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Unbound Armies


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The following sentence has spawned numerous heated debates:  simply use whichever units from your collection you want.


On the surface, it seems straight forward and innocuous.  It's understood to not be for competetive or balaanced play.  It answers soley to Rule Nubmer One.  We have literally been arguing over a rule that says to ignore the rules.


And as such, I'd like formally recomend that the +OR+ adopt a policy of a single prepared answer to all things related to RAW and the Unbound Army, deleting all comments other than the prepared answer, and locking each new thread after the prepared answer is given


For such a prepared asnwer , I'd recomend somthing similiar to :  The only restrictions on Unbound Armies are the ones your opponent and you agree upon.  


This acknowledges the realities of playing Unbound.  There are going to have to be limitations, and you need to work those out with your opponent each and every time.  It also acknowledges the spirit of the rule.  Playing with anything in your collection can lead to some fun and wacky games.  It can also lead to some odd and cheesy combos.  But it should always lead to having fun (back to Rule Number One).


Thank you, have a nice day.

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