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Legion of the Damned in Space Wolves FA Drop Pod


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Hello Brothers


I really like the Legion of the damned, the only problem with them being that they can't get on the field in the first turn( except the special mission in their supplement). So naturally a lot of thinking has gone into getting around this.


I don't know why this hasn't crossed my mind yet, but what stops them from being put in a Space Wolf fast attack drop pod and using that drop pod in the drop pod assault turn 1?

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You'd have to take Space Wolves. At least until Blood Angels come, then you get another bad choice.


In seriousness, this is an interesting question. LotD must start in Reserves and must deploy via Deep Strike.


They are not denied entry in to Transports, though it could be implied for when they are in Reserve because it wasn't possible when the rule was last updated.


A Drop Pod actually does everything they are required to do.


I would say its hinky, but I can't think of a violation as yet.

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