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Blood Angels 3rd Company - with first BatRep


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Blood Angels 3rd Company


So I have kinda fallen off the face of the earth for the past year and had to sell almost everything that I had. So now that I am grounded again and I have my head above the water and can breath. I thought I would tackle a new project of building a complete company. I have chosen a modern 3rd Company Blood Angels. So my list as follows:

Captain 135
- Power Axe
- Storm Shield

Reclusiarch 130

Honour Guard 185
- Blood Champion
- Company Standard
- Meltagun
- Power Fist
Rhino 50

Tactical Squad 205
- Meltagun
- Missile Launcher
- Power Sword
- Plasma Pistol
Rhino 50

Tactical Squad 170

- Flamer

- Missile Launcher
Rhino 50

Tactical Squad 210

- Meltagun

- Lascannon

- Power Fist
Rhino 50

Tactical Squad 185

- Flamer

- Heavy Bolter

- Power Sword

Rhino 50

Tactical Squad 190

- Plasma Gun

- Lascannon

Rhino 50

Tactical Squad 175

- Flamer

- Plasma Cannon
Rhino 50

Assault Squad 250
- Flamer

- Plasma Pistol

- Power Fist

- Plasma Pistol
Rhino 15

Assault Squad

- Flamer

- Plasma Pistol

- Power Sword
Rhino 15

Devastator Squad 235
- 2 Missile Launchers
- 2 Heavy Bolters
- Power Fist
Rhino 50

Devastator Squad 245
- 2 Lascannon
- Multi-Melta
- Plasma Cannon
Rhino 50

Dreadnought 105

Dreadnought 120
- 2 TL Autocannon

Dreadnought 115
- Assault Cannon

Dreadnought 140
- Lascannon
- Missile Launcher


So this is a 3500 point list and is very versatile. I am looking for some feedback or pointers. I am also going to start posting somethings like WIP and battle reports. 


EDIT: Update the list to include all the gear list. 

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You might want to replace two of those regular dreads with furiosos. Fragiosos might be best. A second plasma cannon for the devastator squad would be better I think. You can combat squad them and have a quite versatile fire team in your hands. I would also get two sanguinary priests with jump packs and a jump pack librarian instead of the reclusiarch.

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You might want to replace two of those regular dreads with furiosos. Fragiosos might be best. A second plasma cannon for the devastator squad would be better I think. You can combat squad them and have a quite versatile fire team in your hands. I would also get two sanguinary priests with jump packs and a jump pack librarian instead of the reclusiarch.


The only problem that I have with that suggestion is that according to page 9 of the Blood Angels codex. Furiosos are only found in the first company.


Now for the suggestion for the second plasma cannon. I assume that is for this squad:


Devastator Squad 245

- 2 Lascannon

- Multi-Melta

- Plasma Cannon

Rhino 50


Now is the suggestion to drop the multi-melta for the second plasma cannon or go two plasma cannon to one lascannon?


Also there is no evidence of Sanguinary Priest or Librarians being naturally deployed with companies and I have a strict adherence to the codex astartes. Lastly what would I do with a Jump Pack Librarian in the list? Would I drop a Rhino from the Assault Squad to attach him to it?

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You might want to replace two of those regular dreads with furiosos. Fragiosos might be best. A second plasma cannon for the devastator squad would be better I think. You can combat squad them and have a quite versatile fire team in your hands. I would also get two sanguinary priests with jump packs and a jump pack librarian instead of the reclusiarch.


The only problem that I have with that suggestion is that according to page 9 of the Blood Angels codex. Furiosos are only found in the first company.


Now for the suggestion for the second plasma cannon. I assume that is for this squad:


Devastator Squad 245

- 2 Lascannon

- Multi-Melta

- Plasma Cannon

Rhino 50


Now is the suggestion to drop the multi-melta for the second plasma cannon or go two plasma cannon to one lascannon?


Also there is no evidence of Sanguinary Priest or Librarians being naturally deployed with companies and I have a strict adherence to the codex astartes. Lastly what would I do with a Jump Pack Librarian in the list? Would I drop a Rhino from the Assault Squad to attach him to it?



