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Steel Talon - Iron Lord


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So I built a new Iron Hands Sucsesor army to take with me to the NOVA Open.

One of the army components was "Geranitus - The Forgotten Knight" Special character knight from  "WDW".

Since he has a number of special rules, I wanted him to stand out a bit from all the other knights out there and since he is going with my IH Sucsesors I worked out a bit of fluff about how he saved a company once so they now keep him in parts and repairs etc, etc, etc.....


Unfortunatly I ran out of time so was only able to throw a basic table top paint job on him. I plan on striping him down and repainting him. I may also just do a total rebuild and add some powerplay lights and some more bling and flair and a more action pose.


Here are a couple of pre-paint pics.







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Thanks guys.

 Red, I do not plan on adding an more armor plating. In the fluff I have writen he is totaly protected by electro sheilds ( or some such nonsense :) ). Plus i thought it looked good, since  I am using him as the special character knight that gets to run and shoot, so I wanted to show off his suped up engine.


Chaplain the fist was created by our own Koran. He had made it for his knight and cast a few up for me. If you want one shoot him a pm and see if he is still making them.


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