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Fighting Eldar in 7th

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So I recently played against an eldar list and my Salamanders got massacred so it's got me thinking maybe my loyalists won't work against them as a infantry heavy list just gets cut to pieces, and that maybe I should dust off my Thousand sons as their invunrable save would help.
So how have people found facing the eldar in the new edition? I know our codex ain't great but it does have some tricks which may work, so what have people been using or found to be good against the xenos

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My Salamandaers are infantry, not drop pod list the eldar one looked like this
Jetseer with the mantle of the laughing god (Ghost helms are really good now)
2 3 man jetbike squads, a guardian and a fire dragon unit that hid in serpants the whole game (scatter laser and shurican cannon)
3 war walkers with a pair of brightlances, 6 dark reapers with exarch, 7-8 warp spiders and a wraithlord with twin bright lances.
He stole the initiative, and was able to destroy my dread pretty quickly, a combinatation of poor luck and  serpant shield (why they needed the offensive ability I don't know, I feel sorry for Falcons). His farsser went for Presience, guide and shriek.
I'm thinking Thousand sons would have enough dispel dice to actually be able to shut down a spell or two reliably, plus my Thousand sons are mechanised so that would help. 
The main issue is I think the most I'd need to try and take the eldar on is more raptors or a helldrake, where as I would have to shift my salamanders from infanrty to drop pod, which seems to be what most people with marines do

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I'm thinking Thousand sons would have enough dispel dice to actually be able to shut down a spell or two reliably, plus my Thousand sons are mechanised so that would help.

Thousand sons are good against High S low AP weapons, and as good as normal marines against AP4+.


Eldar happen to excel at putting out boatloads of AP4+ shooting. Your TS will die just as quick, for almost twice the price.


Mechanised means nothing when a serpent can put out 7S6 and D6+1 s7 shots per turn, all twin linked.


Basically, you need mass S6/7 weapons, and stuff that ignores cover.


2x lvl3 divination sorcerers will sort you out. Either Crimson slaughter, or ally in daemons of tzeentch. Actually, lots of horrors may be best.


Eldar dont really have any flier defence, other than their own flyers, which aren't great.


They also dislike deepstriking. Termicide plasma squads will do the trick. 112pts for 3 guys, 3 combi plasmas, will possibly take down a 150pt serpent in one round.Or maybe meltas.

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I think any troop bar plague marines in most codecci is going to suffer against eldar, but I like to think it's possible to at least get something usable out of our codex, the idea with Thousand sons is to give me a unit that won't be evaporated by the lance spam or the Reapers, and to give Ahriman another warp change for his biomany rolls.
The terminators do sound good, I'd proberbly for the plasma guns just so if they scattered more then "12 away from a serpant they could still try and get it, plus I've found just trying to get the number of hits on them rather then penetrating hits due to the new verhicle rules.
I'm also thinking as well as the drake, a fiend could be a good idea, though it competes with the obliterator/las pred slot, so the drake would edge other on it just for that.
Maybe noise marines in cover could be any good with a blast master, getting hits on the serpants and hopefully killing the mantlejet seer in one go.
Does Ahriman's trait apply to raptors in this edition? If so infiltrating a ten man unit with flamer, meltagun and bombs and mark of Slaanesh could be good to get in quick and take out some things that way?

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If I could hard counter I would:

  • Use Deep Strike Mayhem Pack, DS Oblit and / or DS TDA Combi-Melta against the Wave Serpents
  • Use Noise Marines and / or  Heldrake against the Jetbikes and other Troops
  • Use ally Plague Drones (with Rot Probs and lead with Instant Death Balesword) against the Wraithknight
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