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Where to go From Here

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Here's my roughly 1500 point list I am going to start working on that I can bring to Astronomi-con:




Sanguinary Priest w/ jump pack

Sanguinary Guard x8 - 2x IP, 1x fist

Tacticals x10 - missile launcher, plasma, combi-plasma

Tacticas x10 - missile launcher, grav, combi-flamer

Squad Raphen - Death Company x5 w/ TH, fist, sword, IP (troop choice)

ASM x8 - melta x2, fist, combat shield

ASM x8 - flamer x2, LC, hand flamer


It even scores 19/20 on Astronomi-con's composition. I could score 20/20 if I dropped the ASM squads down to 5 apiece and used the points saved for a lvl 1 jump librarian.

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Foot slogging tacs because this is my travel army so I want it to fit in a case that can be carry on luggage on a plane. Therefore, no vehicles.


Squad Raphen is to save myself a 2 point composition hit that astronomica-con (the only tourney I would travel for) would impose for over 300 pts in elites.


Why combat shield? Why not i guess. The list clocks in at 1499 points. It's either the shield or a random melta bomb somewhere seems to me.

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