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BA Combat Patrol


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Were having a little combat patrol skirmish in our local gaming group this weekend.


Restrictions are as follows:



No veichle with combined armor rating of 34 or higher (front+side+rear)

No heavy slots

No 3++ save units

No 2+ save units

Max 3 wound characters

No FNP better than 5+ (corb's would be silly in this format)


FoC must include 1 troop (hq not required)


Mission's are undecided yet, still need to work that out. Any suggestions are welcome, if their are any large holes in restrictions/rules or improvment tips please comment!


Due to restrictions it's probably gonna be troop heavy, but perhaps it's time to dust off some vanguard vets. I'm tempted to bring DC, but i think they will sit this one out in favor for a red tide.


Any ideas are welcome. 

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I read that wrong thought over 34 was illegal. At that point level BA are hard to field high point cost and taking but getting rid of the HQ could help this out. I would Leverage Razorback with assault cannons. Its versatile enough that you are going to be taking out troops and light vehicles nicely and its on a fast platform. I also think DC at this point level might be expensive but are going to be able to bully most anything.


115 Chaplain Powerfist

65 priest PW


180 5 RAS flamer PW Razorback assault cannon, Dozer Blade

180 5 RAS flamer PW Razorback assault cannon, Dozer Blade

210 5 DC power axe Razorback assault cannon, Dozer Blade


Dozer blades allow you to play more aggressive you will be moving twelve and firing those assault cannons and at this level I feel most list will struggle with 3 razorbacks.

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No HQs for a BA list. Clocking in at minimum 125 for an HQ of any use, too high a points cost. Most patrol-style games have the AV33 max limit (F+S+R) so that's fairly standard. 34 lets in dreads, fluffwise too valuable for patrol missions, but also Vindicators, Predators and what have you (also Defilers, IIRC they're 13/11/10). Putting the limit at 33 means that most armies' transports are generally good to go (Tau Devilfish sneaking in at 12/11/10), but battle tanks are out.


I'd be tempted by:

10 ASM, 2x Melta - 210

10 ASM, 2x Melta - 210

10 ASM, 2x Flamer - 200

2x Multi-melta Attack Bike - 100

Plus an extra 30 points of wargear spread out, likely on sergeants. Alternatively, make one of the melta squads into flamers and buy a heavy bolter attack bike. Generic plan: start bikes on-table (and hide them), combat squad all the assault marines and reserve them. Bikes aren't too difficult to keep hidden, and you can give opponents fits by having mushroom-clusters of Space Marines popping up all over the place. Generally you rely on having so many targets that they can't possibly deal with them all, and win by pinching objectives with said mushroom-clusters.

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I'm gonna try 3 razorbacks 2 with Las/Plas and a 10man JP squad with a priest, no HQ. Most of the wargear on JP unit. Might switch one Razorback with some Attack bikes. Currenlty in the process of removing JP's for magnet's on most of the infantry so only have 10 available. 


Should make for some fun and short games. 

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All inn all really fun, but the point cost has to go down. The games took 2 hours. Troops take longer to play then dreads etc. I think 4-500 points is more than enough for this type of game.


First game:

His list (from memory)

Imperial Fists

2 Razorbacks with assault cannon

2 10man Tacticals with plasma cannon can power axes (combat squadded)

5 scouts with ML

Libby ML2 with sword

Heavy bolter attack bike


All combat squadded. He got infiltrate on 3 units and deployed 2 plasma cannon tacticals and a scout squad midfield. I deployed my plasmabacks centerfield and flamerback left side while the jump squad where in ruins spaced out max.


Turn 1

I was going first, but he stole and shot the plasmabacks a few times with PC and ML, got one stun, his AC razors moved up, but couldt shoot much.

My turn i moved my JP unit on the right flank keeping spacing max and in position for a turn 2 charge. The laserback shot at the AC razor killing one i think? 5tacticals and libby disembarked and moved center field. The flamer razor moved 12 and popped smoke, same with the stunned laserback.


Turn 2

He shot his AC razor and plasma at my laserbacks doing quite a few HP, but killing none. I think they had 1 and 2 HP left. The scout ML missed my flamerback. The 5man tactical (the one with bolters,axe and libby) and heavy bolter bike killed 5 JP marines (made litte 3+ and no fnp).

My turn i went for the right back flank (5 tacticals with PC) Since his Libby had rolled a success on warp speed i wasnt going near that. The flamerback fired into scouts wiping them and getting first blood, the laserbacks killed 4 out of 6 in the libby squad and put one wound on libby.


Turn 3

He had disembarked a tactical squad and shot at my disembarked flamerback assault squad (we disembarked round 2), nothing happened in shooting, he assaulted me and we tied combat. The remaing model from libby squad (axe sergeant) split off,  Libby was out in the open for this round, but his last plasma cannon shot at my last laserback got a glance and i failed a 5 up cover, so my plan of hiding laserback to kill libby wen't down the drain. Flamerback exploded to a melta shot . JP squad with priest won combat vs the right flank plasma cannon squad and the last 2 won init rolloff and ran.


I split my priest off to chase the last 2 off the board (would take a round or two) and to get linebreaker. The 4 remaining JP guys moved toward the center plasma cannon squad who were 5 man strong.  The 5 marines from dead laserback were in the same area. He had the bike, libby, 5man PC squad and a 2-3 man unit left. The JP squad killed the 2-3man unit and the guys from the dead laserback killed a few from the 5man squad.


Turn 4


Libby moved towards the center to assault but failed a 8-9inch charge (phew). Everything else locked in combat and tanks dead on both sides these rounds went fast. I think we tied combat, or i won by 1.


Turn 5.


Libby moved and charged into assault with warp speed, but whiffed all his attacks (this was the turning point for me) i killed 2 or 3 marines, only 1 left + libby. His remaining units where nowhere close, i think they ran to deny killpoints.

In my turn i managed to kill the libby and survided with 2 models plus priest who was linebreaking. At this point the game ended.



I manged to scratch out a win, but not sure how. I didt make a single FNP save all game and kept tieing combat assaulting tactical marines due to failing 3+ saves. Very frustrating, i was behind from turn 2 to 5, but the Libby failing to wound with warp speed gave me 3 kill points in the end of turn 5. 




Second game was a fluffy csm list which i had a countered pretty hard. A few 5man rhinos with melta 2x10 cultist and a 5 man possessed unit with a Lord. We had to end the game due to time. The cultists actually took out 3 marines and priest in the last round of combat, i think i was ahead, but hard to say due to time issues. Due to list imbalances we more or less just playes reckless from turn 2-3 and onwards. But multiple close combat's take time. 


First game was very frustrating, i was tieing combat alot vs tacticals and not making any FNP rolls. I made one big mistake after killing scouts with flamerback, that was moving it to close to the melta squad (i didt think he had a melta in the 2-3 man squad between left flank and middle.) I had alot of bad rolls, but the Libby with warpspeed not doing anything in the end made up for that (though the plan was to kill him in shooting) i just kept loosing tanks to plasma cannons. And i should of included a MM attack bike inside the FNP bubble for better tank pressure. 


My memory is blurry on all the details, i'll try to take some pictures next time. 

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