump pack


8x Sang Guard - Fistx1, Infernus Pistol x2

8x DC - Fist, JP


10x Tactical Marines - combi plasma, plasma, lascannon

10x Tactical Marines - combi flamer, grav, lascannon


10x ASM - 2 meltaguns, Sgt w/ power first, combat shield

10x ASM - 2 flamers, Sgt. w/ lightening claw


Depending on points, could sprinkle some goodies like artificer armour here-and-there (still hoping I might be able to give some of the sergeants artificer).


I think I will build a thunder-hammer and an infernus pistol DC so that I could alternatively use Raphen's Death Company from Death Storm to prevent myself getting too horribly shredded on composition (over 300 pts elite you start getting dinged every 150 over 300).

I love your list. I could see myself running this list, though probably with rhinos for the tacs.
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I love your list. I could see myself running this list, though probably with rhinos for the tacs.

biggrin.png Have to say, brother, I am feeling loving this list too, even if I say so myself. Can't wait to get my hands on the codex and a box of those new tacticals to get started!

I need to get me some 32mm bases though ... since only Dante/Nico, the SG, and the DC are fully built/painted, I think now would be the best time to just put everything on 32's.

I think I'm going to model my sergeants with the nipple armour even if they can't have Artificer armour rules-wise just because they will look cool. I can just say gold nipple armour = artificer (Sanguinary Guard), and purple armour (my successor chapter isn't red -- lé scandal!!!!) = fancy power armour.

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