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Keeping Track of Stuff


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So I find that at least half my deployment time is taken up with rolling for psychic powers and boons and what not. I just scribble them on a bit of paper for now but i'm sure there must be a better way. I've just finished getting all my rule books etc on to my iPad and setting up battle scribe for the iPad and i figure there must be a good way to keep track of the character's powers and boons on the iPad too. Can anyone recommend an app or a method that works well? 



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I got a stack of business cards pretty cheaply off the Internet. I scribble the name of the model (e.g. "Ka'aksh'neth"), its unit ("Bloodthirster") and any benefits randomly rolled for.


It's also a very good idea to print off or write down a quick cheat sheet with the various tables you commonly have to roll on. I've got a notebook with summaries of the Chaos Boon chart, Warp Storm chart, Daemonic Rewards tables, the Chaos Warlord tables I'm most interested in, and the Psychic Disciplines I normally use.


I'm also getting into the habit of writing down things to clarify before the game, and important things not to forget. The act of writing them down and then reviewing them after the game - and then before the next game - helps reinforce these things.

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At the moment, I use one of these;




I keep my army list in the right hand notebook, and my running notes in the left.


Uh, mine's actually black, though, not pink. >>

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I actually made myself a full reference guide that has every units characteristics profile, weapons and special rules (both codex and rule book) with a summarised boon table and detailed bonus'. Every character has a box in his entry where I can write the corresponding number depending on boons and I only have to look at the paper to see what he got. Saves carrying the codex, or flicking through the rulebook to see what each reward does as it's all there for me - just need to print it out or view it on a tablet to make adjustments in game.
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Not sure if you were referring to my post above you're about me making a reference guide or just making a suggestion but I originally did it on Word as that is all I had (get it free while I'm at uni) but having discovered OpenOffice recently I'm planning on transferring it over at some point to neaten it up and improve the layout etc.

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