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Sergeant Upgrades experiment : a surprising conclusion.


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Wondering, what about Plasma Pistols? Lately, I've been equipping my Sgts with them and they've been using them couple times a game at least. Everytime I can Rapid Fire I can use them.

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The combis are very underrated on sergeants and it's great to see you've got some good experiences with the combi-flamer so far ! I personally don't like fielding it on my Tactical squads because I find that it's too situational for my taste (short range, need for clustered enemies, works better with low Armour saves) and I like to keep my options open with a combi-plasma or a combi-melta if I want extra AT punch. 


If you plan to have your Tactical squad push hard and strong into enemy territory, then the combi-flamer becomes very interesting ! Another great thing about combis is if you buy it for a veteran sergeant with a lightning claw. It gets expensive with 35 points of upgrades for the model so you have to make sure he doesn't die, but he makes your squad a very capable swiss army knife :)

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Wondering, what about Plasma Pistols? Lately, I've been equipping my Sgts with them and they've been using them couple times a game at least. Everytime I can Rapid Fire I can use them.


I think plasma pistols are great if you have 15 points to spare and the sergeant is not in danger of being challenged.


Most of the time, players both cannot afford 15 points and their sergeants are regularly in situations where they are potentially vulnerable to challenges and precision shots, which means those are 15 points they cannot afford to spend on the plasma pistol. It's a good weapon in a vacuum, but for the price tag it is quite overpriced. I mean, who WOULDN'T take free plasma pistols at BS4?

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Wondering, what about Plasma Pistols? Lately, I've been equipping my Sgts with them and they've been using them couple times a game at least. Everytime I can Rapid Fire I can use them.


I think plasma pistols are great if you have 15 points to spare and the sergeant is not in danger of being challenged.


Most of the time, players both cannot afford 15 points and their sergeants are regularly in situations where they are potentially vulnerable to challenges and precision shots, which means those are 15 points they cannot afford to spend on the plasma pistol. It's a good weapon in a vacuum, but for the price tag it is quite overpriced. I mean, who WOULDN'T take free plasma pistols at BS4?



Like you said, I find that Plasma Pistols are a tad over priced for a regular Sergeant. One plasma shot at 12" isn't going to be a game changer in my opinion and the strength of pistols lies in counting as a CCW for the purpose of the +1A bonus. But for 15pts for a melee oriented Tactical Sergeant I beleive it's more interesting to invest in a power weapon, which will both keep the +1A and provide good AP on multiple attacks rather than on a single shot.


If you take the Plasma Pistol over a Power Weapon though, I'd recommend going for a gunslinger sergeant (I know it's possible with Vanguard Veterans but I'm not sure about Tactical sergeants actually) : not only does it look cool as hell, but you actually have 2 shots available in the shooting phase although one with a bolt pistol. A Plasma Pistol + a CCW is a lot less optimized in terms of damage output.

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