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Pure Imperial Knights.


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I plan on using an army purely consisting of imperial knights.  I do a lot ov 2v2 games.  I plan on running either 2700 points or 2290.  2 cerastus knight lancers.  then 5 paladins.  I play with a guy who uses pure deathwing.. and he does a very good job in doing so.  Any thoughts or opinions?  I will probably throw an errant in there as well.  I plan on getting some of the newer kngiht variants coming out sometime next year.  I think in my opinion going with the paladin for more shots.  Believe it or not.. the heavy stubbers do get me some kills here and there.  I probably wiped out a tac squad a turn with 4 knights with their heavy stubbers firing at a tac squad a turn.  If proven successful I'll try running them in a 1v1 for :cusss n giggles.

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I've done this a few times - the problem is going up against majority flying lists such as Daemon Princes or Tyranid Flying Circus (especially the latter with Haywire).

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Well nobody here uses more than 2 or 3 fliers in a decent sized game. I could take out a knight and add in some hydras for air support.

I think they can ally in a fortification. Sorry for double post my phone is messing up.

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I have a 2v2 game.  3k per person.. I will be using 2 cerastus knights.  1 as my warlord.  4 paladins, 2 errants.  3050 if i remember correctly or somewhere there about.  my friend said he'll be ok doing 2950.  he is going to use guard and go troop heavy i think.  I think it could be beast.

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I'll try to detail it turn by turn.  If I don't I'll at least give you an end result.  My cerastus I used in a game allied with my guard it killed well over 400 points.  The invul save is very helpful.  Now imagine 8 of them with front facing invul saves.. drool..

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The downside is that against a combined 6,000 point force, there's quite a bit there to ruin your day.  There's a sweet spot in pointage between having enough Knights that you won't get outmaneuvered, but not enough points to the enemy to outgun or completely overwhelm you.  You're far out on the fringe of that bell curve, but with your buddy backing you up it could be an interesting mix.

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They quit by turn 3.  People called me cheesy for using that.  Funny thing is, Those are the people that used apoc formations in a standard game, and like 3 to boot.  Funny how when people get a taste of their own medicine they can't handle it.

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  • 4 weeks later...

It's because they don't know how to deal with it. Knights aren't the ZOMGROFLSTOMP!!! force people make it out to be. Hell, I played a 750 point game recently, 2 Knights, vs. Space Wolves. His Thunderwolf Cav and Warlord ROFL stomped me killing a Knight a turn. Over in two assaults. Granted, I had horrendous dice rolls. I mean, shake your head God awful dice rolls. Still.

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netminder is right, Knights are not the over the top power plays that people make them out to be. In an era where Wave Serpents, Centurion Stars, Conjuring, and Wraithknights are commonplace, Knights are simply other attempt to compete with THOSE and it still comes up under all the time. See if your friends want to play against you after they play a melta laden drop pod army.

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