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Tag team against GK and IG


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Hey everyone next week me and a mate from my gaming club have got a tag team game at 1000pts each against a Grey Knights and Imperial Guard player. My mate is doing a sisters of battle force and I am planning on doing a  Nurgle themed Chaos force any suggestions on what to take I am looking to take a nurgle sorcerer so I can summon some daemons. Any advice on what I should take for this odd alliance

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I'd say ally in a Cullexus Assassin and watch the Grey Nights sweat.


If you're looking at summoning an Undivided sorcerer would work better so you can go full summoning. Add in Prophet from Crimson Slaughter and he counts as a Daemon too.


Personally though, I'd avoid the psychic stuff and focus on double plasma Plague Marines, Nurgle Oblits & Spawn, and some flyers.

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