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An Eagle's Glory

Tiberius Cato

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The sun just peaked over the trees on the opposite side of the clearing. Bisente's forehead was glistening with sweat in the light, he had been stalking through this forest for hours looking for something edible. He hadn't found much, just some berries and various grubs; however, he did find signs of another aspirant in the area. He noticed cracked twigs and trampled plants leading directly to a cave off in the distance.


Bisente made his approach with caution, taking great care to watch for snares or signs of an ambush. Upon reaching the cave entrance he drew his knife out and held it firmly in his left hand. Bisente entered the cave and immediately noticed the bits of the shell of a nut on the ground, there were many bits making a path deeper into the cave; he thought his prey a fool for leaving such obvious clues to his whereabouts. Bisente followed the trail and could see a dim light peaking through what appeared to be a poorly made blind. He could hear the sound of someone eating, his enemy was near. He crept closer to the light and could see his enemy through the blind.


He was about the same age as Bisente, he was tall and slender, with skin like dark velvet. He was laying on the floor next to a hastily prepared fire, completely oblivious of Bisente. Bisente began to formulate a plan on how to combat his enemy. He would kick the flaming bundle onto the other aspirant to keep him distracted long enough for him to murder the aspirant with little resistance. Bisente steeled himself and jumped into action. The majority of the fire landed on the aspirant, setting his tattered clothing on fire. The aspirant shot to his feet just in time to lock eyes with Bisente and meet his blade. The life flickered out of existence in the aspirants eyes as his breath stopped, Bisente removed his knife and the corpse fell to the ground, still burning.


Bisente began to walk out of the gave, with the smell of burning flesh at his back. He saw the light at the cave entrance blocked by a gargantuan form. He took his blade in his hand and crept towards the mouth of the cave. As he got closer he could make out what the form was. It was in the shape of a large man, atleast eight feet tall, and armoured like a tank. It was clad in dark blue and red, and wielded a massive gun. It began to move closer, flicking on a light attached to it's helmet.


"Greetings aspirant Bisente Viya, I am Brother-Captain Ulyxess Grant of the Eagles of Glory. You have passed our test by besting the twenty-three other aspirants and are granted the honour of joining our mighty ranks, the God-Emperor smiles proudly on you this day."


Bisente couldn't believe it, he was going to become an Astartes, one of the Emperor's angels of death.




I was hit by the need to develop an extensive background for a character i'm creating for a Deathwatch game I'll be playing soon and thought I'd share it with you all, my brothers and sisters.


This is part one of a series detailling the adventures of Bisente Viya, whom becomes seconded to the Deathwatch. These will probably come out somewhat frequently as I write (a lot...) in my time off.


Anyways, comments, critiscism, concerns,etc. are all welcome. Thanks for reading!

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Bisente enjoyed the feel of the heavy bolter in his hands, the adrenaline rushing through his veins. Each recoil shaking his entire body, he couldn't help but shout praises to the Emperor for allowing him to wield such an awesome weapon.


His squad was perched atop a cliff laying down fire on the Eldar moving towards their power armoured brethren. He saw a form moving at the edge of his periphial vision and turned to see a filthy xenos stabbing his brother through his chest. Rage filled Bisente's hearts, he would exact vengeance on the xenos scum. He brought his weapon to bear and squeezed the trigger - immediately a series of three clicks followed - :cuss it was empty.


He tossed the weapon aside and drew his trusty knife, it had served him well since his induction. He let forth a primal roar and charged the Eldar, whom reacted with lightning speed and delivered a quick jab to Bisente's throat. Choking from a collapsed wind pipe, Bisente grunted and tightened his grip on the knife and stabbed at the xenos. He felt the knife hit home, and his vision began to blacken; was this the end?


Bisente saw a glorious light surrounding what looked like a man, clad in golden armour that bore the Palatine Aquila.


The man approached Bisente and put his hand on his shoulder and spoke "Your time has not yet come, my loyal servant. You still have many deeds to perform in my service and bring much honour to my Imperium. Now go, return to battle. Eradicate the enemy in my name, farewell, Bisente."


He could feel his soul rush back into his body, was that really what he thought it was? Was it real or just product of the lack of air due to his collapsed wind pipe?


Bisente opened his eyes and sat up, he could see the vile Eldar murdering his brothers. He jumped to his feet and jumped and the wretch's back, wrapping his arms around the scum's neck and squeezing the life from the Eldar. The xenos jumped to it's back and landed hard on Bisente, he got the wind knocked out of him again. Bisente clung hard to the xenos' throat, it gave one final effort to survive but could not escape Bisente's grip.


It had seized to thrash and had died. Bisente tossed the corpse off of himself and looked around, his brothers lay dead everywhere. His entire squad - save for himself - had been killed by a single xenos. He looked towards the battle to the east and saw the Eldar forces attempting to retreat, but his brothers' armoured vanguard proved to keep pace with the xenos and decimated the fleeing troops.


The battle had been won for the Imperium, and the world had finally been purged of Eldar. But one thing still plagued Bisente's mind, what did he see before he had reawakened?




There's part two, a little crazy I know. But I felt it to be semi-appropriate. Part three will be up either this weekend or early next week.

C&C is welcome as always, and thanks for reading!

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