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Do we have an answer to the Transcendent C'tan?

Boom Stick

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I have a game coming up soon and there is a 99% chance that this C'tan will be starting on the board. I would be able to get at least one round of shooting if he gets first turn but I cannot see a feasible way to take this down without letting it kill my whole army.


Do we have an answer to this? Previous editions I would just aim for all his troop choices and then hide units and win on objectives.

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Posted this in the apoc thread on the same thing, but Mephy does very well against him (well, did well before).  Little more difficult now, as you need Iron Arm.  But, he's only got 6 wounds, so, the FW can do serious damage if he fails just 2 saves.  

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I'm not sure if Mephiston works, this guy has 8 attacks at AP2


He shouldnt hit back!


If he does, Meph will die (endurance/iron arm dependent).  Everytime you fight him, its kill or be killed. So, lascannons and rending ACs at a push.

You want to make sure force is activated, and make sure Iron Arm is too.  That way its 1+ d3 extra wounds, and Ctan doesnt get his FNP. 

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Just sternguard him? ('sternguard' is a verb, right? tongue.png)

Or doesn't poison work on GMCs?

Only wounds on 6s, sadly, unless it would wound on less than that based on its strength. And Tsijben - C'Tan should hit with 4 attacks, wounding with all (leaving Mephy clinging to life on 1), and then it gets to stomp, which has a chance of just removing Mephy anyway.

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Obviously, you want to stack the odds in your favour. So Invisibility on Mephiston will go a long way, as will casting Enfeeble (and preferable Iron Arm, Force and Warp Speed).


What alternatives do we have? How would a Furioso/Furioso Librarian talon fare?

[by talon, I mean more than one Dreadnought]

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Rather than a "bashy dread", I think I would prefer the Librarian in this instance. Extra Force if necessary, plus Psychic Shriek and/or Invisibility.


You see an opportunity to further improve Mephiston, I see another point of failure by relying even more on psychic powers. :p Failures to cast, perils, not enough WC to go around etc....

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Or, it can funnel more WC into Mephiston...


I just don't rate the dual Blood Fist Furioso. I'd much rather take a Fragioso or in this case, the Librarian version.


Death company dread, so a nice 6 S10 attacks on the charge. Plus he's hard to stop before he runs out of HPs. 

Lib dread could work too I guess. But his unbuffed S7 force weapon is not so hot vs T9. 

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Alternative perspective - considering the cost of an assault transport for mephy / dread - two sicarans with lascannons, one of them with the 'War on Murder' legacy of glory (re roll failed wounds vs MCs and all units within 6" gain fearless) comes in at 380 points. You'd need a reclusiarch ofc.
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Fister Furioso or Fister DC Dread should both do the trick after a round or so of shooting with lascannons and the like?


EDIT: Even if it can't kill the C'tan, the Fister Furioso will keep it occupied and hurt it plenty for a few turns; sometimes you just want to tie things up, and AV13 melee walker with 3 WS6 S10 attacks is quite good at that.


EDIT2: Failing that, you can always tie it up with a 10 man Death Company with 2-3 PFs/THs in it.  They will also last a few rounds and put a lot of wounds in it.


EDIT3: Call me crazy but I think Hammernators would also work?

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Bashy dreads are not likely to get to attack since the C'tan (at S9 and 2d6 pen - i think) hit at init 5. 



DC are not a bad idea, but will also suffer serious damage in the initial strike, and if they kill him, will take the ctan explosion hit, which will wipe them all out.  

Hammernators are a good bet! But, they need to save all their 3++, and then risk being stomped and removed on 6s, or taking loads of 2+ saves.  10 Hammernators should do well though!!! 

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DC is not a cost effective option to deal with a T9 unit as he cannot be harmed by S5. Mauls don't bypass the save and only wounds him on sixes despite furious charge. Axes can't even hurt him unless you get the charge. Relying on krak grenades makes them the same as a scout. 


So massed powerfist DC with reclusiarch/chaplain if you want to take him down? 


2 storm ravens seems like a fairly safe way to do it outside of FW options or allied superheavies. 




EDIT: It's like you guys haven't run biomancy buffed Mephiston enough! :P

With 'iron arm' + another buff he can wade through units with fists and force weapons, this guy is even worse and does it all with his base stats. 

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Reclusiarch with power fist and hammernators might do the trick.



Concuss the C'tan with the reclusiarchs maul so that the hammers can swing, plus the rerolls to hit are useful for the first round.


Or just ally a fearless Gaurd blob (with azrael if possible for extra troll) to hold him up as long as possible.



What about a blender dread? I know he's only S7 on the charge, but he gets rerolls to wound and can attempt to do the continual attacks

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