casb1965 Posted September 9, 2014 Share Posted September 9, 2014 (edited) Starting a GK / Inquistion / Astra Militarum army led by Brother Captain Tholan Wyvor and Inquisitor Ximénes de Cisneros and have written some fluff to back it up. =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= Colonel Jan van Liemeke looked out over the battlefield in despair, three days earlier, or was it four, maybe even five van Liemeke had simply lost count, he had been able to call on the full force of the Kellersburg Defence force to stop the onslaught of the daemonic horde ravaging his planet, but now all that was left of that force was three veteran squads of the Kellersburg 7th Irregular Regiment, a Hydra and two Leman Russ commanded by Knight Commander Rudolph van Kuyper and Thimo van Cranenbroek. Van Liemeke’s only hope was that Primaris Psyker Johan Heyneke and his Wyrdvane psykers had somehow managed to get a message for help out, otherwise Kellersburg would surely fall. =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= Inquisitor Ximénes de Cisneros sat at the desk in the Captain’s quarters of the Strike Cruiser “Our Lady of Castanar” his Mystic opposite him “So tell me again Agustin, you have received a call for help from a planet called Kellersburg?” Agustin nodded and replied “It was very weak, maybe sent by only a handful of psykers”. Leaning back Ximénes laced his fingers together and said “And has Librarian Lupus Drauwulf reported anything to his Brother Captain?”, “No Sir, I do not believe so.” Agustin replied shuddering at the name, the Grey Knight Librarian still instilled fear in Agustin despite the fact that the Librarian and his Brother Captain’s force had been onboard for nearly three months now. “Then” said Ximénes “I suggest we plot a course for Kellersburg and reach there as quickly as we can. See to it immediately.” =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= Brother Pardus stood before Brother Captain Tholan Wyvor “Sir, the vessel veers from its course, we appear to be headed to a planet called Kellersburg”, Brother Captain Tholan Wyvor rises from his chair “Indeed Brother Pardus, it appears that Brother Lupus was right, he has already reported a disturbance there and it now appears our Inquisitor has received a plea as well. Be prepared as it as foretold, we shall receive our redemption upon this planet. Let Librarian Lupus Drauwulf know that the vessel is headed for Kellersburg, he must prepare himself for the challenge and let the others know to be battle ready within the hour”. Brother Pardus salutes his leader and leaves, “So it begins” says Tholan to himself “our redemption through the death of the Daemon X’aspehason is close at hand.” =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= Pinned down and nowhere to go Colonel Jan van Liemeke calls for Primaris Psyker Johan Heyneke to come to him, the Daemonic forces are closing quickly upon the final refuge of the Kellersburg forces “Did our message get through?” he asks, Heyneke looks blankly at the Colonel “It did, whether we will receive help I do not know” As they speak a loud whoosh emits from outside, rushing to the fortress window they see the daemon forces under attack, swathes of purple light and silver armour decaptitate head and limbs from bodies and the daemonic forces succumb to the pressure and start to dwindle and die. Van Liemeke grabs his power sword and laspistol and issues orders to his subalterns to muster whatever troops are left to join the attack. Heading down through the fortress he joins the 1st/7th Kellersburg Irregulars as they head out on to the battlefield, firing at will the daemons slowly fall back under the firepower, then the largest Daemon steps forward bellowing at the enemy. A lone soldier in silver Terminator armour steps forward his stave glowing in his hand to meet the Daemon, from its other side another human steps forward a large bird rested upon his arm, without a word both men raise their arms and begin chanting as lightning crackles around them, two bolts leave their hands aimed straight at the Daemon and where once stood a mighty beast is nothing but smoke and ash. The two men look at each other exhausted from the battle and acknowledge each other’s powers. Van Liemeke watches as the other silver clad soldiers drive away the remaining daemons, help had arrived in the nick of time and Kellersburg had been saved. Edited October 21, 2014 by casb1965 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Messor Posted September 9, 2014 Share Posted September 9, 2014 Brother, this might be better suited with the stories in the Black Library: Unless you plan to develop a force background here, too. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
casb1965 Posted September 10, 2014 Author Share Posted September 10, 2014 This is the basis of my army list and the start of the force background. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sergeant Lowe Posted September 13, 2014 Share Posted September 13, 2014 I like it so far and can't wait to read more. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
casb1965 Posted October 21, 2014 Author Share Posted October 21, 2014 Part II =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= Inquisitor Ximénes de Cisneros looks at the silver clad warrior and nods to him “You fight well Sire” he says formally “with whom did I have the honour of defeating the Daemon with?” “Brother Librarian Lupus Drauwulf” comes the reply “and you are?” “My name is Inquisitor Ximénes de Cisneros, scourge of Daemons and now destroyer of X’aspehason” “Destroyer? He has merely returned to the Warp, he shall surely return one day.” contras Drauwulf “And if he does, I shall fight him again, he shall be defeated.” replies de Cisneros “and I shall never rest until all Daemonhood is destroyed.” Drauwulf bows and says “Then come that day, call we shall hear.” With that he, and his followers, shimmer and disappear. “Come that day I shall not need your help” thinks de Cisneros to himself. =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= Knight Commander Rudolph van Kuyper clambers out of his Leman Russ and inspects the damage, a full check would have to wait but repairs would need to be done. Looking out further on to the battlefield he sees the remnants of the Kellersburg 7th Irregular Regiment drag themselves back towards their barracks, leaderless and lost. Other than Colonel Jan van Liemeke there were no Officers left and the regiment itself and