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++Daemon Forge: Showcase for Chaos Knights++

Iron-Daemon Forge

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Hi everyone


After a recent topic talking about Knights in a Chaos army & a few member asking about conversion/models for these knight, looking for idea's.


This topic is here to allow member who have Knight in there Chaos armies, to show off these great models, from conversion & fully painted.  This can be your own work or if you seen a really cool conversion kicking about, feel free to add a link or post the image (note make sure your not hotlink the image as per the forum rules).


I'll get photos posted of the two Knight I've got in my own Iron Warriors force later today & I'll try upload some knights I've seen over on facebook to this topic.



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Finial got time (been really busy).


I've added two Knight to my own Iron Warriors army - there two army log kicking about in WIP & Chaos area of these forum :D 


First Knight -

When the Knight models where annouce to be release.  I wanted to add one to my army, part of this was from re-reading Storm of Iron & I was just that the titan battle scene.  Other part it just look like a cool model, they are really great to build & paint, I would recommend the Knight model to anyone to add to there armies, there so much you can do to the model that make the model it own but still tie in with the army your adding it to.


For the first conversion - While I was building the Knight on the day of release & still trying to think of idea.  One of my friends shown me a really great Knight conversion for Chaos which use the Warhammer Fantasy Chaos Shrine that was on facebook.  It look cool, give the model that Chaos look & help cost wise as well.



















Since then, I added a second Knight to my Iron Warriors.  Part of this was just easyer to transport the model when going for game from my local club or store.
Also I was checking out the Chaos Titian that was part of the Seige of Terra, a old display that was in Warhammer World many year ago.  Also the Bloodquest comic show some great art work on Chaos titan.

While the claw was inspired by GuitaRasmus & his brillaint Dark Mechanicus project - check out his topic it filled with tons of great conversion















Chaos Titan from the Seige of Terra display from Warhammer World.  While not a Knight, it great for idea toward them.




Chaos titan from the Bloodquest comic.  Bloodquest comic is really great, telling the story of a group of Exile Blood Angels on a quest to find a lost relic of the chapter.  It see them battle Ork Hoards & then a Daemonic world with in the eye of terror as the armies of the four gods battle it out.  This has been a comic I've loss count amount of time I check it for conversion idea for my models not matter which Chaos army I've collected over the years.
If you can ever get a copy of this comic (try get the one with all three stories), get it.





Then those I found on facebook - sorry unsure who models they are.  Just saw them on Games Workshop pagies or groups set up for the hobby














As said if you got a Knight for your own Chaos army or seen some cool conversion add them.  As said these models are great to build & paint, somthing I would say people should add to there own armies.
I'd like to get a Knight army in the future all for Chaos.



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I do like the Knight model, as far as something that everyone wants... GW hit this one out of the park.  However, I am more partial towards Dreamforge's Leviathan model for my own Chaos force.  This is for a few reasons, but primarily for in-built swappable weapons.  One model with a few extra arms, and I can make almost any variant of Knight so far.  Now the lines for it are really clean, too clean.  So I've started to corrupt my Leviathan to be something more suitable for Chaos.  This has been using bits from the Slaughterbrute, War Shrine, and Ghorgon models as well.  It's goignt take forever to get it built and a long time to paint as well.  However, I'm really pleased with how its turning out so far.


Side note, it is the 25mm scale as well so it actually sits closer to the height of a Lancer or Castigator.  Which after reading the rules for the Castigator I could see that in a Chaos force, the Deflagrate ability could be demonic fire coming off the blade.




This is with the more Khorne based head... I want to make sure the heads are magnetized to switch out how I want it to look with the rest of the force.  Please keep in mind this Knight serves the Warmaster and the Black Legion and it's colors will reflect that.



While this one, all gribbly and what not, could be Nurgle or Slaanesh




I know as it stands, Knights and Chaos are CtA allies.  Hopefully, we will get the ability to take Knights in the future and dedicate them as well.


P.S This was the first day of building, since then GS has been added for the more organic sections and I'm planning another build session in a week or so.

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Great idea for an inspirational topic, Insane Psychopath! I also love your two Knights, and they were very helpful in sorting out my own Chaos Knight conversion.


