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Why I hate FW


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So this pops up on the FW website...and makes my heart sing with joy that its reasonable...now who wants to loan me the 1k needed to buy it? Anyone? This whole being an adult thing and buying a house is really getting annoying when FW does things like this exactly when I don't have the extra money.

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But honestly, this kind of bundle is only intimidating because its one lump sum. Not multiple smaller purchases spread over a longer period that amounts to nearly twice as much as that.


*looks at Forgeworld Purchase history...Weeps*

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As much as it is a punch in the nuts (or ovaries, I'd hate to discriminate against the female 40k chaos players out there now...) paying $1200 for THREE, not one, not two but THREE titans is pretty much a 65% discount on the bundle, you know, like GW used to do.


Who knows, maybe this makeshift alter to the gods will start to work when I just add some blood...

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Guys, guys you're going about this all wrong.


You offer up your firstborn son, then you start hacking out your organs.


You can always make more kids, right?



And more Forge World purchases after...



Now that I think about it, i'm going about this wrong.


Make a Faustian pact for your soul, that thing does nothing but take up space, then move on to your firstborn.

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Just your soul? You need to go deeper! The soul of your family and all other loved ones, each for a separate order, bonus points if its a virgin daughter (because thats special for some reason...?). Except for your dog. Would never be able to hurt my widdle puppeh even if it was for more FW goodies. The rest of my family, however, is fair game. Think of all the kidneys/lungs/souls I could harvest!?!



Edit: for those that have cats, good luck. They don't have souls. Why do you think they have 9 lives? They're already in demon pacts for immortality thats how!

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Just your soul? You need to go deeper! The soul of your family and all other loved ones, each for a separate order, bonus points if its a virgin daughter (because thats special for some reason...?). Except for your dog. Would never be able to hurt my widdle puppeh even if it was for more FW goodies. The rest of my family, however, is fair game. Think of all the kidneys/lungs/souls I could harvest!?!


Forge World is the leading cause of IRL Chaos Worshipers.


It's not hard to see why.

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Hey, if they didn't make such great books and resin crack, it wouldn't be that much of a problem. But they do. So here we are.


+++++Black Market News Flash++++++

-Sudden Drop in Kidney Price due to market Saturation

-Sudden Drop in Lung Price due to market Saturation


+++++Global News Reports+++++

-Sudden Rise in unknown cult activity around the world. Sources state that the Leader of these cults goes by the name "Forger Of Worlds" More at 11!

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Haha. I thought this was going to be another crying thread. Quality thumbsup.gif

For shame Forte, we're talking about Forgeworld, not GW proper!

*mumbles a prayer to Alan Bligh*

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I've resisted getting on the FW train so far, but if the rumored IA book updating all the chaos rules (in one place) does end up coming out, I suspect I'm done for.  (Especially if the rules are any good.)  And if they ever come out with an official Chaos Knight - well, there goes my piggy bank.

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I've already bought some stuff off of FW (read: Nurgle CSM Sorcerer for a friend and the preachers and pyskers for the traitor guard) but anything bigger...well I've held my ground but this is seriously weakening those fortifications.


Now if we REALLY want to get creative we simply play 40k FO REALZ. How do you play 40k FO REALZ you ask? It's simple. The person who looses has to give the winner some sort of kidney/limb/lung/what have you sacrificial signifigance for money.

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Just your soul? You need to go deeper! The soul of your family and all other loved ones, each for a separate order, bonus points if its a virgin daughter (because thats special for some reason...?). Except for your dog. Would never be able to hurt my widdle puppeh even if it was for more FW goodies. The rest of my family, however, is fair game. Think of all the kidneys/lungs/souls I could harvest!?!


Forge World is the leading cause of IRL Chaos Worshipers.


It's not hard to see why.



Loesh...that's probably one of the best things I've read.

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