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Lorgar gets of his butt and actually do something! Alt-Hist


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Lorgar gets of his butt and actually fights for the Dark Gods!


M31st the Great Scouring:


The Traitor legions and their allies were on the run. The furious counterattack of the Imperium has left most of them with no choice but to live in the Eye of Terror.


On the Daemon World of Sicarus, Lorgar had meditated for several years, conversing with the Dark Gods of Chaos and developing both his physical and psychic abilities. Growing more powerful and gaining a better insight in his own purpose in life, the Primarch of the Word Bearers leaves his sacred room and discusses with his Dark Council a plan that would destroy the Imperium once and for all!


Lorgar now a Daemon Primarch, could not stay in the physical realm forever unless in special circumstances. However, his meditation allowed him to materialize at anytime for a few hours without using a host. As he grows stronger he could stay in the physical realm longer.


M31st the Iron Cage:


The trap has been sprung, for days the Imperial Fists were systematically slaughtered by the diabolic plot of the Iron Warriors. Less than four thousand Sons of Dorn are left. Dorn and his legion are reduced to fighting with what little they have.


Suddenly, Lorgar and Perturabo launch their attack, killing Dorn and the rest of the legion. In less than an hour, the two Traitor Primarchs have wiped out one of the Loyalist Space Marine Legions. Before returning to the warp, Lorgar is gifted with the gene-seed of over 5k dead Imperial Fists.


M31st the 1st Black Crusade:


Using the dead body of Dorn, Fabius Bile creates several thousands of gene-seed for the Iron Warriors.


Lorgar manages to find the lost supply of Emperor Children's gene-seed. Using all the gene-seed he recovered, Lorgar created the Primordial Host. Standing ten thousand strong, these Possessed Chosen would be the vanguard of his wrath!


Perturabo personally leads the Iron Warriors in the invasion. A strikeforce of FIVE thousand Chaos Space Marines invade Ithaka and exterminated the Iron Snakes, along with their people and several IG regiments. Their equipment and gene-seed plundered for Perturabo's cause! By the end, three more Space Marine chapters share the fate of the Iron Snakes!


The Forge world of Stygies VII is overran by Lorgar and his Primordial Host. Using the planet as bait, the Dark Angels, the Ultramarines and half of their successors chapters along with one brotherhood of the Grey Knights landed on the planet only to fall into a trap!


Lorgar remained, but the Primordial Host had left along with supplies, equipment, converts and slaves! Using his infernal power and the sacrifice of a million prisoners, Lorgar infected the planet with the Obliterator virus and transformed it into a Daemon World!


Over 400 Space Marines defected to Lorgar's side and leave into a warp portal into Sicarus! For three days, the loyalist fought both the Daemon Primarch and the mutated machines. But victory was assured... at a high cost.


Less than 30% of the Space Marines survived. The entire Grey Knight force was killed to the last man. Having quench his bloodlust, Lorgar retreats leaving the Imperium with an uninhabitable and dangerous planet.


However, all the damage the Word Bearers and Iron Warriors done have been for naught as the Imperium still won the 1st Black Crusade. Nevertheless, both legions grow in size and power. Lorgar's legion now stands at over 200k!


M32 the Cursus of Alganar:


Tallarn descends into Chaos as Imperial Guard, Eldar and Chaos Daemons fight over the planet. The appearance of Lorgar shifted the tide in the Dark Gods' favor as his mere presence cause roughly half of the Tallarn Desert Raiders to defect to Chaos. In the end the loyalist and Eldar were killed and the entire planet devoid of life as Lorgar returned to Sicarus with new converts and slaves.


Lorgar is pleased, he had dealt a sever blow to the Imperium. Without the Guardsmen of Tallarn, the Empire of Man in time will lose critical wars which will progress the End of Times. The Traitor Tallarns are ordered to train the Word Bearers' cultists in the arts of warfare!


M32 the Black Crusade of Lorgar/Waaagh! Beast:


With the Imperium distracted Lorgar and his Primordial Host descend upon Caliban. Victory against the Dark Angels had rallied many of the Fallen to his cause. The Word Bearers and Fallen descend upon the Space Fortress like a ravaging plague, picking it clean of lives, equipment and gene-seed. The second act of destruction has ensured that the Fallen are now part of the Primordial Host.


Perturabo, eager to shed some more blood led five thousand new CSM to Gryphonne IV, destroying its Skitarii Regiments and transformed the planet into a Daemon World! The lost of another important Forge World has crippled the Imperium!


With their bloody work done, the Daemon Primarchs return to the Eye of Terror to resume building up their armies:


-With the dead body of the Lion, Fabius Bile creates EVEN MORE gene-seed for the Word Bearers. Combined with other means of increasing the size of the legion, the Word Bearers stand at 300 THOUSAND!


-For several centuries the Tallarn Traitor Guard have trained several cultist armies in both IG tactics and anti-Space Marine skills. Now the Word Pact is born! The elite of the cultists hordes, they are trained to fight and defeat both the Imperial Guard and Space Marines in their own terms!


-The Iron Warriors have discovered and stolen several Standard Template Constructs allowing them access to both Imperial and Dark Age technologies. Now both legions and the Dark Mechanicum create monstrous new ships and vehicles to destroy the Empire of Man!


-Perturabo is pleased. The Iron Warriors have grown to over 400k while over Five billion Skitarii are assembled! 

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546.M32 The Beheading


The Grand Master of the Assassins betrays the Imperium, killing the High Lords and hundreds of Space Marines before he was put down.


