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++Daemon Forge: Showcase for Chaos Knights++

Iron-Daemon Forge

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Yeah... That hatch is a little too thin to drill safely.

you'd probably end up chipping off ends and having to greenstuff it back again, then drill through the greenstuff. While you could do that, I'm lazy. I just used magnets.


In fact, there's a total of 18 magnets on my knight so far, and I'm Comtemplating adding 4-8 more for movable hip and knee joints, although that could wreak havoc with the stability of the model.

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Yeh, Id be really carefull around that area, he models quite top heavy as it is and I dont know if the magnets would just slide past each other instead of holding, then again, being able to re-pose it on a whim is a very good idea

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If you want a movable hip, though, it's easy enough to just glue a piece of sprue (serving as a sort of "cross-beam") to the little nub on the ball-joint emerging from the top of the legs. That way, the two parts stay together, but the model can still swivel at the waist. You can even add a little washer made from cardboard between both parts for an even tighter fit.

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Mine are very chaosified and mutated, appearing far less like the once-proud Knights that they were created from than some people's (pictured with a loyalist in the centre for scale). The idea was to have one for each God, all using the standard Imperial Knight torso but with everything else kitbashed or scratchbuilt.



Full pics in their own thread: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/298094-dark-mechanicus-daemon-knights-of-the-unblinking-eye/

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  • 2 weeks later...

A good a place as any, eh?














Closeups on the detailing:








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That Knight is looking excellent -- although I would argue the quality of the paintjob beatthe coolness of the LEDs, which is no mean feat! ;)

In other news, maybe this information might prove helpful for all those of wyou who are building Khornate Renegade Knights: If you didn't already know, that freakishly huge icon of Khorne that comes with the Age of Sigmar Bloodsecrator (from the starter box) is just ideal as a back banner for a Knight. Here's a WIP picture of the banner I am currently painting:

Again, thanks guys! smile.png

So here's another ETL-related update -- kinda. I's been quite a while since I last painted a new model for my World Eaters, so to ease myself back into the flow of things, I decided to paint something quick and fun to get a taste for all that red again msn-wink.gif

Back when Age of Sigmar was released, I instantly felt that the huge icon of Khorne carried by that Bloodsecrator of Khorne (what a briliiantly imbecilic name, btw) was far too huge for any infantry model, but would work for a Knight or Titan -- well, I went back and used it to built an optional back banner fpr Gilgamesh, which I am currently painting. Take a look:


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This is my Daemon Knight of Khorne, Maim. Made it for last years ETL.




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