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Can an IC join another solitary IC?


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While I can see the point from a narrative perspective of two heroes fighting side by side, from the view of actually making anyone want to play against you it's not good.

Imagine an unbound army with a super unit of IC joined to IC joined to IC ad infinitum. No one is going to have any fun playing against that, and frankly, the sane response of most opponents when you deploy your models is going to be to put theirs back in the box.

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More than that - can't an IC join another single model even if the other model isn't an IC? I think I remember Mephiston and Corbulo being discussed.


Also the Daemon dex explicitly states the four heralds can be joined to form a single unit.


I don't think it's too broken really.



It'd be fun to make an unbound list of 10 SM captains with jump packs and normal assault squad issue weaponry to try and represent a squad of marines as they are depicted in the fluff up against a 'normal' list to see how they get on...

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I was thinking of making a deepstriking unit for my Heresy army consisting of the Warmaster Horus himself, a dual plasma moritat with Jump Pack and a Primus Medicae in Terminator armour.

Not sure if the ICs can join the Moritat however...


I know a Morirat can only join a destroyer squad, but the rules aren't specific against another IC joining him.


I was thinking of Horus arriving via deepstrike, tanking with his 2+ 3++ 3+ negate, 5+ fnp whilst the Morirat hits with on average 12 plasma shots... Horus can then whack someone with tl precision orbital bombardment and so on. If someone assaults the unit there's no real threat.


Btw I use my Heresy army mostly against 40k lists...

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ICs cannot join units containing Vehicles and Monstrous Creatures, but they can join other ICs. This is from the first rules paragraph for Independent Characters.


Oddly enough, Farsight Enclaves have a Monstrous Creature that is an IC, and as soon as he joins a unit, no other IC can join it, and none of the other seven can join him!

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While I can see the point from a narrative perspective of two heroes fighting side by side, from the view of actually making anyone want to play against you it's not good.

Imagine an unbound army with a super unit of IC joined to IC joined to IC ad infinitum. No one is going to have any fun playing against that, and frankly, the sane response of most opponents when you deploy your models is going to be to put theirs back in the box.



It's hardly over powered. Yes it would be a powerful unit, but it's cost would be many hundreds of points meaning your ability to take more than a couple of IC will severely limit the hitting power of the rest of the army

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Conversely, I think it would be super fun to face the "Heroes of the Imperium" and face an Unbound army with a unit made up of;








And any other's I've missed.

You forgot Mephiston and his personal physician Corbulo. They should be their own group though to (ab)use the majority toughness rule.
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The main point is that a unit consisting only of Mephiston and Corbulo would have a majority toughness of 6 or with the right biomancy power 9. Additionally Mephiston can LO,S! those AP2 wounds to Corbulo and his 2+ FNP.
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I agree that the points cost of an uber unit is restrictive and stops you fielding much else, but I like to be able to fight the enemy, not spend six turns hiding from him because I have no hope of causing any damage without fielding a deathstar of my own.

This kind of arms-race doesn't add any fun for casual gaming, and in my opinion is best kept for narrative games with friends who know what they will be getting kerb-stomped by.

Each to their own though. What I enjoy may not match up with everybody else's view. Have fun.

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