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what to add to my blood angels collection?

Praefectus Invictus

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Drop Pods are always a good choice!

But it depends on what you have and what you want!


I am personally going to diversify my regular Death Company a bit by making additional weapon-options.

One thing I really plan to do is to make some CCW/Pistol-models without jumppacks and even Bolters with jumppacks.

Another project is to get FW-stuff, I have a Sicaran incoming and it's really awesome.

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i have 20 ASM, furioso libby/dread, 10 DC, rhino, LRC, baal pred, 10 devastators, 5 hammernators, 3 snaguinary priests, lemartes, mephiston, 5 libbys, gabriel seth, sanguinary guard, gonna get space hulk termies this saturday, tac squad and shooty dread. also have freeblade imperial knight gerantius.


That doesn't sound like 5000 points worth, is there something you left off the list? Maybe my mental math is just off today. 


Regardless, I agree a Stormraven and some drop-pods would be good options. I recommend at least three drop pods so that you can have two come in turn one.


Here are some other things to consider:

1) Reclusiarch to go with your DC

2) Brother Corbulo

2) Sternguard vets (I think you said you have 5....get more)

3) DC dread w/ blood claws

4) More assault marines (20 is not enough, imo)

5) Some razorbacks and more rhinos

5) Vindicator (fast vindicators are nice....if you go this route, get two as they like to run in pairs)

6) Some of the other unique characters (Dante, Astaroth, Sanguinor, Tycho)


On a side note, you may want to hold off on some of these purchases since a new codex is due out soon and some models could be updated, particularly the characters. 

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That doesn't sound like 5000 points worth, is there something you left off the list? Maybe my mental math is just off today. 





i dont have my army list here, and thats just what i remember off the top of my head, but with equipment etc. it is 5000 points


these are all good options you mentioned above, but for me funds are not unlimited (As a 13yr old it is hard to acquire tons of money)

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