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new to chaoss , starting a allied detatchment


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Hello .

Thought I would pop in and get some advice , I have had the idea of a chaos marine detachment for a while now . I have a reaper model one of the xmass sophie models about 4 to 5 inches tall which i want to use as a demon prince , or in this case demon princess . she is armed with a large warhammer and has a large sword on her hip . as well as wings . I also have the chaos half of the starter set , and I just picked up the chaos marine codex cheap on ebay , it arrived this morning .

my goal right away is not to build up a whole chaos army ( although I am sure i will get there ) , my goal is a solid detachment that i can run as an ally to my orks and tyranids . then over time i am sure i will add to it and build it up into a proper army .


so I have a few questions .

firstly what is the best way to kit out my demon prince ?

2nd how bad is the starter set , i read a thread here last week saying that it was basically useless .

3rd I have an IG force i was planning to build into a detachment ally for my space wolves but have never gotten around to yet . I was thinking I could convert the guards men to cultists which would give me around 60 or 70 cultists . is this worth doing or are cultists not worth the bother ?


if I do this my force will be :

1 demon prince

1 chaos lord .

60 or 70 cultists

5 chosen

1 hell brute


what should I be looking at adding next to bring this force up to a solid ally detachment and then to being a solid core to an all chaos marine force .



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Well, it's not that the starter kit is useless, it's that the Chosen are equipped in a very expensive and practically useless way.


Now with regards to your first question, there are a number of effective ways to kit out a daemon prince, but I'd always recommend the Black Mace. With it you can quickly carve your way through hordes of infantry, and if your lucky, might even Instant Death a character in a duel.


Lastly, many people will tell you that Cultists are the only viable troops choice for CSM, I don't agree with that, but cultists are definitely a cheap Objective Secured troops choice.

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hi me again . I just found something called rebels and heretics online . apparently it is a forge world supplement . i downloaded it , and it would apparently allow me to use my IG models as rebel guard . in the allies update on forgeworld it says to treat rebels and heretics as Chaos marines for the purposes of allies .

and while it does say that the allies info is for 6th edition , I would think that it should hold for 7th as all it says to do is treat R&H forces as CSM . Is this the way others are playing it or do people use the R&H rules . the other question I have is in regards to R&H psychic powers and warp charges , are they all treated as WC1 and do they get access to any other psychic lists ?

if I can add R&H to my force , I can add the scraps of IG models I have which would add a LR tank , a couple walkers , and a bunch of HW squads . it should push me close to 1500pts total .


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If I were you, I'd take those questions to the Lost and the Damned forum. I rarely use cultists, since I've had CSM as troops since third edition, and hate the idea of a CSM army lacking CSM troops. However, the friendly chaps in the other forum would definitely be able to answer all your questions.
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