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Legion Smack Talk Thread

Fire Golem

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The shadows parted to reveal a member of the XIX, light bent armour the armour, white marking slowly appeared.

Hail Brothers

Warhound, I have fought with your kin, and your Eaters of Worlds cousins. There is a fine line between your rage, and their brutality. You may not have the 'nails' but I doubt you have the constraint to know when battle rage ends, and psychosis begins.

Templar, do you have emotion behind your stoicism? I have shared better jokes with the rooks of my Farther's spire, and, to ape the Rout, there are no Ravens on Deliverance.
(Big enough that if they had their own codex they would be lashed to chariots, ridden, and Raven Guard dreads would carry bows and arrows. In seriousness, there is a short story, 40k centred, about a potential chaplain hunting a rather large one, it's strong enough to almost kill him, and the chaplain makes a helm out of the skull, so it's got to man big)



"It seems most strange to me." the Apostle said, idly tapping his fingers on the daemonic skull helm in front of him. "That our older brothers should glory so, in being of...the blood of Terra. Of fighting in the Unification of Terra. As if it was some grand accomplishment. You desire to be honored for it? Very well.


Herald of the Emperor! Hound of War! Led by the most powerful psyker in the history of life, with arms and armor superior to those you faced, you did battle with men, women and children who were weaker than you, slower than you, prone to hunger, disease, and thirst where you were not, and you did not fail. Ave, Salutem Est!"


He crashed his fist against his chestplate in a Unification salute, and bowed to the two elder warriors.



A warrior in heavily modified terminator armor with an odd yellow and black pattern on one shoulder pad returned the salute, not the easiest thing to do while wearing lightening claws.


"You appear to have forgotten of the Ironsides, the psykers of Kalagann of Ursh, the Ur-Khasis, and the machine-things of the Tempest Galleries. Those machines, I remember them quite well.


What were they? Weak, sickly, men and children? They all fell to be sure, but it was hardly as easy as you seem to think."


The old legionary smiled and said 


"If you're interested, I can have a practice area set up to demonstrate what the Tempest Galleries were like."



Within the confines of the sarcophogus, the venerable raged at the insults from the apostate he once called 'cousin'.


"You patronize me, thin-blood Son of Lorgar? You mock those who lay down their lives, in the true Great Crusade? If we, of Terran blood, had not won our world, where would your 'Great Crusade' be? It would exist only in the minds of the Sons of Terra, the greatest of all Astartes. Our cousin  of the Eighteenth makes my point quite succunctly. Could you have fought, as he did, in the Caucasus Wastes, and emerged victorious? Could you have destroyed ten dozen cohorts of the Red Engines of Ursh? I doubt you could even do that"


Turning, he addressed the Templar.


"You say you condemn uncontrolled rage? Then we are in agreement in that. I have said it before, and I shall say it again- 'I condemn madness.' My brothers who bear the Nails are mad, and I pity them.


"Raven Guard. You accuse me of lacking control. I say this is not so. I was made a captain by the Emperor for a reason, to be the reason amongst warmongers. All of us, the lords of the Legion Before, were so."


Finally, the Contemptor faces the members of the Tenth.


"Your accusations reveal what I feared most about your legion. Logic, overriding common sense. We did not charge headlong into battle, without forethought. We merely knew what our greatest strength was, and used it in battle. Do not mistake simplicity for tactical stupidity."

"Pah, do not speak to us of common sense. Common sense would dictate one wouldn't stand idly by as your brothers lobotomize themselves in the hopes of connecting with a broken madman. Your negligence either stems from lack of forethought, or you had no love for your brothers and the legion to begin with. The fact that you still "live" clearly proves that you didn't voice your opinions forcefully enough to your legion's hierarchy."



A sneer twisted the Iconoclasts' face, his eyes narrowing upon the Iron Hand.


"Did your father tell you to begin lopping bits of yourself off and replacing them with cold metal, child? I recall no bionics jammed into Ferrus's flesh.


Fear not, if you cannot remember. We can just ask one of the III Legion who were on Istvaan. I'm sure they had plenty on time to study his corpse."


"Your arrogence does little to hide your ignorance, son of Lorgar" came the Xth Legionary's snarled reply.


"The Gorgon initiated such protocols so that when your wounded and crippled lay awaiting the synth-flesh that would alleviate their maladies, ours would be back upon the front lines, killing for the Imperium we were made to unify.


Every second yours spent waiting for their flesh to be whole once more was a dereliction of duty, a failure in their assigned purpose. Iron let us fight again within hours of injury - and violence was the only purpose we had, the only purpose we ever needed."


Light flashed off the plates of metal that had long ago replaced his teeth as the Medusan grinned.


