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The Saga of Howland Greywolfe


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Well my wolf lord has been built (sadly not on an elk, every time I looked at the model I just couldnt convert it the way I would want to, so he just rides a regular thunderwolf now) and has played in two games, the first 2 with the new book and the first with wolves since 5th edition.


And all I can say is this 1) my luck with thunderwolves is awful (ok they lived, in two games only one died but can I please roll more then a 3 to wound? Against marines its fine but Plagues it sucks) and 2) My loadout for my wolflord is amazing, if expensive.


200pts, Thunderwolf, Black death and Runic armour.


So far his tally

In the first game 9 Dark angels and a rhino (pretty much after that the game was over)


In the secound he killed 10 plague marines (in one combat, he took a beating) a rhino and a hovering Heldrake (this is what I think of your fething ap3 torrent flamethrower).


So, I present honours for Howland Greywolfe, Angels Bane, Plague Reaper and Drake Slayer.

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Nicely done!! I've got a lord kitted with the sword and a shield and he gets to kill stuff on Wednesday!!

It is truly a shame you where unable to get him onto an elk!! I'd love to see that.


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