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Repair in flat out?


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Is it possible to repair with a techmarine while riding a transport flatout?


Hmm, the crux I find is that you repair in the shooting phase and while driving flat out, you aren´t allowed to shoot. But is repair shooting?


Merged double post, Dam13n.

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The Blessing of the Omnissiah rule in Codex: Dark Angels says the techmarine may repair something instead of shooting his weapon. I'm inclined to say that if you can't choose to shoot then you can't choose to forego shooting to do something else, but that's far from being a watertight interpretation.

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Still waiting for a rulebook with the claws any action taken in leu of shooting/ moving/assaulting counts as that models shooting/moving/assaulting and a model must be able to shoot/move/assault in order to make such an action.


Or a more elegantly put version.

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Well at least for C:SM I would say yes. The Blessing entry says that instead of shooting he can try to repair a vehicle that he is in base contact with or embarked upon. Well when you are embarked in a vehicle with no fire points(like a LR) you can't shoot. So based on that, being able to shoot something isn't a prereq for being able to repair. I think the not shooting part is in there to prevent you from shooting and repairing, though it is worded poorly.

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Can you shoot outside of the shooting phase?

Overwatch and Interceptor say hi!


To go flat out do you need to give up your shooting phase?

The Vehicle does, as does any passengers using a Fire Point. No other restrictions are noted.


The Blessing also isn't noted as being affected by the Vehicle's Movement in C:SM.

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