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I bought a Dark vengeance it about a year ago with the intent of getting into 40k, and until recently didn't get much further than assembling the Dark Angels units.  Recently I finally found a good community that's been really helpful  with teching me how to paint them and teaching me the basic rules of the game.  I'm really enjoying it, and as I'm delving further into the lore, I'm really interested in designing my own chapter.  Unfortunately I can't  seem to find the books that detail the process of doing so, and now I'm at a loss as to what to do now that I've selected the geneseed i want to use, and a rough idea of where the chapter originated.  Any ehlp getting me pointed in the right direction with the official source material would be appreciated.

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Hail and welcome, brother. B&C is chock full of information - all you have to do is dig or ask the right questions. Please do stop by the Liber, as Quixus recommends, and enquire for help there. I have no doubt that you'll get help from the residing Liberites and perhaps even aid from the Mods overseeing that section of the site: Messor, Aquilanus or myself. Don't be afraid to ask newbie questions - we were all newbies once. There is absolutely no shame to be had there. ^_^

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Hail and welcome, brother. B&C is chock full of information - all you have to do is dig or ask the right questions. Please do stop by the Liber, as Quixus recommends, and enquire for help there. I have no doubt that you'll get help from the residing Liberites and perhaps even aid from the Mods overseeing that section of the site: Messor, Aquilanus or myself. Don't be afraid to ask newbie questions - we were all newbies once. There is absolutely no shame to be had there. happy.png

Welcome! smile.png

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http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/249631-diy-resources/ This was an invaluable resource for me as I started to think about the origins of my chapter. Another suggestion I have would be to keep things fluid, especially if you're going to be gaming with your chapter. If particular characters in your model collection do spectacularly (or not) during games, write their deeds into your background and let it shape the character of your chapter. Don't think of your chapter's back story as set in stone, but let it evolve and adapt over time as you learn more about the grimdark 41st millennium and as your characters and models distinguish themselves on the table top.

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