Battle companies are not static entities as far as I know. Units get attached to them all the time, hence terminator squads getting deployed by third and fourth companies. First companies being deployed by themselves is a quite rare event. What I mean to say is battle company structures are flexible during deployment. 


Same goes for librarians and priests. It is known that the priesthood and the librarium are not battle entities. They do not go to battle by themselves. So they must be getting deployed somewhere. And I am pretty sure we don't deploy them just with the first company. Sending thirty librarians and twenty priests with a single company doesn't make any sense anyway.


I would go with jump infantry for your assault marines. You already have 6 tacticals with rhinos. And I do believe the assault marines we have in battle companies generally prefer jump packs if some other factor is in play.


I would go with 2 lascannons and 2 plasmas. Combat squad them into 2xlas and 2xplas teams.


And I am being practical here. We do know battle companies take stuff with them so it wouldn't bother me taking a limited amount of rare units but if you are going purely by codex than ignore what I just wrote. 

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Well I want to build a company not a strike force. I do like the idea of adding a second plasma cannon. I also like the idea for the assault squads not having rhinos, but I worry about them getting shot to death as they try to make it across the table. I was working off of what I have lying around and keeping new purchases to a minimum. What about putting the assault squads in a drop pod and dropping the rhinos and flamers for meltaguns.
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Well I want to build a company not a strike force. I do like the idea of adding a second plasma cannon. I also like the idea for the assault squads not having rhinos, but I worry about them getting shot to death as they try to make it across the table. I was working off of what I have lying around and keeping new purchases to a minimum. What about putting the assault squads in a drop pod and dropping the rhinos and flamers for meltaguns.


They do get shot. Thats why I have priests and librarians with them. I am winning games left and right these days. Call it a lucky streak, but my ten man assault squads with a priest and a libby are actually winning me my games. I don't like being shot to death after I disembark from a transport so I tend to go with jump packs. If I am going to get shot anyway I should at least be able to charge after I move. 

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you can add the priests and Libbies, they would just be seconded ti the Coy. for the duration of a campaign just as land speeder crew (and Speeders) could be seconded from the Eight Coy. or Tanks seconded from the Armoury. 

You will still be building a fluffy Third but with elements added to it so it could perform battlefield tasks more efficiently!

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Problem is right now I have 0 priest and no librarian according to the fluff.


No company has them. They are from a separate department, and are attached to strike forces as needed.


It is in the fluff that a sizeable strike force will probably have a chaplain, priest and librarian, maybe multiples.


For a company sized strike force, they will most definitely have all of them.

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  • 3 weeks later...
So I have a game coming up in a few days I will be posting and it should get interesting. So I have a complete 3rd company with no support vehicles. I will be playing against the entire 4th company of ultramarines the same with no support vehicles. What is interesting is that for the death company I will be using the old supplement rules. For each squads red thirst roll is as follows. On a 1 I will get red thirst and have the fearless and FC, but on a 2-3 nothing happens. On a roll of 4 or 5 I induct someone into the death company my choice. On a roll of 6 I get to induct and roll again. For every 5 I successfully induct a dread can be inducted as well. What do you guys think of this rule change? All wargear will be the same upon induction. Minus the dread who will get equal in wargear to the converted one
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So I had the opportunity to play company against company today. It was the Blood Angels Third Company versus the Ultramarines Fourth Company.


Blood Angels

Captain w/ Power Axe and Storm Shield


Honour Guard w/ Company Champion, Company Standard, Meltagun, and Power Fist w/ Land Raider Redeemer


Tactical Squad w/ Plasma Cannon, and Flamer w/ Rhino

Tactical Squad w/ Missile Launcher, and Meltagun w/ Rhino

Tactical Squad w/ Heavy Bolter, Flamer , and Power Sword w/ Rhino 

Tactical Squad w/ Missile Launcher, Plasma Gun, Power Sword, and Plasma Pistol w/ Rhino

Tactical Squad w/ Lascannon, and Plasma Gun w/ Rhino

Tactical Squad w/ Multi-Melta, Meltagun, and Power Fist w/ Rhino


Assault Squad w/ Plasma Pistol, Flamer, Plasma Pistol, and Power Fist

Assault Squad w/ Plasma Pistol, Flamer, and Power Axe


Devastator Squad w/ 2x Heavy Bolters, and 2x Missile Launchers w/ Rhino

Devastator Squad w/ 2x Plasma Cannons, and 2x Lascannons w/ Rhino


Dreadnought w/ Multi-Melta

Dreadnought w/ Assault Cannon

Dreadnought w/ 2x Twin-Linked Autocannons

Dreadnought w/ Lascannon and Missile Launcher


Opponent's List

To be added later. 