Speaking of which, here's my own (yet unpainted) Knight:










I also built an interior for the Knight, complete with pilot: The fallen Knight Captain Harrowthorne, now a honorary member of the World Eaters 4th assault company:








Not to toot my own whistle too much, but I also collected pretty much all the Knight conversions that inspired me for this post over at Dark Future Games.

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  • 8 months later...

I've notice a few memeber have vow to paint up a Knight for the ETL, like wise we saw the re-release of codex Knight just a few week ago.  If you've got a Knight model or seen any really cool converted Chaos once, please feel free to post or link on this topic.

Also with Forge World about to release there own version, though be cool just let memeber get idea, etc...


Check out Eddie Knight for his Fallen Angels army




Here a third Chaos Knight I added to my Iron Warriors 5th Grand Company just a few month ago














Then photos from my mobile when I use a army of Knight (also destroy them myself :( ) in a game that my local wargaming club, borrow two models from a friend






I'm aim to add a forth Knight to my Iron Warriors force.  Aim this to be a warlord when I use them as a stand alone force.  With the rumour Space Marine chapter spure (trophies) & also IW transfer shown from the Warhammer World open day just over a week ago.  I really want to try go all out.


So if you got one or seen a cool Chaos version feel free post the model


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So many of the awesome ones that inspired me when I started working on mine for the 2015 ETL.... Such awe-inspiring work here!

I started plotting and planning mine out and then 3 days after I ordered up the Dreamforge Claw to convert into a powerfist, GW goes and releases theirs, lol..... I still like mine better even if it is mega-huge....hehe devil.gif







Pics from a recent game where my "Helknight" left several smoking piles of Deldar detritis on the battlefield...




If I get my hands on certain bitz I may go back and add onto..... further illustrate his continued corruption from the Warp.....We'll have to see devil.gif

The ones showcased on KrautScientists Blog are stunning...Love DarkApostle's , makes my jaw drop! Stunning!

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It's $140, which seems to be higher than last time I looked. Have GW Knights always been that much?



The "new" kit is....they've added options....Thunderfist, Autocannon, Skyfire missiles......basically a whole 'nother sprue worth of goodies to be able to make the "new" knight variants....





Sorry for the double post, but missed this question and felt it needed to be answered ;)

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Hi all, a long term lurker here and my brother in arms Castigator has been here for sometime so I thought I really ought to actually start posting. My Slaanesh war host is the Ametheyst Silenoi and follows the Crimson Slaughter codex. The pictures below are of my Knight known as Relentless Love [as he pursues stuff around the table and lets them have it so to speak]. The shoulders are my first attempt at green stuff. The gun is to count as an Avenger cannon and the tentacle arm is the destroyer weapon.




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  • 4 weeks later...

One of my friend post a link on my facebook from Games Workshop Oxford on this really cool conversion for a Chaos Knight.  Useing the Knight kit, Lord of Skulls & Warshrine.



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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 9 months later...

With the release of Imperial Knight Renegade & ETL event happen a week on Sunday (no doubt we will be seen a lot of Knights msn-wink.gif ), though be worth bring this topic back. As before, got any Knights you've added to your Chaos collection, looking for idea or seen any cool models, it would be great to see them.

Since last time.

Here my fifth Chaos Knight that was added to my Iron Warriors force led up to Throne of Skulls March


Siege Knight that was built last year during ETL (thanks everyone with suggestion biggrin.png )


My unbound Chaos Knight force useing the rules from Forge World for Throne of Skulls March, along side my unbound Chaos Terminator force.


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One of my all-time favorites: 




I got myself a box too, but everything's still on sprue. I wish the above was mine. 

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Hah, I knew we used to have an inspiration thread for this subject! Good thinking, Insane Psychopath!


@ Brother Kortmer: Oh my, that is some gorgeous painting on that Dreamforge Games model! Excellent stuff!


So just because I like showing this guy off so much, here's my painted Chaos Knight, Gilgamesh, the Warrior King:


















I had so much fun with this project that I even went back and built an Epic-scaled version of the Knight ;)




More info on the conversion and a more in-depth look at the finished model and its background can be found in my World Eaters WIP thread (see the link in my signature).



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