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Chaos Knights - should we ever take them?


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With Knights being popular in Imperial lists now is it worth taking one (or possibly more) in a chaos list - suitably converted of course?

I realise it will limit deployment and also has issues to keeping unit spacing throughout a game but does it bring something worthwhile to a Chaos army that we can't get from other units?

I don't have the book currently so am trying to get some opinions on what it brings before commiting and lets face it, it's not a cheap model to pick up and try on a whim. So anybody that has run one already some advice on list building would be helpful for 1500/1850 points.

Oh and if anybody has any cool Chaos Knight models it would be nice to share smile.png

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We can ally with them... as pseudo-Freeblades - for instance, by abusing the allies system! e.g.:

A Chaos Knight Army

Guard Primary Detachment – 275 pts.

Command Squad (with Master of Ordnance, Vox-Caster)
Veteran Squad (with 2x Missile Launcher)
Veteran Squad (with 2x Autocannon)

Chaos Space Marine Allies – 855 pts.

Khârn the Betrayer
Helbrute with Power Scourge (because.. new model)
9 Khorne Berserkers (3x Chain Axe, Icon of Wrath, Rhino)
1x Heldrake
1x Forgefiend

Imperial Chaos Knight Detachment – 370 pts.


(From Pins of War)

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Thanks for the reply smile.png

I did realise it was CtA allies but as I do like the model I am trying to justify buying one to myself but I can't see myself running a SM list with a Knight. It's a bit too close to bandwagon jumping for my comfort. It's just a pity GW didn't give us some access to the Knight even if it meant it was the usual loose PotMS or similar. I've just about finished a fantasy army project, probably this week or next, so need a new army project and was looking at a CSM build of some description I just need to find the right inspiration to set me away.

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I though under 7th ed - you could pretty much ally with anyone.  With "Come to the apoclypse" page 127 it just mean that the models need to be 12 inch apart when deploying & then following the rules for desperate allies - one eye open rule (unit with in 6 inch need to roll dice, on a 1, that unit is not able to move, shot or assault during that turn).


From what I seen in the FAQ it just say



Page 61 - Imperial Knight Allies Matrix:  Ignore this Allies Matrix.  Imperial Knight are an Army of the Imperium & ally as such as described in the Allies section of the Warhammer 40,000: The Rules


Just woundering if I miss out somthing as I'm planning on taken a single Knight to a event in a month time just because it be somthing a little diffrent & I've never use allies in a event yet.  Just want to make sure it all ok.



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Just from what I've seen


Page 127 just say -

Come the Apoclypse

Units that will only ally "Come the Apoclypse" are treated exsactly like "Desperate Allies", but cannot deploy within 12" of each other when they are deploying for battle.


Desprate allies has - One eye open

At the start of each of your movment phase, each unit within 6" of a Desprate allies unit must roll a d6 - on a roll of a 1, that unit cannot move, manifest psyhic powers, shot, run or charge that turn.  *Goes on about fly unit that get effected by this rule


The Knight listed on page 126 as part of the Imperial along with Guard, Sister of Battle & the Space Marines codex along with the other chapter codex.

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Yeah, with the new allies rules of 7th that old back door trick for CtA allies for 6th just isn't necessary. Like Slaves said, Chaos did have Knights... now they were Slaaneshi in their dedication, but that doesn't mean other knights didn't have leanings towards the other gods. My buddy is ok with me running a Knight, it's in the fluff and he's cool... plus I just asked.


I know that doesn't help in a tourney setting, however as it was pointed out... demons did ally with a Knight at NOVA (I think)

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I plan to field one in order to support my otherwise slow Thousand Sons/Daemons of Tzeentch army. They complement well the rest of my army elements. On the other hand I was never fan of modifications so I think I will go for a pure Knight look only with chaos stars where they are needed. As for decals... I would dearly wish for some more universal and chaotic. In the end eventually I will field a Lance formation... eventually, funds permitting. 

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Yes, it is worth taking one. Awesome model, awesome rules. CtA allies is a bit annoying, but that's okay. Basicly, for me the Imperial Knight is simply great fun.


And yes I have converted one (with help of friends I must admit). I'll post pictures once it's painted. Or before it's painted actually... I don't paint well lol.

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Yes, it is worth taking one. Awesome model, awesome rules. CtA allies is a bit annoying, but that's okay. Basicly, for me the Imperial Knight is simply great fun.


And yes I have converted one (with help of friends I must admit). I'll post pictures once it's painted. Or before it's painted actually... I don't paint well lol.


Agree - I have been useing a Knight recently, as said with a event come up but also just to try out allies & it just a great model.  Just been great & fun to use, really looking forward useing the Knight for this event next month :D


Model wise - I've got two Knight on my Iron Warriors army log.  They are one of the best models to build & paint, I'd not mind having a army of knights in the future. 


You should check out Dark Mechanicus project, by GuitaRasmus



There also a few kicking about on Games Workshop facebook pagies.  I think Games Workshop Dundee had one, then there a few facebook hobby groups like Games Workshop army painter.

Some have the liquid green stuff stipple onto the armour plate, some use Maulerfiend parts & (one my own as well after seen one on facebook on the release day) use the Chaos Warshrine to convert there.  Just have a good look though the kits out there for both 40k & WFB.

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Not had a chance to use mine yet but the kit is brilliant and I had such fun building and painting mine that I would recommend it just for that.


And sorry to divert slightly but if you think it would be of use to you, and the other guys here agree, perhaps a 'Chaos Knight Showcase' might be in order to give inspiration to those who would like to built their own?

I have a good half a dozen threads with chaos knights in now either through trying to research ideas for my own or since the Chaos Knight has caught on here so might be of use for you to have them all gathered in one place?


If I get some positive responses on this I'm happy to set it up unless someone else wishes to.

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Yes, it is worth taking one. Awesome model, awesome rules. CtA allies is a bit annoying, but that's okay. Basicly, for me the Imperial Knight is simply great fun.


And yes I have converted one (with help of friends I must admit). I'll post pictures once it's painted. Or before it's painted actually... I don't paint well lol.

Agree - I have been useing a Knight recently, as said with a event come up but also just to try out allies & it just a great model. Just been great & fun to use, really looking forward useing the Knight for this event next month :D


Model wise - I've got two Knight on my Iron Warriors army log. They are one of the best models to build & paint, I'd not mind having a army of knights in the future.


You should check out Dark Mechanicus project, by GuitaRasmus



There also a few kicking about on Games Workshop facebook pagies. I think Games Workshop Dundee had one, then there a few facebook hobby groups like Games Workshop army painter.

Some have the liquid green stuff stipple onto the armour plate, some use Maulerfiend parts & (one my own as well after seen one on facebook on the release day) use the Chaos Warshrine to convert there. Just have a good look though the kits out there for both 40k & WFB.

Chaos warshrine, hadn't thought of that but I bet it looks brilliant.


As far as tactics, I've just run it up one flank trying to CC anything valuable and with a CSM rhino squad following up any openings. Are there any other tricks I haven't thought of?



Edit- don't forget your heavy stubber people, its helped me a few times now to put a final hit on a unit or give me a better shot with main gun.

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