handful of men were left. Seeing van Liemeke van Kuyper wanders over to him. “Colonel” he says solemnly “it appears we are but a few men now.” Van Liemeke turns to face van Kuyper revealing a large gash running down his face and a mortal wound to the chest “I will be leading no one Commander, my time is up as is this planet’s, by day’s end I shall be dead and I do not see the Grey Knights leaving this planet to live. Take my remaining men and leave, sooner rather than later.” Van Kuyper looks at van Liemeke “As you wish Colonel, are you sure we cannot save you though?” Van Liemeke shakes his head weakly “My time has come I shall be dead within the hour, do not worry about me, I have lived my life and have seen the defeat of the Daemons.” He shudders “it is close, I am feeling the cold Commander” shuddering again and spurt of blood comes from between his lips “Live well Commander” he says sagging against a wall, with a final shudder he slips to the ground dying. =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= Inquisitor Ximénes de Cisneros seeks out his mystic Augustin “Do you sense anything?” Augustin shakes his head “The Daemons are gone but I can still feel the Knights presence but not on planet, they are out there though” he gestures to the sky “I am guessing they are gauging whether to leave the planet alone or not” de Cisneros nods “It is no surprise, I too would rend this planet it is tainted at best, at worst the Daemons still hold court elsewhere upon the surface. Is there a presence amongst the Guard, if so call him and the survivors to us.” “As you wish” replies Augustin sending out the psychic message. =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= Primaris Psyker Johan Heyneke shudders as the message hits his mind “Come to us or die, the Knights will not leave this planet unharmed” he moves swiftly to find Knight Commander van Kuyper and relays the message. Knight Commander Rudolph van Kuyper looks at Heyneke and says “and you are certain that is what was said?” “Yes Sir” replies “it was very clear. We are to evacuate everyone we can and join the Inquisitor, I have been assured he can accommodate the remnants of our forces aboard his vessel and he has a proposition for you.” “A proposition?” questions van Kuyper “what do you mean by a proposition?” “It was not said, only that he wished to discuss matters with you and that you were to bring your tank with you. He has given us one hour.” replies Heyneke. “Then send a reply, we shall meet him at the Skyshield” says van Kuyper Heyneke nods sending the response to Augustin. =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
casb1965 Posted November 20, 2016 Author Share Posted November 20, 2016 (Better late than never) =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= Inquisitor Ximénes de Cisneros stands at the Skyshield waiting for the remnants of the Kellersburg 7th Irregular Regiment to arrive, hearing the sound of a Leman Russ trundling towards him he straightens and watches. Knight Commander Rudolph van Kuyper sees the Skyshield loom in to view the Inquisitor and small retinue waiting there. Bringing his Russ to a halt he jumps from the turret and bows before the Inquisitor. “Sire, I believe you have a proposition for me” turning to see the rest of his troops arrive he adds “or more to the point for us.” “Indeed I do” replies de Cisneros “but not here, the Knights intend to destroy this planet, my Cruiser Our Lady of Castanar awaits. Join me on board and we shall discuss it further” glancing at the Russ, two Chimeras and the Valkyrie that sat upon the Skyshield he adds with a smile “and I have room for your vehicles as well.” “Very well” says van Kuyper “I would sooner be onboard your vessel than here if the Knights intend to do as you say” de Cisneros nods and glances at Agustin who closes his eyes, within minutes the planet’s surface starts to shudder and then break as the Orbital bombardment begins, however, de Cisneros and the survivors of the battle are transported skywards to Our Lady of Castanar. =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= Inquisitor Ximénes de Cisneros sat in his quarters on board Our Lady of Castanar he had left Knight Commander van Kuyper to recover a while from the exertions of battle and to assess the battle strength of his remaining forces. Summoning Agustin to his quarters he said “Agustin, how long until we reach our destination?” “We have come out of warp and will arrive in three, maybe four, days.” Agustin replied “Then ask van Kuyper to join me in my dining quarters and have his psyker Heyneke join us as well.” said de Cisneros “I shall put forward my proposition over dinner.” “As you wish Sir, I shall arrange dinner for one hour’s time, that should give them sufficient time to ready themselves” Agustin said before leaving the room. =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= Van Kuyper entered the dining room in full dress uniform, he had been surprised to find the uniform in his quarters and more so that it was his own, looking around he could see the opulence of the room and the food arrayed on the table, the Inquisitor was a man of means for certain he thought to himself. Johan Heyneke rose from his chair as he spotted van Kuyper approached him and saluted “Knight Commander”, van Kuyper smiled “No need for formality Johan, I am not your commanding officer anymore, you were tithed to Kellersburg not me personally.” Heyneke nodded “Your servant as always though Sir.” Behind them a door opened and de Cisneros entered, out of his armour he still stood a good six inches taller than both men and his bulk was pure muscle, smiling at the pair he said “Dinner will be a few minutes before we are fully ready so please come with me.”, he led them through the open doorway into a study, charts covered with markings strewn across the desk “Gentlemen,” de Cisneros said “these are charts showing all the planets that X’aspehason has invaded, there seems little forethought or logic to them. What I wish to propose is this. I am in need of good men, you are in need of a master. Unfortunately, Kellersburg is no more and your forces are likely to be scattered to the winds to join other regiments or even released from the Guard totally. What I would prefer is you join me, or more specifically the Inquisitional forces.” =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= =][= Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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