"And if you think mentioning our father's death should provoke an emotional response, you know even less about the Xth.


Ferrus knew that his survival was never essential - he understood his function in the Emperor's plans best of the Primarchs, and he accepted it. If Lorgar's pathological need for attention hadn't lead him to try and find greater, illogical meaning in the brutality of existance, if he had accepted his purpose, none of this would have come to pass."

"Pah, do not speak to us of common sense. Common sense would dictate one wouldn't stand idly by as your brothers lobotomize themselves in the hopes of connecting with a broken madman. Your negligence either stems from lack of forethought, or you had no love for your brothers and the legion to begin with. The fact that you still "live" clearly proves that you didn't voice your opinions forcefully enough to your legion's hierarchy."


"We won't speak to you of common sense. If your Lord had known anything of common sense he would not have charged headlong into the jaws of a superior force without waiting for reinforcements, and as a consequence he and a great many others might still have lived."

"Ferrus knew that his survival was never essential - he understood his function in the Emperor's plans best of the Primarchs, and he accepted it."



"Though I have long since forsaken any attempt to know the mind of the abomination that sits on Terra's throne, I find myself...skeptical that He shaped the Sire of the Tenth solely for the purpose of providing an afternoon's entertainment for Lord Fulgrim and a drinking cup for the Warmaster."

The taloned veteran of the Tenth let out another engine revving laugh. "Look how the parasites unite before us brothers! They make uneducated accusations towards us and our Father to hide their own weaknesses!"


With arms outstretched to his side posing a challenge, the veteran spoke to the room, his voice now echoed with somber finality. "Do your worst cousins. Stab us, shoot us, spit on us, or burn us. With iron bodies, dead hearts, and burning souls, we no longer feel pain. Our minds are set on vengeance. Nothing will get in the way of our goal, not even death. Our corpses will drag you into the mud as our living crushes your skulls beneath their heels. So again I say to you cousins, do your worst. We will endure it all."


The son of Fulgrim merely laughed at the rooms happenings.


"Stab us! shoot us! spit on us! burn us!" he replied in mocking tones "Oh please, that is not our worst for the worst thing we could do is suffer you to live! The sweet ecstasy of death is a gift to your pitiful kind, you're almost as sad as the war hound." he poked his thumb the walking sarcophogi's way "Waving around his conversion beamer like he holds so much power in that little box of his, it's almost adorable." under his helm, Loesh snorted "If his aim was to strike terror of the imperium into my twin hearts, he's failed spectacularly."

The Salamander shook his head "Those that do not learn from their mistakes are doomed to repeat them. Your Lord made a mistake at Istvaan, and as a result a great many lives were lost, including his own. Your Legion's stubborn refusal to acknowledge that mistake and continue to blame your allies for the loss that day, while seeming to take some form of perverse satisfaction and pride from having lost your Primarch is, frankly, disturbing and ignorant. Ferrus Manus was a great Primarch and tactician, but he was also human and he made a mistake. The flesh may be weak, but it seems the minds of those Iron Hands that outlived their father is weaker."

*After a long silence the breacher of the Tenth raises his fist to silence all...*


"Son of Nocturne, we do NOT remark on how according to some our father died as result of a mistake for WE, closest to him, know nothing of the ways of gods and demi-gods... You DARE act as if you are better than our Lord, MY FATHER and your uncle?! Would you be sharp of tongue and arrogant of word had it been YOUR father's blood staining those black sands? I think not! You are a selfish hypocrite and deserve all the backlash you receive."

"The Sons of the Tenth know nothing of the ways of "gods and demi-gods"? Be careful, brother, for you begin to sound like one of Lorgar's whelps. And was it not one of your own brothers of the Iron Hands who was presuming to judge upon the actions of the Emperor a short time ago? And yet you seek to call me out for judging the actions of Manus? What was it your brother said again....ah yes "Not once did I say that I was greater than the Emperor (or in this case Manus). Pointing out His flaws allows Him to make more efficient and swift decisions in the future". Or at least it would if he had survived his mistake. I think it is clear where the Legion of hypocrites stands. Had Vulkan fallen that day then we would acknowledge his failure, because the Salamanders are pragmatic enough to do so. It is our watchword and the teachings of our Primarch. Would we be angry and defensive? Of course we would, but you cannot deny the fact that the Gorgon committed the Imperial forces to the assault on Istvaan too early.


At the end of the day the facts are simple: Ferrus metaphorically lost his head, and as a result he literally lost it as well."

((Ever since Slipstreams suggested I do a different Legion, I've actually been meaning to reintroduce myself as a different kind of Terran White Scar than BL has shown us. Just been waiting for a good jumping in point.))


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