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Metallic Blue Tutorial?


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I remember seeing, some time ago on how to do metallic blue armor on marines. it consisted of paiting the Marine Runefang Steel IIRc, hitting it with Nuln oilo to shade, and then successive coats of... something. I can't remember if it was a shade or the Guilliman Blue glaze. my search fu is weak as I have been unable to locate the post. Anyone remember it and have a link? Or remember what the steps were?  TIA.

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I believe the tutorial you are looking for was called viva metallica?


Ive used a similar method myself in the past to paint an executioner




"Recipe wise.. model was sprayed with alclad dark aluminium then airbrushed lightly with drakenhof nightshade, recesses were done with p3 armour wash and highlights with vallejo model air steel (initially i tried a veeery light drybrush of vallejos metallic medium which i didnt like and is whats caused the slightly "glittery" effect.. we live and learn)

The yellow is vallejo model colour medium skin tone with a light coat of reikland fleshshade and a light coat of tamiya clear orange.

Bronze is done the same way as my minotaurs.. light coat of brass scorpion, runelord brass over that and drybrushed runefang steel before washed with agrax earthshade.

most of the weathering is done with vmc german camo black brown and a sponge and the feet are dusted with fw's dark earth pigment."


May be of some use to you. :)

I have also had success basing the model in boltgun metal ( i suppose it's leadblecher now?) and then using blue ink to color it.  If your base metal is too bright then you run the risk of a very shiny marine, but using darker base color plus a dullcoat spray afterwards should work nicely

Well, it's for a DIY chapter I'm planning: Silver Hawks, based on the old cartoon. Everyone except the leader was a metallic blue. (and the little monkey guy was copper) So a bright metallic blue isn't bad. I'll have to search for Viva Metallica.

You could always try a lighter version of the Metallic Blue/Green Alpha Legion scheme some have been doing on the forum / email Forgeworld. Just cut out the green in the process.



Edit: this post and topic in general should give you decent enough inspiration - http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/289899-alpha-legion-colour-schemes/?p=3715767

You could always try a lighter version of the Metallic Blue/Green Alpha Legion scheme some have been doing on the forum / email Forgeworld. Just cut out the green in the process.



Edit: this post and topic in general should give you decent enough inspiration - http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/289899-alpha-legion-colour-schemes/?p=3715767


That was with a very very bright shiny light silver, ive also used more of a boltgun metal color and the result was much deeper, i can see if i have pictures


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