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Tigurius in Hardback Codex vs. Digital Update


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I've noticed that in a recent national tourney FAQ, there is a reference to Tigurius' Master Psyker special rule in the "updated digital codex" that apparently invalidates his ability to reroll failed psychic tests. It doesn't seem like this is related to his Hood of Hellfire's special rule, so I'm not sure on what this means. Can anyone confirm or deny this? I don't have any way to access the digital version, as I don't use an iPad. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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All it is saying is that the rule in question doesn't allow for psychic test rerolls. But since the Relic isn't involved with it, and that's what actually cause the rerolls in question, he still can because of the Relic. I don't know if they were planning on nerfing the Relic or not, though.


Looking over the list of the FAQ, some of those questions are already answered in the rules, while some just add more confusion.


For example, an IC with Infiltrate can possibly redeploy a unit in to Infiltrate, but they didn't actually address the timing issue of it.

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