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New Mechanicum Models!


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As seen at: http://www.forgeworld.co.uk/Events/FWeuro-openday.html

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Niiice. Trying to think what the Triaros reminds me of... Necromonger tech maybe?




In this verse, life is antagonistic to the natural state. Here humans in all their various races are a spontaneous outbreak. An unguided mistake. Our purpose is to correct that mistake... because there is another verse. A verse where life is welcomed and cherished. A ravishing ever-new place called 40k... but the road to that verse crosses over the threshold.

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Anyone have any idea where the guns are mounted on the Triaros or how big it is as compared with, say, a Rhino and a Land Raider? It seems long and narrow, but it's hard to tell what the scale is.


I would guess that those tracks are exactly the same as the Krios, just with a much bulkier and longer center chassis. Instead of the Krios cog on each side it has access hatches. Transport capacity is 20 models, which you could interpret as 2x a rhino, but vehicle capacity varies wildly in relation to model size in 40k.

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Someone needs to explain to the AdMech how to build a tank. Those Shot-Traps are hideous.




They rely on energy shielding to protect their tanks which explains why their tanks seem so fagile yet have high armor values. Also, that tank has a beard, your argument is invalid :p

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Hmm.... I think they all are a bit... meh.... The Abeyant is kinda goofy... I think they took the "preacher chair" fluff a bit to literal, but the Magos looks pretty cool by himself.


Not a super fan of the Knights (except maybe the Lancer), and this one doesn't really do it for me either, even though they've managed to make it look very much a part of the AdMech models, with it's top shield looking like an over-sized cortexcontroller from the current Magos. 


I had high hopes for the Triaros, and while I do think it also fits in very nicely with the rest of the AdMech vehicles, it's a little bit... wierd... and where are the guns? pintle-mounted volkite chargers and the twin-linked mauler bolt cannon? please DO NOT tell me that the pointed "horn"-thing above the ram is supposed to be the bolt cannon!


Oh well... hopefully we'll get some more pictures of the new toys soon on the FW site :)

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There seem to be unprecedented weapon options for the knights...one looks like a volkite (the one above), one like a lightning gun (magaera)

Also, Draycavac may come with a second head option...can anyone confirm?

Vorax Battle-Automata


Posted elsewhere here is the confirmation you are asking for. Posted by Kurgan the Lurker on this thread http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/296369-fw-european-open-day/


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There seem to be unprecedented weapon options for the knights...one looks like a volkite (the one above), one like a lightning gun (magaera)

Also, Draycavac may come with a second head option...can anyone confirm?

Vorax Battle-Automata


I recognise them from a loooooooooong time ago, albeit these have had an update in appearance:


The top left robot happy.png The newer ones are far more hunched over, but I'm sure their effective the same thing! happy.png

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rotary cannons =/


if those would be ACs...


Kheres would be amazing, even though Vorax melt to heavy bolter and autocannons (4+ save on a Monstrous Creature...urgh). Also, its a real shame their dorsal weapon just only a lightning gun, you'd never use it over the chem-flamer (that isn't even expensive to upgrade to). 

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