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NOVA's best placed CSM primary list


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So, as some of you might know, one of the biggest and most competitive 40k tournaments has finished and this is the list finished 10th overall, by Justin Adams:




Typhus 230

Khârn 160

20 zombies 90

21 zombies 94

3 Termies; 2x combie 112

Heldrake 170

Heldrake 170

2 Obliterators 152

2 Obliterators 152

Daemon Prince; MoN, Wings, lvl 3, 2x greater, 1x lesser

3 Nurglings 45

Soul Grinder; MoS

Total: 1850


Impressive to have placed 10th with it and I think it deserves some attention.


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Thanks for this.


Aside from Nurglings, that is pretty much the goto units.... he uses termicide in the same set up I prefer. Personally, I have never got into zombies, but I understand the appeal.


10th is really respectable for sure. I'd like to know how their scenarios were this year. (considering how 7th has changed things a bit)

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ah man I just figured it out, the nurglings allow fill the legal force org requirements.


I wonder if they'd go back to just using regular force orgs. I'm imagining winning armies will just be 'the best models I own' vs 'the best models you own'. 


Let's say we're trying to replicate this using just the Chaos Codex. Could we have done as well? Better/Worse? Could we have been more creative?


Do the cultists have to be zombies? That would free up Typhus. You do the helcult formation, take a shooty dread, hide him behind fearless/zealot cultists. I give them upgraded guns to get the 24" / Rapid fire so that's one advantage.


The price you save on Typhus could be cycled back into something else (approx 100 pts saved).


Soul Grinder is actually nice (i've used it some times as an allied unit), I guess you could go with Nurgle Spawn instead of some of the daemons.... maybe even a second termicide squad in with points saved. Khârn and a Nurgle DP would lead the charge. I'm not sure how/if it would still work but those are the most obvious changes to make it pure Chaos to me (just off the top of my head).

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My biggest question is why Khârn specifically? He could have gone with a Juggerlord with an Axe and a 5++ for the same points. Was he wanting to guarantee Hatred on the Zombies Khârn was running with? 


Axelord is faster, tougher and could have more Attacks but Khârn hits on 2+ and has Armorbane - and if he's going to be with the Zombies anyway for ablative then why not?


Edit - spelling

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My biggest question is why Khârn specifically? He could have gone with a Juggerlord with an Axe and a 5++ for the same points. Was he wanting to guarantee Hatred on the Zombies Khârn was running with? 


Axelord is faster, tougher and could have more Attacks but Khârn hits on 2+ and has Armorbane - and if he's going to be with the Zombies anyway for ablative then why not?


Edit - spelling



He also has amazing anti-psyker? I guess you could add that to the list.

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My biggest question is why Khârn specifically? He could have gone with a Juggerlord with an Axe and a 5++ for the same points. Was he wanting to guarantee Hatred on the Zombies Khârn was running with? 


Axelord is faster, tougher and could have more Attacks but Khârn hits on 2+ and has Armorbane - and if he's going to be with the Zombies anyway for ablative then why not?


Edit - spelling



He also has amazing anti-psyker? I guess you could add that to the list.



And perhaps without Codex Assassin's, it may have been worthwhile.


Might be nice to get him to explain how he did it mind!

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Khârn is pretty logical and a character I would definitely include in Chaos Primary at the moment. Unless I'm mistaken he still hits invisible units on a 2+, he can actually kill Knights (especially ones which already lost a hullpoint or 2) and only costs 160 points for that. Nothing else in the game actually has such killing power for that cost. You just put him in a blob and wander him forwards, this could also be a Cultist blob btw, doesn't have to be zombies. Psychic power protection doesn't really matter, it only helps against things casted against him or his unit after all.


Typhus is a bit weird, I'd almost rather run regular cultists blobs and then include Abaddon instead lol. Typhus did get a lot better in 7th with the change to smash but, meh, dunno, I really find it a suboptimal choice although it apparantly works for him.

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