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Tacitcal Dreadnaught Armor

Sans Mercy

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So my tender lady-bits ache with anticipation waiting for Space Hulk to get in, but more specifically the Terminator models.

I'd been wondering what more experienced players think of Terminator Squads, if anyone fielded them, and how they delivered them and used them in concert with the rest of the force.
 What about the value? a 2+ save is nice, but for 40 points at one wound/T4 that seems like crack prices.

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So my tender lady-bits ache with anticipation waiting for Space Hulk to get in, but more specifically the Terminator models.


I'd been wondering what more experienced players think of Terminator Squads, if anyone fielded them, and how they delivered them and used them in concert with the rest of the force.

 What about the value? a 2+ save is nice, but for 40 points at one wound/T4 that seems like crack prices.


You are correct in that they aren't really worth 40 pts. If you want to use them I'd take a 5 man squad with the heavy flamer and try to bring them in late game, maybe with FnP from a priest. 


When you use them as your tactical reserve they can hopefully be applied in a place where the enemy can't concentrate neither high strength attacks nor high volume at them. In those situations they can absolutely steam roll weaker units. 


I'd use locator beacons on flyers or pods to deliver them where you want. 

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In my opinion, Terminators (like Bike Squadrons) require a list to be built around them in order to make the most of them.


Terminator Assault squads require delivery (Crusader/Spartan/Caestus/etc) and buffs (Priest/Corbulo and/or Chaplain/Librarian/Inquisitor - Terminator armour is not necessary here). You then need enough threats elsewhere to ensure these eggs and their basket arrive.


"Tactical" Terminator squads have two main methods. The first is mentioned by knifeandfork above but, I would further stack the odds in their favour by attempting to manipulate their reserve roll too. The second is going for a ten man squad with either two Cyclones or two Assault Cannons. These will either start on the board and march upfield or start "embarked" in a building and appear via an escape hatch. These again should be supported by a Priest or Corbulo - no Deep Strike means no Terminator Armour required. Again, I feel these should be complimented by a list which synergises best with them.

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You never see them on the table, so you might be able to get a bit of element of surprise, or people underestimating them. I think deepstriking with a flamer sounds pretty good -- your enemy might not even bother diverting resources to them and then they could tear apart rearguard units. I love the models so much that I may eventually paint-up my 3rd edition Space Hulk termies as Angels Sorrowful and use them like this on occasion.

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10 termies, 2x cyclone, priest.


Nice unit for the middle of the board. Lots of S4 shots, and 4 krak missiles in a pinch. 

Horribly expensive and not something you can do with the space hulk termies. 



I'd thought the thread was about termies in general.


Expensive, yes, but played for fun.

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Terminators are great, especially SS/TH assault terminators. Sure, you can use a 200-250 point transport, but imo, that is often just too many points for what you get. Just plan to walk them up the middle of the battle board and watch your opponent scramble to deal with them. I used this strategy as part of a recent tournament list and ended up winning the tournament. Even if you're stuck with a bad board/mission for this strategy, you can always reserve them and deep strike them behind enemy lines. 


Sometimes they kill things and sometimes they don't. But even when they don't, they are guaranteed to suck up so much enemy firepower that your other units can go about their business without much interference. In 6E, your opponent used to be able to ignore your TH/SS termies. But with them now being scoring, you can plant them on a key objective and own it, knowing that if your opponent gets close, you will smash them. 

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I'm on the same lines as Red-Beard here; 40 points is a lot but they are better value in 7th ed.


Nice idea on spending transport points on extra men and footslogging them. Would try that but I'm using mine - haven't had time to practice this yet so it's still theory - in the main assault / anti-wraithknight & anti-riptide role. So I need that caestus for precision and flexibility. Jumpy MCs are otherwise difficult to catch. With corbs to tank anything less than S8 (and he still gets a 2+ FNP for S7 AP2) it will take a hell of a lot to wipe them off the table and the reclusiarch gives them that extra kick in the initial assault.


Going back to price, the only other unit which could perform this assault role is the death company. Vs MCs, 8 death company with 2 TH is 5 points less than 5 terminators with TH SS, so I think assault TDA comes out on top in terms of hitting power and survivability, point-for-point.

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