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New to BA: suggestions on kitting out SG, DC, and DC Dread?


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OK, so I forked out the $ for Space Hulk, because I missed it last time.  So I decided to drop even more dough and build an army.  Don't really have a theme--this one is for fun, because I want to use models I like the look of, like the over-costed Sanguinary Guard.


So I've found a few threads on good loadouts for Sanguinary Guard and Death Company, but most of these hail from 5th edition days.  I'd love to hear about good 7th edition loadouts for these guys.  


For the Sanguinary Guard, I'm thinking a single powerfist, maybe 2 infernus pistols, and the rest armed with the Glaives.  (Do the axes now count as glaives too?  Or are they considered power axes?)   I'm going to support this squad with a Jump-pack equipped Sanguinary Priest.


I don't have any ideas about Death Company--currently the squad size is at 5.  I'm liking a Thunder Hammer but these costs add up quickly.  Suggestions?  What's worked?  Also going to back these up with a Sanguinary Priest.  I plan on magnetizing the backpacks/jump packs.


Also any suggestions for the DC Dread would be appreciated.  


I also currently have in the army:  

HQ: Reclusiarch (magnetized backpack options), Terminator Librarian, Librarian

Elite: Space Hulk Termies, 5 TH/SS termies I've had sitting around

Troops: 10-man assault squad (melta, no jump pack), 10-man assault squad (melta, jump packs)

Transports: Stormraven, Rhino



I appreciate any input--I want to assemble this army and build on it, but want to choose flexible and effective loadouts for the squads.  Thanks!




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First of all, welcome to the BA family! Secondly, be advised that a new BA codex is likely going to be released in the next couple months, so things could change. 


To answer your question, when fielding DC, I try to keep them as cheap as possible. I typically will upgrade no more than a single model to either a PF/TH. Skip the jump packs, because with the current codex, the cost for adding jump packs is just not worth it. I'd recommend against your thought of running these guys with a Sanguinary priest (they already have FNP). Save the 50 points and run them with a Reclusiarch instead. 


As for Sanguinary guard, the latest codex FAQ addresses the glaives, they are either power axes or swords. I typically run mine with two axes and three swords, although upgrading one of the axes to a power fist is rarely a bad idea (only 10 points). When running them in a squad with Dante, I typically upgrade 2-3 of them to inferno pistols (his deepstrike no scatter rule combines perfectly with the 6" melta range on the pistols). Without Dante, I usually don't bother with the pistol upgrades. I often pay the points for the banner upgrade (+1A really goes nicely with all those power weapons), but skip the masks. Also, like you indicated, running them with a jump pack sanguinary priest is never a bad idea. The FNP definitely helps make up for the lack of invuln. These models are very pricey, so keep them the hell away from AP2!


Regarding DC dreads, I really like them with blood claws (which go nicely with their WS5). Just be warned that this model will draw ALOT of fire from any opponent that knows what it can do (as will your DC infantry). 


As for future purchases, I very highly recommend some sternguard and drop pods. 

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Thanks for the answers!  I wasn't aware there was a new codex on the way--can't wait to see what new options it'll hold.  So I may hold off for a bit, or order extra magnets, or maybe distract myself with painting my Black Templars while I wait.


I'll probably put the death mask heads on the Guard anyway--I like the look better, but won't use them as such.  I'm going to paint them (along with the death guard) white.  So a black-painted Reclusiarch will look great with them.


I could see using the extra Sang Priest with the foot assault squad.  I figure if I'm going to use up an Elite slot with Sang Priests, I might as well take all 3.


As for Sternguard, I have 10 in a drop pod loaded with combi meltas for my Templars, and they work very well.  So always a great suggestion!

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I'll probably put the death mask heads on the Guard anyway--I like the look better, but won't use them as such.  I'm going to paint them (along with the death guard) white.  So a black-painted Reclusiarch will look great with them.

If you're magnetizing anyways, why not magnetize the masks? It's just 15 magnets per squad.
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Or just use the mask heads, and don't pay for the upgrade?


Magnetise the packs, if you can be bothered. 


I use DC with packs anyway and they're awesome in small squads. 10 guys with packs...well, you could remove the packs and get another dread...


I want to use models I like the look of, like the over-costed Sanguinary Guard.

^^Is the best way to do it. I love the SG and want another unit (or two). All mine have masks and plasma pistols modeled on (Plasmas count as infernus) because it's awesome.

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I'm in a similar boat. The Sanguinary Guard models are what made me want to collect BA in the first place. So far I've built a Dante, 5x SG, and 4x death company with a view to making Dantewing but now I'm holding off on further purchases waiting to see what happens with the new codex which is rumoured to be coming soon.
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