Through the use of his newly acquired power of divination, Lorgar ordered a hundred Word Bearers to infiltrate the Solar System. With the Imperium distracted, these elite infiltrators manage to find several assassins and either kill them or convert them to the service of the Dark Gods. By the time the Space Marines have killed the Grand Master, over twenty assassins have defected and three lay dead. To add further insult to injury, none of the Word Bearers were detected and they have managed to steal a battleship in the course of their operation.


552.M32 Space Hulk Da Iron Worm


Lorgar manages to infiltrate a Space Hulk full of Orks. Using his vast power over the warp, the Primarch steers the gigantic ship on a collision course towards Cadia. Despite the massive firepower of the Imperial Navy, destroying larges bits of the ship, it crash landed on the planet. Millions of Orks gorge out of the shipwreck and ravage the Cadians.


Watching the ensuing chaos, Lorgar noticed that he was getting weaker by the moment. Obelisk strewn throughout the land which nobody paid any attention to began flickering to life.


There was no doubt in his mind. The Obelisks must be destroyed less he would lose his physical body. Blow after blow, Lorgar's mace whittled away at the nearest Obelisk, but the damage is too minimal for such a big effort.


Realizing that he had to escape out of the planet fast, Lorgar charge head on towards the Cadian Guard, fighting them with such brutal resolve that the Guardsmen were on the retreat within minutes. Boarding a Cruiser, the Word Bearers' Primarch manages to escape the planet. Important lessons are learned, lessons that Lorgar would put to use in his next plan.


597.M32 2nd Black Crusade


Abaddon and his Black Legion rallies the armies of Chaos and set them loose on the Imperium. Lorgar divides the entirety of his legion into three forces:


-The first led by Kor Phaeron launches a brutal assault on Cadia. Thanks to the massive number of Word Bearers and the Word Pact, the Chaos forces manage to breach the defenses of the planet and ravage the population. The Word Bearers destroyed hundreds of pylons, causing the Eye of Terror to expand, swallowing a few worlds. Though they were repulsed, Kor Phaeron had played his part. As a side-effect, Craftworld Ulthwé is currently under attack by a large horde of daemons.


-Erebus leads the second strikeforce on the Hive World of Ichar IV, located on Ultima Segmentum. The trillions of humans experience horrors beyond imagination, being butchered like cattle or driven mad by the dark powers of the Chaos Space Marines. The Ultramarines, Genesis, White Scars, Raptors, Raven Guard, White Consuls and over three dozen Skitarii and IG regiments battled Erebus, his Word Bearers, Ork mercenaries, Daemons and billions of insane citizens. By the time its over, the planet is stripped of life, over a thousand Space Marines have given their lives and FIVE Scout Titans are reduced to husks. The great butchery transformed the world into a Daemon World.


-Lorgar and his Primordial Host land on the world of Kronus. With the Chaos Lord Eliphas as his guide, the Word Bearers stormed the Necron crypt and looted it of everything. Even the Necrons in stasis are brought in Ghamlek for study. After this bountiful harvest, Lorgar asked an interesting question to Eliphas "Should you acquire a massive army shall you strike Ultramar as soon as possible or wait until they've let their guard down, no matter how long it takes?"


Eliphas, being a true veteran of the Long War answered with the latter. Proud of his champion, Lorgar blessed him with total control of the Primordial Host. Lorgar instead created his own warband composed of cultists trained to a level superior of that of the Word Pact and given Power Armor and Bolters.


ca.700.M32 Battle of the Fang/Battle of the Gorgon


The Word Bearers and Iron Warriors have included the Thousand Sons in their alliance. Eager to settle the score, Magnus and his legion invades the planet of Fenris. Meanwhile, Lorgar brings his Primordial Host to lay waste to the Medusa system.


With the Space Wolves' navy far away, Magnus leads the attack planetside. Thanks to the Word Bearers, the Thousand Sons stands at two thousand sorcerers and have access to thirty Defilers which were used to storm the Fang's walls. In the end, after twenty days of slaughter, Magnus is victorious. The defenders lay dead, all the research and gene-seed are stolen and the planet corrupted.


Lorgar's own invasion ended up being bittersweet. Despite burning several worlds and dealing unfathomable damage to the planet Medusa, his personal warband lost nearly a-third of its soldiers. The Iron Hands, Dark Angels and their successors lost thrice as much in both men and ship but saved the planet from both destruction and looting by the Word Bearers.


ca.900.M32 3rd Black Crusade


-Abaddon does the same thing in the main timeline, though his Black Legion is significantly larger. Same with Daemon Prince Tallomin. With the grave desecrated, the Black Legion unleashes its full might on Cadia. The planet is overwhelm and all the Pylons are destroyed.


-Lorgar instigates the final phase of his plan: The Nova Terra and the Moirae Schism! Centuries ahead of schedule! The entirety of Segmentum Pacificus falls to Chaos, resulting in the End of Times! 


-Perturabo takes advantage of the Schism and convinces the rebel Space Marines and Forge Worlds to his cause. Now the Iron Warriors fully commit their forces in securing these Forge Worlds and transforming them into Daemon Worlds with the help of the Word Bearers!


-In a bold, and some would consider suicidal move, Eliphas and the Primordial Host invades Titan, the homeworld of the Grey Knights! The battle resulted in the complete destruction of both the Primordial Host, Grey Knights and over A HUNDRED REGIMENTS! Eliphas ascends to Daemon Prince and steals as many gene-seed as he can before retreating into the warp. With Titan in ruins and the Grey Knights destroyed, morale across the Imperium plummets, leading to more defections, more rebellions and ultimately more power to the Dark Gods!


-Second Siege of Terra:


Abaddon the Despoiler and his massive army destroys every planet in the Solar System with Exterminatus.


-Scouring of Ultramar: 


Lorgar and his Word Bearers burn the realm of Ultramar, exterminating the Ultramarines and SIX of their successors!


-The End!

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