Mission: Maelstorm 3

Night Fight: Yes

Deployment: Blood Angels

First Turn: Blood Angels


Blood Angels Pre-Game: So it was decided that if we wanted to do a forge the narrative battle I would need to some how generate death company. So using the old rules from the supplement codex in 3rd ed I would roll my dice for red thirst as normal. On a 1 I get Red Thirst, on a 2-3 nothing happens, 4-5 one model from that unit succumbs to the black rage, and on a 6 one model goes and I roll again. I rolled one red thirst and 9 models went to the death company in the fill in Dark Angels Land Raider Crusader. Since 5 models went I was also allowed to roll for one dreadnought who also succumbed. My Warlord trait was to generate one additional tactical objective my first turn.




So Blood Angels Deployment: I decided that a wall of armor was my best approach since we are doing short end to short end. I evenly spaced out my firepower for both sides and decided that I would just pincer him on his table half with the large building blocking most line of sight in the middle.




Ultramarines Deployment: It was evident that my opponent was going to do the same since we are equally matched. Since I won the roll for deployment and elected to go first my opponent rolled to seize and won. Ultramarines steal first turn.





End of Ultramarines Turn 1: Took the half way point of the board. Took a few hull points from some vehicles nothing destroyed and nothing lost for the Blood Angels due to night fight and making some saves. He Did Manage to complete an objective taking the lead.






End of Blood Angels Turn 1: In the movement phase I just moved all my vehicles forward. Wanting to get more firepower and complete my objective I disembarked both the death company and command squad. On the right flank I moved my vehicles around the forest since there was enough space and use it to try and reach the backfield early game to deal with some of his back line troops. In the shooting phase on the left side I focus fired everything I had into the Command Rhino. Taking a lot more than I wanted it to I was left with little left to shoot on that side. So moving to the right I focus fired some of his rhinos wanting to get him to disembark early. In the Assault phase since I did not destroy the rhino in the shooting phase the death company assaulted it forcing a disembark form the squad inside. End of the turn I completed one objective and scored first blood.


BA 2/Ultra 1


More to come......

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That's pretty much the same configuration as my own Honor Guard, really looking forward to hear about how they did..  (My standard bearer also has a power sword because hey why not? Though I'm considering changing that to a chainsword, to be frank, rather costly).

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Ultramarines Second Turn


Movement: So the Assault comes up the left side towards my Rhino trains. The Ironclad Dreadnought moves towards the Death Company and Multi-Melta Dreadnought moves towards the Land Raider Crusader. On the right Rhino moves towards my back line and my combat squad Devastator. Last his Assault squad moves into position of my Honour Guard.


Shooting: Opens fire and takes out a couple more hull points. First Rhino goes down on the right side.


Assault: Assault Squad moves in on the Honour Guard and destroys them and create a line in the consolidation move. Ironclad fails its charge range on the Death Company. Second Assault Squad moves in on the first Tactical Squad having a draw in combat. 





Blood Angels Second Turn:


Movement: Moved the second Assault Squad that I forgot about in the first turn up behind the Land Raider Crusader. Dreadnoughts move forward and block the Rhinos from moving this round. Land Raider backs up to get a good line on the Assault Squad with the Flamestorm cannon. Last Dreadnought moves forward to stop the advancing Tactical Squad.


Shooting: This round I took out a couple rhinos and the full Assault Squad. Also shot the Tactical Squad with the Death Company.


Assault: Death Company killed the remaining members of the Tactical Squad and consolidated into the forest near by waiting for the incoming Ironclad. 





End of Second Turn: BA3/Ultra4

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