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Chaos musings after more showed up at my door...and decals?!


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This might come off as one of my usual ramblings so I'm warning you now to turn back or potentially get lost in the warp for a few hundred hours!

This week a partial order of mine showed up at the door and included several projects I know I'll never do. This included:

Raptors (I ordered 3 boxes) and 2 Helbrutes.

As crazy as this sounds, aside from the OLD raptors, I never fielded Raptors and very rarely Helbrutes (aside from the vanilla Vengeance one) in 6th and almost never in 7th.

Since I was always kind of getting ready for a tournament, I never included too many none upper tier units (I don't want to say 'competitive' because a lot of what I did field wasn't conventionally competitive... I like to use wonky lists.)

So now that I am restarting Chaos (again) I thought man I gotta kind of break my funk and try something new and when these kits came, I honestly thought to myself... 'Man are you ever going to use this stuff? Or is it just going to be fanboy projects?'

But after I opened them up I have to be honest these kits are really, really, really good. Beautiful sculpts. The Raptors/Talons are so good, I think they're easy to mess up on. So much detail. Originally my plan was to rob some bits from the frames to do up some alternate Chosen aside from that smaller DV selection. But now I'm thinking Wow, I want to make either Talons or Raptors. (I know... I know, bikes are so much better, but those bike models look horrible compared to these sculpts.

So the Helbrutes look so good, I'm thinking of going beyond my original Helcult formation and going to try what I think is the Mayhem Pack? The 3 Deep Strike pack? Again, less that competitive but the thought of fielding 3 beautiful models might motivate me to finish them.

So there I am 'rediscovering' my affiniti for Chaos models with units I've chosen to avoid for years. Partially I believe SOME validity is brought back to these units via Maelstrom. I have discovered this with other armies as well. (Maelstrom is easily my favorite part of 7th ed.)

Those kits really kicked me in the chaotic area. I am scared to touch paint to them though because......


I also discovered they redid the Decal Sheet in these new kits? This shows you how much chaos I have lying around the house. With tons of units lying around, I could make an army easily, so I never bought any new unit that I didn't think I'd put in a tournament list. So I never saw these decal sheets.

Weird thing is I have plenty of Forgefiends and never saw this decal sheet and I'm trying to remember if you even get a decal sheet in a Forgefiend box?

Anyway I was noticing the new Decals actually had proper icons for both Crimson Slaughter AND Red Corsairs.... I was shocked. They redid quite a few others as well.

I'll tell you one thing that burned me out was the idea of doing that black hand on the shoulder pad of all my Corsairs. I did a handful and it took forever...


I can't seem to find a shot, but here's the one squad I finished:


It's an older shot but I just realized you can't see the black hand Icons. The decal would have made this so much easier (obviously!)

As well as I was doing the same for Crimson Slaughter. Those guys actually have a nice, simple, but striking icon. Having decals for those guys is a real time saver...

Scrummaging around I found a TON of unused World Eater bitz:

I always loved this head bit:


I realize you can't really do a "World Eater" force anymore, but I loved the forgeworld bitz, and I found enough to do a full termie squad, and MOST of that Terminator character... can't remember his name. (I think he turned out to be disappointing rules wise but was a great sculpt).

Anyway I found this made me want to fire up some projects again. Those Crimson Slaughter would look spiffy with the proper icons... the 'new' boxes really froze me though as I'm not sure what to paint them as... :)

I know Bikes > Raptors > Warp Talons but I intend on fielding the kit. I just can't force myself to ignore the raptors being that much more flexible/cheaper than Warp Talons. I know some here have had success....

Prophet of the Voices would be so much fun if you could join up with Warp Talons... just saying.

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Good to see the fire rekindled. The Raptor kit is excellent and yes, it's easy to get driven a bit crazy by all the little details.


The Forgefiend doesn't come with any decals so you missed out with that one.

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The raptor kit is gorgeous - I am using it to kit bash chosen myself too, but I fully intend on actually making so Raptors too; possibly Warp Talons. I kind of keep one eye on competitiveness, but you got to enjoy what you are building/painting otherwise you won't finish.


Hence my daemons got relegated from primary to seldom used allies lol

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DV Chosen, green stuff, modelling knife & Raptor kit. That's how I'm making myself 9 Khorne Chosen. Superb box of bits, I especially love the chainswords in the Raptor box.


Yea they are fantastic. Possibly my favorite box set for Chaos right now. I'm stumped though... I know Warp Talons are horrible in a competitive game, but I think it's their expense that keeps me from running them. My conundrum is I want to field both units. So I have 2 more boxes coming! I hope to do 7 of Raptors, and 8 of the Warp Talons.... 


The left over bitz will become uber possessed and chosen as well.



Excellent to see the passion reignited. What we do have, as Chaos, is a kick ass model selection.


I believe the new decal sheet came out with the hellbrute?


That would make sense as I have not seen these decals elsewhere. I have 2 of the new Helbrutes to augment the 3 'vanilla' ones I have from the DV sets. So I can field any of the configurations from the data sheet. :)


Not sure if I can magnetize different Helbrute arms they see to have come up with a very unique way of joining the shoulders to the armpit that might make it too proprietary for magnet swapping.... we'll see. Still... lovin' the decals. 

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It's actually really easy to magnetize a Helbrute, I did that this past weekend. All the gun options, minus the heavy bolter, both fists with heavy flamers, and the power scourge instead of the thunder hammer. I want to do that to the other Helbrute I have, then I should be able to run any of the formations.

My biggest suggestion is to dry fit the shoulder sections and see how the arms/weapons fit since there is an "up" shoulder and a "down" shoulder. Once you have an idea of how the arms will sit, it's real easy from there. The other thing is that you may want to do is put some green stuff (or a similar epoxy putty) inside the shoulder plates and arms themselves. The plastic is a little thin in those spots.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Be soooo careful with DV plastics and craft knives though people. Khorne cares not where the blood flows from!


DV plastic is a lot tougher than normal plastic and if like me you're a bit impatient it's very easy to cut yourself quite badly. My thumb has just healed from a slice that went through my nail as well as a clean centimetre into my thumb. Ow!

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