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A Lord retinue I'm wanting to try out


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So I had this idea for a retinue for a Nurgle Lord I'm building:


Chaos Lord: MoN, Palanquin of Nurgle, Power Fist, Lightning Claw, Sigil, Blight Grenades. 190pts


Dark Apostle: MoN, Black Mace. 165pts


Sorcerer x2: MoN, ML3, Palanquin of Nurgle, Force Ax, Spell Familiar, Sigil, Melta Bombs, Blight Grenades. 105pts


Mutilator Squad: 3 Mutilators w/ MoN. 183pts




Storm Eagle: Twin-Linked Multimelta, 2 Twin-Linked Lascannons, Dirge Caster. 285pts




Spartan Assault Tank: Twin-Linked Heavy Flamer, Multi-Melta, Dirge Caster, Frag Assault Launchers, Armored Ceramite. 320pts


My idea with this is two have one Sorcerer in Biomancy to for Endurance and the other Sorcerer in Telepathy for Invisibility. The Dark Apostle for re-rolls in 1st turn of CC. Mutilators are there for adaptability for the CC role. Everyone has T5 to keep most high strength from IDing them, and multiple wounds to soak up a lot of damage.


As far as the transports go, the Spartan could be a tough nut to crack as a land vehicle and could be ready amy turn to unload the retinue if anything comes close (like DSing units). The Storm Eagle could be tough to as it's a flier w/ 4 hull points AV12, it could take longer for them to arrive, but there's the possibility for their transport not to be destroyed in turn 1.


This is probably not the most practical retinue (cause its so expensive!), but something I'd like to use in large games. In smaller games I'd just use a single Sorcerer with my Lord or maybe make the Lord a Sorcercer on a Palanquin instead and they'd ride in a Land Raider.


Is this a feasible or reliable retinue or would it be better for me to look elsewhere?



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I've run a Nurgle Sorc on a palanquin, lvl 3, with Bio and have gotten Iron Arm... and took the Spineshiver Blade and a plasma pistol. A tough, choppy Sorc really can't be ignored. Throw him with a group of plasma pistol Chosen in a LR with a plasma pistol & power weapon on the Champ and you have a party.
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Why would you ever use plasma pistols Grimgorn?

Anyway, that Nurgle deathstar looks pretty fun, but I doubt they would work very well. Stuff with S10 in close combat isn't that rare, and they would make short work of your unit. They are also slow (even S&P slow!), so you will need to get lucky to assault 3 enemy units over a game. Unless two of them are also really high-points units, you will still be struggeling to earn your points back (which is generally the goal of deathstars) even in that best-case scenario.

I think it could work a bit better with Nurgle Terminators instead of the Molesters (oh, yeah, Mutilators...) as you will be less sensitive to S10 attacks and won't be S&P, but most things work better with no Mutilators so that's saying little.

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